View Full Version : PS3 : PS3 repairs

05-02-2010, 11:34
My PS3 decided to stop reading blu-rays, games and DVDs last Thursday night. No warning, just stopped working.
Was rather peeved considering it was only 6 months old but the Sony call centre were decent enough at helping out. Arranged a courier to pick it up Tuesday morning (they did offer Monday first though) and a PS3 refurb with a few extra months warranty came back at 9 this morning!

Very impressive turn around I'd say. Certainly much better than when I've had 360s in for repair, even when I've received 360 refurbs back.

I know someone (Nokkon :p) will mutter about how PS3s are inferior and shoddy :p But I'm happy to have it back :)

Oh and I know the sales of goods act etc. Wasn't worth the hassle for me personally as I bought it online and in hindsight I doubt the turnaround would have been much different!

A weekend of blu-rays beckons :D

05-02-2010, 11:55
Glad to hear it was repaired quickly. They only have 12 months normally don't they?

05-02-2010, 12:00
Yeah. Although from googling around it sounds like they're pretty decent at doing free repairs later in the console's life too :)

05-02-2010, 12:13
really?? that is great news

05-02-2010, 12:35
It depends what you want to compare the PS3 to. It's a better Blu-Ray player than a 360 for example. People do put words in my mouth regarding the PS3 and Wii.
The build quality IS shoddy though, everyone I know now bar Daz and Leo have had to have their PS3's replaced now.

I've always praised their repairs and turnarounds though.
As for repairs in later life, the people I know who've had theirs die later in life have had to pay. I was told in a really bitchy way that they simply wouldn't replace my last one for free again.

05-02-2010, 12:40
everyone I know now bar Daz and Leo have had to have their PS3's replaced now.

Well I've only had mine just over a month :p

Joe 90
05-02-2010, 18:07
pipe down Nokkon :P

my PS3 is still going strong and it was my only gaming platform for a long time. I've had it a while now actually... 3 years maybe - wow, and GT still hasn't been released!

Now its sat without power on top of my Xbox.

05-02-2010, 19:37
My PS3 hasn't died yet, and hopefully will stay working for some time, especially with Heavy Rain due at the end of the month!

07-02-2010, 01:12
It depends what you want to compare the PS3 to. It's a better Blu-Ray player than a 360 for example. People do put words in my mouth regarding the PS3 and Wii.
The build quality IS shoddy though, everyone I know now bar Daz and Leo have had to have their PS3's replaced now.

I've always praised their repairs and turnarounds though.
As for repairs in later life, the people I know who've had theirs die later in life have had to pay. I was told in a really bitchy way that they simply wouldn't replace my last one for free again.

18 Months going strong, used daily and not a single problem (Touch Wood)

07-02-2010, 01:35
The build quality IS shoddy though, everyone I know now bar Daz and Leo have had to have their PS3's replaced now.

It's a Sony tradition that the drives die though. ;)

Doesn't matter what the hardware is - the drive mechanism will croak.