View Full Version : PG does Race for Life!

Princess Griff
25-03-2010, 13:38

I am probably going to regret this, but I have signed up to run Race for Life in Bristol on June 12th! :s

I am not, and I repeat... NOT, a runner!

So although this is a small race compared to some of you lil athletes it is a pretty big one for me!!

So please pleeeeease inspire me to keep going by donating!!

Here is my fundraising page:


Thank you so much guy, LOVE AND HEARTS TO ALLLLLL!!!!

(Ps - good luck wishes also welcome :D )

25-03-2010, 14:28
Well done you! :D

I'm really enjoying seeing so many people fundraising, setting themselves challenges and getting out for some exercise :D

Don't belittle your own event! - A challenge is a challenge, comparisons aren't needed (thank god or Eddie Izzard would be making us all look pants! :p) just support and the knowledge that your efforts will be going towards helping others :)

I'm really proud of you :)

25-03-2010, 15:45
This is such a coincidence - I'm doing the "Race for Business" later this year!

25-03-2010, 15:56
I'm not a runner either Emma, and this is my 5th year! It's addictive. Well done for making a difference :)

25-03-2010, 16:14
I have sponsored you on the condition that you try and run the whole way. Good luck girly. Who knows, you might enjoy it. This time last tr I wasn't a runner either!!

25-03-2010, 16:32
^^ echo Kate. I've chucked a few quid into the pot too.

Princess Griff
25-03-2010, 19:23
Thank you ladies!!!! I will def try and run all the way!!!

Best actually buy some trainers first though.... :S

26-03-2010, 08:26
I am not, and I repeat... NOT, a runner!
Then dance your way around ;D

Seriously, I'm sure you'll manage just fine :)