View Full Version : NSFW : Eve phone sex call... She didn't have a clue!

19-02-2010, 00:30

This may not mean much to non Eve players but I think it's funny whether you get it or not - The poor girl is trying hard and doesn't have a clue.

You really have to listen all the way to the end, I nearly wet myself laughing!

Joe 90
19-02-2010, 01:57
this is funny. I didn't think eve players were capable of this kinda thing. but lets me fair, he concentrates far too much on making sure his game is going ok!
she really is trying too hard with that voice going on like that though!

ROFL... don't know anything about eve... but "moon goo" - "would you like some of the goo?" ROFL!

19-02-2010, 12:25
I actually struggled to get through this. I ended up closing it after about 90 seconds, it was just uncomfortable. She was totally doing my head in too. Seriously, who finds that sexy?!

19-02-2010, 15:42
If you closed it before the end you missed the best bit.

19-02-2010, 20:02
Absolutely brilliant :D

21-02-2010, 23:27
Ah funny stuff :D

24-02-2010, 23:25
If you closed it before the end you missed the best bit.
Bye, bye BYE, bYe, bye-bye ;D