View Full Version : Power Management policy

24-03-2010, 14:49
Work won't sign off 2.5k to get some proper power management software even though I can prove an ROI in 12 weeks :blighter:. Their solution is "Put up some posters to remind people to power down".

Has anyone ever had a crack at doing this inhouse. Ideally to be distributed by GPO's?

24-03-2010, 15:31
Doesn't enerygstar something or other do some shiz like that? Seem to remember our old school computers (ok this was over 6 years ago easily :p) had power profiles like i think you're suggesting. Ie they logged everyone out at the end of school, and then started shutting down, or would standby instead of screensaver. All done over group policies afaik? Totally out my depth just what i've seen :)

Joe 90
24-03-2010, 18:50
you on about shutting PCs down?

Uni have a simple batch file on every PC to shut them down after 30mins inactivity - thats surely an option?

24-03-2010, 19:39
Surely just the power management options in windows will be almost as effective.
After 5 mins inactivity - turn the screen off
After 10 minutes - spin the hdd's down
After 15 minutes - sleep mode

Can be done through policies too.