View Full Version : Bloody EDF

26-03-2010, 11:23
Started digging up our street the other week to replace all the electricity cables. Not a major problem as it's just some roadworks you have to live with. All the poles are coming down eventually and the cable are all being run underground.

Came home the other night to find this monstrosity running up the front of our house...


It just totally ruins the look at the front of the house. An old red brick victorian building with a nice bit of chunky conduit cabling stuck on the front. They couldn't even manage to run the cable above the brick archway on the door.

Grabbed the site manager this morning and told him I wasn't happy and it's not staying like that so he's going to see if it can be changed. They can deffo run the cable above the door neater but not sure about the upright section. I want it closer to the window and without the conduit.

26-03-2010, 11:28
Don't get me started on EDF, who have so far managed to delay a project by almost a year!


26-03-2010, 11:29
That's ridiculous. Surely they can see that's not acceptable.

26-03-2010, 11:40
That's ridiculous. Surely they can see that's not acceptable.

You're forgetting the fact that they don't give a toss.

26-03-2010, 11:46
The guy this morning was nice enough and understood but not sure how much I'm going to have to push to get it sorted. The cable coming down from the top will be removed but that black trunking is crap. If they can't do it neater I'll just take the trunking off...I don't care if the cable is armoured or not.

26-03-2010, 20:01
Come home tonight to find the cable totally removed ;D

The trunking is still there for now though so I'm going to try and catch him again and ask for armoured cable and no trunking :)

26-03-2010, 21:59
Looks like it's back to candles for you lad :D

Good to hear that they actually did/doing something about it though

26-03-2010, 22:32
Time Warner cable firm did something similar indoors at our last apartment. I'm glad I'm just a tenant and not actually the owner or I'd have been livid. There were plenty of things they could have run the replacement cabling and trunking along, like the edge of the kitchen units, but instead they put it slap bang down the middle of the wall. Genius, utter genius.

All the while it's not their place, what the hell do they care :-/

26-03-2010, 23:40
You would be shocked by some of the things that utilities do be it electric, water, gas or phone/cable etc. **(or even the council's own contractors).

Working within the Roadworks Coordination team for highways, it’s never a dull day!

27-03-2010, 09:34
They could at least use brick coloured trunking!

A lot of the houses and flats I survey have been rewired. All the original stuff is nicely chased into the walls, but the new stuff is all surface mounted in horrible conduit, even runs across the ceilings! Looks awful :( I'm sure it's done for cheapness, but even so there's no thought gone into aesthetics :(