View Full Version : Oil Drum?

02-03-2010, 16:43
Other than ebay any idea where I can get an oil barrel from, to make a BBQ. Not many on ebay and the closest suitable one is in wales which means bridge fees and petrol. It can't be one with a lid with the metal rim clamp.

Anyone built a Oil drum BBQ?
Was thinking 30mmx30mmx3mm angle bar would be strong enough for a frame, reckon I would get away with smaller?

Is there any paint which would survive direct contact with hot coal and not produce fumes?
I'm assuming this stuff is only good enough for outside and not inside.
http://www.handytools.co.uk/acatalog/Handytools_Catalogue_Plastikote_Hot_Paint_Woodstov e___BBQ_Spray_3094.html

02-03-2010, 16:58
Are you doing it just for kicks or to save money etc?

Only Argos have one here (http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/3450389.htm) for £60 which is great - I had one for 3 years outside and it was probably the best BBQ I've ever used - bloody resilient and cooked umpteen BBQs on it over the years. Proper size grill too for cooking stuff slowly as well.

02-03-2010, 17:00
Are you doing it just for kicks.

For kicks more than anything.

02-03-2010, 17:03
Fair enough :D I remember looking at this a few years back - places I was recommended were farms, scrapyards and commercial garages - might be worth ringing round any of those on the off-chance they might have some spare? :)

02-03-2010, 17:13
scrap yards is a good shout, could also see if they have any angle bar and anything else.

Also wanting to make it so I can fit one of these

although that would be a latter addition at that price.

02-03-2010, 17:42
Tried your local motor dealership? If it's a big place, they often buy their oil in large drums and would probably be happy for you to cart an empty one away.

04-03-2010, 03:53
Also check hardware stores for nail tins. I don't know if they come in metal cans anymore, most are in boxes. But it's worth a shot.

06-03-2010, 15:04
Not built one but eaten off one. The angle iron you suggest was about the same size as what was used on that one, and a piece of the finer grade mesh that's used for reinforcing concrete was the tray thingy for the food. Expanded metal mesh, the diamond pattern stuff, also works.

As for paint, try exhaust enamel, available from most motorcycle dealers. Or as it's more for kicks leave it bare. It will take the weather a helluva long time to rust away the exposed steel if you just throw a small tarpaulin over it when not in use ;)

A full size 55 gallon drum may be a bit big unless you're planning on a big barbie, maybe a smaller drum would be more useable?
Hope this helps :)

29-03-2010, 11:23
Muhhhaahhhaaa well i picked up a barrel at the weekend. Just waiting for my house deposit to come back. So I can buy the rest of the stuff I need.

29-03-2010, 12:15
Pics! :D

29-03-2010, 17:12


Now just need to find a few other bits can find the angle bar, wood, pipe, rotisserie parts.

But so far can not find suitable mesh or a wood handle with metal bracket.

29-03-2010, 18:01
Metal Supermarkets will have all of that stuff in stock and you buy just what you need rather than full 7 metre lengths. There are loads of them up north :)

What model is the welder?

29-03-2010, 18:10
It's a Clarke MIG Welder 135TE (Turbo) (http://www.machinemart.co.uk/shop/product/details/135te-turbo-mig-welder)

Yeah I know where my local wood merchant is, but not sure where my metal one is. will have to find out.

30-03-2010, 18:47
No, the shop is called Metal Supermarkets :D

Park Royal (London) 0208-961-1414
Leeds 0113-238-0900
Gateshead 0191-487-2144
Southampton 0238-022-0999
West Bromwich 0121-553-4424
Coventry 0247-636-6567
Govan 0141-440-1300
Redditch 0152-768818

07-04-2010, 15:27
Haven't got one down here. got some of ebay though.
After looking in B&Q they wanted £17 for 1meter :eek:, £40inc postage for 14meters.

well some parts have arrived and I missed two other parcels. I hope one is the rotisserie, so I can finalise how I'm going to chop the barrel up and how it all fits together. Have Friday off work so hoping for a dry day to crack on with it.

Still haven't seen anything ideal for the grill yet. So if anyone has any ideas.
Also what's a good wood to use for the shelf bit and how would you treat it? varnish, stain, oil?

work bench, mitre chop saw and 7 lengths of 25x25x3x2000mm angle iron



I better do a good job, the amount I spent I could of got a high quality bbq.

07-04-2010, 23:31
I better do a good job, the amount I spent I could of got a high quality bbq.

The thought did cross my mind ;D

15-04-2010, 12:58
The thought did cross my mind ;D
It's more for the fun and because I wont to. Rather than any money reasons.

We have progress


Although stupid rotisserie hasn't turned up yet :(.

Don't know if I should cut it in half or just cut a panel out of the front.

And yes my welding is ****, nothing a grinder can't smooth out after an hour.

and who knew 14meters of angle iron would not be enough :(. I swear someones stolen some.

15-04-2010, 16:02
Not particularly happy with my wood cutting skills, was hoping B&Q would do it on a machine, but they can only do small stuff :shocked:
Haven't even got a file to clean the ends up.



15-04-2010, 17:46
If it helps, clamp a straight bit of 2x2 or 2x4 on and use it as a guide to saw against. Then you'll get a nice straight, square cut. If you're cutting across the grain don't forget to score your cutting line and it'll stop the end getting ripped up.

For your welds it looks like you've got about the right power setting but grind the edges of the two bits of metal so you're welding into a V. It'll ensure you get good weld penetration and the weld will be a bit neater to boot. The other thing is with black steel like that, the scale on the outside melts at a much higher temperature than the steel does, so the V helps get a good weld started. Don't forget to wire brush the weld afterwards and get all the brown powdery stuff off or it'll rust really quickly.

