View Full Version : Tsunami Inbound

27-02-2010, 17:40
Well this could be fun. Feel sorry for the people of Chile, 8.8 earthquake struck late last night.

We've got a tsunami inbound to Hawaii from it, no exact measurements for it so far. Currently expected maybe between 4-6ft, at 500mph. It should be hitting the south of the island rather than our north-east, but it's expected that if it's any size it will wrap around the coast and still strike us, or at the least result in higher water.

No blanket evacuation orders currently, but they've marked out areas to avoid, a number of beaches and shopping centers are closed, and I'm making sure water supplies are good.

Here's hoping we get some decent information soon: http://www.prh.noaa.gov/hnl/pages/news.php

27-02-2010, 18:03
Thoughts are with you all. Keep us updated dude.

27-02-2010, 18:14
Hope it all comes to nothing..

And as above, keep us updated.

27-02-2010, 19:26
I asked about the threat of a Tsunami in the thread on OcUK.
I wish you all the best mate. :)

27-02-2010, 20:13
Expected to hit in around 2 hours time if my calculations are correct, good luck.

27-02-2010, 20:16
Expected to hit in around 2 hours time if my calculations are correct, good luck.

Pretty much it, 2 hours 15ish from Oahu, about 2 hours from Hilo/Hawaii itself. The island of Hawaii is expected to bear the brunt of it.

27-02-2010, 20:16

Thinking of you and yours out there Jarp.

27-02-2010, 21:20

Take care.

27-02-2010, 22:37
Hope you guys are OK out there mate, keep us posted :)

27-02-2010, 23:07
As the others have said, hope you are both safe. Keep in touch when you can. :)

27-02-2010, 23:31
:( hope you and Kari are ok!!!

27-02-2010, 23:34
KHON are saying the timing of the normal waves are cancelling out the tsunami waves somewhat, so waves are 3ft instead of the 6-8ft forecast. Sounds hopeful - though no all clear for an hour or so.

27-02-2010, 23:35
Looks like we're safe. The Pacific Tsunami warning center is utterly baffled why we appear to have had such small waves. They're not cancelling the warning just yet, but they're now not expecting anything more serious.

Was quite startling the speed with which the water was pulling out of the bay, thankfully it was just 6ft trough to peak.

There are a fair number of morons already back in the water though despite the drastic things it does to currents.

27-02-2010, 23:37
Hopefully they've evacuated to high ground and it'll all be a big anti climax

edited to add - Hurrah!!

28-02-2010, 00:20
Something that amused me, just after the first wave hit Hilo, before we had a good sense of scale, some of our applications started alerting at work. Someone was trying to register and make sure they'd paid their Hawaii Unemployment Insurance.

28-02-2010, 00:21
Something that amused me, just after the first wave hit Hilo, before we had a good sense of scale, some of our applications started alerting at work. Someone was trying to register and make sure they'd paid their Hawaii Unemployment Insurance.

28-02-2010, 00:43
You get alerts for that? Quality! :D

28-02-2010, 10:14
Glad it petered out :)

28-02-2010, 18:41
You get alerts for that? Quality! :D

Only when someone manages to find a way to break the idiot-proof application.
You know how it goes, "no matter how well you idiot-proof your application, there is always a bigger idiot".

01-03-2010, 08:29
Only when someone manages to find a way to break the idiot-proof application.
You know how it goes, "no matter how well you idiot-proof your application, there is always a bigger idiot".

Ohhhh yes that is so true!

On a seperate note, it sure is Chile with no windows and doors..

01-03-2010, 15:02
Ohhhh yes that is so true!

On a seperate note, it sure is Chile with no windows and doors..
Too soon! You should at least let the dust settle ....