View Full Version : Name the game quiz

13-03-2010, 12:49
Not quite the same as Haly's game and not my doing but thought people might be interested in having a go at this: http://www.arcadeaid.com/challengingstage/quiz.htm

13-03-2010, 13:19
Ooh that looks tough but fun :D

13-03-2010, 13:47
Good stuff! I have 23 so far. Some I can make words from them but can't fit them into games. Will have another run through later. The soldiers standing around the truck is a good one - I hadn't heard of the game but got it from the 'Catchphrase' style clue. :)

13-03-2010, 15:00
Got 7 so far :(

Some I swear are right but apparently not :(

13-03-2010, 15:06
Awesome. Do you have to be logged in for it to work?
It doesn't want to accept any answers from me.

EDIT: Nevermind. A refresh seems to have fixed it.

13-03-2010, 15:34
31 right and really starting to scratch me head now

13-03-2010, 16:40
refreshed and started again and it's stopped taking entries again :(

13-03-2010, 17:23
26 right for me, some I should know but can't get right yet.

13-03-2010, 19:00
Really scratching my head at 38. Some of the ones are tenuous at best, which is a shame.

15-03-2010, 21:57
30 and I'm struggling. I bet I know a fair few of the others but they just aren't clicking into place.
EDIT: now 37

22-03-2010, 03:36
Is it sad I only got 5? LOL

25-03-2010, 15:04
Got 22/56. Not bad considering the fact I've not heard of most of them. :)