25-02-2010, 12:43
Unpasturised and unhomoginised!
I've found that my local supermarket sells unhomoginised milk, but not unpasturised (as it's against the law). Only farms can sell unpasturised milk. Milk which as been unpasturised contains so many nutrients that are destroyed as part of the pasturisation process. I'm very tempted... it's a little expensive, but damn if it's not delicious! (I get raw milk whenever I go to France and stay with family in the countryside).
Unpasturised and unhomoginised!
I've found that my local supermarket sells unhomoginised milk, but not unpasturised (as it's against the law). Only farms can sell unpasturised milk. Milk which as been unpasturised contains so many nutrients that are destroyed as part of the pasturisation process. I'm very tempted... it's a little expensive, but damn if it's not delicious! (I get raw milk whenever I go to France and stay with family in the countryside).