View Full Version : Harry Carpenter Dies.

A Place of Light
22-03-2010, 19:48

Sad News.

semi-pro waster
22-03-2010, 19:56
Sad indeed, that's the voices of rugby and boxing gone now. Do you think Murray Walker should be getting nervous?

22-03-2010, 21:05
I have to say, I'd never heard of him. But sad news anyway, RIP Harry.

22-03-2010, 21:16
Immortalized by Frank Bruno's "Know what I mean, Harry" and such a distinctive voice, shame :(

Von Smallhausen
22-03-2010, 22:28
Very sad to hear. His double act with Big Frank was TV legend.

I can see Frank Bruno and Muhammad Ali, both big fans of Harry, being very sad today as well as many others in the boxing world.

22-03-2010, 23:02
Saw this on the news earlier. Very sad news - the guy was a legend :(