View Full Version : Bit out of touch - T Mobile network?

27-03-2010, 14:51
T-mobile have some crazy call packages at the moment, especially with the HTC Desire. e.g.

Desire 130
24 mnths @ 15

Gives you:-
300mins x network
unlimited landline
unlimited internet (3gb)

TCO = 490


Phone 160
24mnths @ 10
100/100 mins & texts
unlimited net
unlimited landline
£5 extra unlimited texts

TCO - 520

Which isn't much more than you can buy them sim free!

Now years ago when I last looked for a phone T-Mobile used to be a shoddy network that dropped calls all the time with bugger all coverage. Along with 3 they used to be a rubbish.

Has this now all changed and are they now ok? 100 mins to another mobile isn't much but I'm not really a big chatter on the phone anyway.

27-03-2010, 14:56
Seems fine to me. Had my phone since mid December and not had any problems with signal.

3G is patchy in my house working only in the bathroom and on top of my bedside table.

Outside and it picks up 3G straight away.

Also a source tells me that the T-Mobile/Orange merger was officially inked in the last month with network/masts expected to be shared by Q2 2010....

27-03-2010, 15:21
I've been with T-Mobile for a few years now. Don't have any complaints, they have always been good to deal with.

semi-pro waster
27-03-2010, 15:56
Just got a T-Mobile contract myself and the signal is a little bit dodgy at certain places in the house it's been fine everywhere else so far. They were also offering 18 month contracts which are cheaper/better than the rest of the other networks.

27-03-2010, 16:43
Been on T-Mobile for a couple of years now, no complaints really. 3G signal is weak at work, but I can still make calls, and I dont need the data connection there anyway :)

27-03-2010, 17:16
I was with t-mobile for a few years but switched to o2 this year as they were even cheaper. I'd much much much rather be with t-mobile again. You don't realise just how shoddy the o2 network really is until you try and use it "properly". Data is slow as ass, call's are dropped and just far less likely to be decent quality etc... than i have EVER experienced with t-mobile. Cannot wait to leave in September :) Thankfully i only took a 12month contract :p

27-03-2010, 17:34
Thanks all, I am taking the plunge.

Rather than a 24 month contract, I'll pay a little more for an 18month one. The reason is that in 18 months time smart phones will have moved on a bucket load. Already they are talking about 1.5ghz dual core solutions, on a phone!!

In the end I've gone for:-
18 mths @ £20/m
300/300 with unlimited landlines
unlimited net
phone is £130

Giving a TCO of £490
Minus £20 quidco

The 24months was the same price, but I can see me wanting a new one before the time is up. Hopefully by only keeping for 18months as well it will still be worth something on ebay :)

Now I'm not going through the mad hunting again for another 18 months :D Btw, I rang up o2 retentions and they were rubbish, offering an Iphone or Palm Pre with lousy packages.

27-03-2010, 18:37
Should be interesting to see what happens with T-mobile once they've finished merging with Orange. In theory coverage should be absolutely awesome, though no doubt they'll start taking down some towers.

28-03-2010, 03:58
Already they are talking about 1.5ghz dual core solutions, on a phone!!

Yeah but battery life is either only as bad or worse, so its not really an advancement. Until we sort the battery/energy problem with phones, they'll still be fairly useless :p I love the android phones, and i want a desire, but i've chosen an e51 for its keypad (i seem to be the only person now days who see's the benefits!) and its mental battery life compared to any other phone on the market :)

28-03-2010, 15:44
Yeah but battery life is either only as bad or worse, so its not really an advancement. Until we sort the battery/energy problem with phones, they'll still be fairly useless :p I love the android phones, and i want a desire, but i've chosen an e51 for its keypad (i seem to be the only person now days who see's the benefits!) and its mental battery life compared to any other phone on the market :)

I'm with you on the keypad front.. Apart from
iPhone keyboards which are amazingly easy and quick to use!!

28-03-2010, 16:09
I'm with you on the keypad front.. Apart from
iPhone keyboards which are amazingly easy and quick to use!!

Can you use an iPhone keypad without looking at it, or barely taking it out your pocket?
Full screren phones are still a trade off. And at the end of the day no matter how cool it is to have a full screen webpage and video etc.... i know really most important is the tactile feedback on my phone for quick interaction for myself losing half the phone to a physical keypad is only a good thing!

28-03-2010, 18:59
I'm wanting a decent android phone with a qwerty keyboard. Due to the crappy way the cell phone system works out here, without changing provider (at silly expense) the only option I've got is a Motorola Cliq, which isn't all that great. I'm thinking I'll probably buy a Nexus One in a month or so, but will still have to keep my N810 around for those days when it looks like I'll be doing a fair bit of sysadmin stuff remotely.

29-03-2010, 17:59
I was on T-Mobile 2 years ago and their coverage was frankly shocking in SE London and Kent. I switched to O2 to guarantee I could actually use my phone somewhere I went :(