View Full Version : Animating Photos

Joe 90
09-03-2010, 16:31
I've got a series of 24 images, much like frame by frame stuff of a touchdown run from a football game recently.

I wanted to patch them all together into a gif or video file - yesterday I tried to use After Effects for it but it didn't prove too great. It identified some missed frames (it was all shot on a stills camera) and I'm still a little new at the production side of AE

Is there a way of doing it with any other Adobe software or perhaps something far easier still?

09-03-2010, 19:35
I've done it once before ages ago by layering all the images in Photoshop and then importing into ImageReady but I don't think ImageReady has been included beyond CS2.

edit - looks like CS3 onwards can do it all within Photoshop:


Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
09-03-2010, 21:50
I do an animation unit in work and use software called MonkeyJam. Might be worth a look :)

Joe 90
09-03-2010, 22:03
cheers. Just got to get it to save correctly now. first attempt at a save as gif didn't prove to animate and saving as avi lacked all the colours - had lots of green pixels in the blacks

Joe 90
09-03-2010, 22:28
hurrah - got it down to a decent file size vs quality :)


09-03-2010, 22:29
Thats really good, Id have a good one flying over Manhattan :D

Joe 90
09-03-2010, 22:41
Yeah I did it with Photoshop CS4 - really simple stuff :)

You just have to tweak the settings - thats the most time consuming part.