15-04-2010, 18:04
cheers for the tips jonny, it's been about 10 years since I last done stuff like this. Feels great just to potter around in the afternoon. Joys of garage and garden.


16-04-2010, 11:51
Grinding down my "welds"

first cut

we have separation

Mmm staining (painting is boring)

1st coat of varnish all I'll get time to do today (did I tell you how much I dislike painting)

Painted frame (dropped it and bent the corner, hopefully should be able to bend it back.

16-04-2010, 11:58
Joys of garage and garden.

16-04-2010, 14:18
Looks cool! You have a decent size garden and patio too, nice one!

17-04-2010, 11:34
Just had a catch up in here.....that looks ace :D

17-04-2010, 20:26
Cheers guys, yeah pretty large garden.
BBQ on it last night, no where near finished, but worked a treat although it was far to hot untill I finished cooking. Remeber for next time even though grill is very high 5kilos of charcoal is to much. i was surprised as it was only about1.5 coals high and the grill way above that. Wasn't expecting to get that much heat of it.

Still no sign of the rotisserie I ordered. Fired them an email, so hopefully get a reply on Monday.

Friends actually suggested getting a suckling pig and when I said I had already looked into it and how much it costs, they said they would all throw £10 in. :D


Oh and if anyone has any ideas on how to have an adjustable grill shout away. Was thinking of cutting the wire panel I have down and welding a frame to it. But as for adjusting the height easily, all I can think of is complicated ways.

17-04-2010, 20:52
That looks tidy man! I'm very impress by your handy work i must say :)

Oh and definitely pig pig pig, go for the pig, that would be superb ;D

17-04-2010, 21:59
I'll second the pig! Seen it done - twice - while out in North Carolina. Pig Pickin' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pig_pickin%27) - Nom! (but find a decent recipe - they vary, a lot) Takes bloomin' ages but it's oh so worth it!

18-04-2010, 09:22
Oh and if anyone has any ideas on how to have an adjustable grill shout away. Was thinking of cutting the wire panel I have down and welding a frame to it. But as for adjusting the height easily, all I can think of is complicated ways.

Go to a breakers yard and find an old oven. pull the shelf rails out of that, weld to either end of the drum (inside) and voila! Just slide your cooking tray/grill into that :)

Looks pretty damn awesome already though, sir :)

I too advocate the cooking of pig!

21-04-2010, 12:17
woot just had a phone call, rotisserie is being delivered tomorrow, so can get on with the rest of it.

22-04-2010, 11:01

Just need to work out how high it needs to be and how I'm going to mount it.

22-04-2010, 12:46
Oooooh that looks good, how much did that cost if you don't mind me asking? My dad might like something like that for his home-built BBQ!

22-04-2010, 13:03
so far
Oil drum ~£10
Angle Iron £45.10 (25mm x 25mm x 3mm x 2000m x 7 pk) not enough Need another 2 maybe 3 meters.
rotisserie £65
Wood £12
Wood stove Paint £6 probably need another can
Stain ~£5
Varnish ~£5
Screw bolts £6
Fencing mesh £5.20

22-04-2010, 16:17
can't find a place that sells all the metal I need to finish it off.
can find most of what I need on ebay, but not from same supplier and postage is expensive on metal.

Which we had that metal supermarket down here.

Also anyone know what the smallest angle iron available is?

Mild Steel Round Tube 76.2mm x 3mm - 1meter
Angel Iron 25mm x 25 mm x 3mm - 2meters
Box section 20mm x 10mm x 1.5mm - 2meters

And then some of the smallest angle iron you can get.,. but no one seems to have any 1-2mm thick.

06-05-2010, 00:54
Just saw this at Argos! http://tiny.cc/6amsz

03-06-2010, 16:03
where's the fun in that.

Anyway finally started work on it again
Welded the lid on, not a very neat job. As the cutting the barrel in half was not very straight. something to rectify when I make version 2.

Has anyone got a rotisserie bbq?
Was wondering how far the spline was from teh nearest side?
I assume it needs to go as far away from the charcoal as possible, but obviously you need a good gap between the meat and the lid. Any idea what the largest diameter part of a suckling pig will be.

I also burnt both inside slats while burning teh hydraulic oil out of the lid :(. Everything got a bit hot.

However my welding is improving so much and I'm getting very good penetration and it's a lot neater.




04-06-2010, 12:46
When does the first meal commence?

04-06-2010, 13:01
Are you planning on painting it at all or do you wish to keep the rustic look/memories of it's origins? :)

04-06-2010, 13:05
When does the first meal commence?

Already bbq on it a few times. Hopefully more or less finish it this weekend, but of to Spain next sat. So probably a few weeks until the first rotteseri.

Planning on painting it, have some bbq paint. not sure if it will work with direct heat though.

06-07-2010, 15:17
Well been lazy since I got back from Spain.

but started up again, which hasn't gone well.
Grinding disc shattered and hit my arm. Then set myself on fire, several cuts to the hand as well. Had to make several trips to get more grinding discs and mig wire.

But it's coming along now.

It was all a bit flopy and as my cuts weren't straight was a bit messy. So welded some support rails in.


can see how much teh bar has pulled the drum out straight

Bar on the lid, needs grinding down flush, can really see how un straight my cut was

Other side

And eventually one side of teh rotteseri fitted

Still a fair bit to do. Doesn't help the scrap metal I have is covered in plastic paint like stuff which needs to be ground off and many lengths are to short so need welding together.

Still need to make a big box for the rack and the side mounts for it. Then a lot of wire brush and a paint.