View Full Version : A Piece Of History.

Von Smallhausen
22-03-2010, 17:53
At HQ, there are files and information galore in the archives which include unsolved cases from nearly a hundred years ago.

One such file unearthed was an old intelligence file on the Kray twins from the 1960s which included their mugshots from when they did a stint in HMP Durham.

The file was typed but so detailed and was a real gem to find, especially to those with an interest in organised crime such as myself and this file is the best part of 50 years old. Such associates listed were Freddie Foreman, Tony Lambrianou and other faces of the time.

I found out about this file and asked the press office if I could have a read through them which was okayed and I spent the best part of my dinner hour reading it. Other interested readers were the Chief Constable and it has attracted interest from crime writers.

A good home for it was being considered and I suggested the crime museum that the Met have in London. This was agreed by the powers that be and the lass who will be taking it down gets a free day out, guided tour and a free lunch while the person who suggested it gets, you guessed it, nowt. There's gratitude for you.

Anyway, it was a priviledge to read.

22-03-2010, 20:55
I'd love to read that.

22-03-2010, 21:45
Me too, really interesting! :)

22-03-2010, 22:25
Such associates listed were Freddie Foreman, Tony Lambrianou .

Freddie foreman is The Man & linked to Untold criminal activities over the last few decades, Whether it be the Krays, the Knights or even Kenny Noye you can be sure Freddie is in there some where. Allegedly ;)
Tony on the other hand is known for something quite different.

Von Smallhausen
22-03-2010, 22:31
Funny thing is JSB, I read quite a lot on organised crime and the Kray era is very interesting but the Richardsons are far more interesting to read about and, I think anyway, that they were the real power in London's underworld at the time.

23-03-2010, 09:45
Difference between the twins & the Richardsons is like Chalk & Cheese, In my mind Charlie Richardson will Always be a Top boy where as I have No time at all for the Krays.