View Full Version : Hmm, what would Radical want with Allegro parts?

14-03-2010, 21:33
Just sold my last Allegro parts on ebay, and someone who works for Radical has bought them???


Admiral Huddy
16-03-2010, 09:48
The Allegro was my first car. Built like brick **** house they were. I had a PA system under the bonnet which was fixed using the wing bolt. Problem was when I exceeded 50mph, the wing use to shudder. Great for shouting obscenities and passing young ladies though - god i had class back then. :p

Wrote it off when I turned my head looking at a couple of birds at a bus stop.. Didn't see the car turning right into a petrol station. Turned the car over in a ditch!! I got one of the girls numbers which was a result!

16-03-2010, 10:10
... I had a PA system under the bonnet which was fixed using the wing bolt...shouting obscenities...when I turned my head looking at a couple of birds at a bus stop...turned the car over in a ditch...one of the girls numbers...
You, sir, are my hero.

17-03-2010, 14:50
Roffle on the floor @ Huddy ;D

Here's a brown turd family hauler:


Admiral Huddy
17-03-2010, 18:10
ha I've not seen a brown car for years :)

Checkout the exposed front axle !!

17-03-2010, 22:39
Good effort Huddy ;D

Turns out the fella has an Aggro that's quite a talking point round the place. Cool beans!