View Full Version : Legion

24-02-2010, 09:38
Oh man this is rubbish! The whole film is constructed of plotholes, so much so that at times I found myself wondering if I had fallen asleep and missed something. Paul Bettany is OK in it but the guy who plays Gabriel, in fact the whole Gabriel character is flawed to breaking point. There is a character called Jeep, a main character dies in a car crash and the rest of the cast shrug despite the fact that they had risked their own lives to help her earlier. God is a bit fickle about the whole destruction of man kind thing and despite being omnipotent sends useless zombie angels to repeatedly attack a shack in the middle of nowhere whilst getting moan down with machine gunfire rather than lightning bolting the place...................... ,apparently rare steak is the same as raw steak ........................guns never need reloading......................you can break an angels neck with a frying pan......................... Gabriel is Batfink.

Actually I've changed my mind, this film is hillarious :D


24-02-2010, 10:08
The trailers made this film look good then :(

24-02-2010, 11:55
You know those computer game trailers which only show the cut scenes and not the actual game footage........

If you've seen the trailer you've seen the best bits of the film, if you thought it looked in anyway like Constantine like I did then you will be gravely disapointed


24-02-2010, 12:01
cheers for the heads up MB I'll give it a miss :)

24-02-2010, 16:13
I thought it looked comically bad from the trailer. The bad guy person was in Lost as the merc called Kimi and before that he played a Goa'ould in Stargate.

Its a film with this guy in it;


24-02-2010, 17:38
To be fair that guy put in a very passable appearence in 3:10 to Yuma but as Batfink Gabriel carrying a revolving steampunk mace he wasn't really given much of a chance.


25-02-2010, 21:53
I now have a copy of this, might give it a whirl

26-02-2010, 00:24
I didn't think it was that bad, just one of those films you dont have to think about.

26-02-2010, 19:58
Aww saw this in NY on posters everywhere - was well excited. A few sources have said it's poop now!


Was hoping it would be ace. Hmmm. May watch on doovd.

26-02-2010, 21:12
Me has it on dvd now, so will lend it ya.