View Full Version : House of DOOM

16-04-2010, 16:48
Hey hey kids!

Apologies if I have been elusive a little while now, always busy it seems and never have two ticks to spare as such... and now things are going to become even busier!!

Last night I went along to a house auction and ended up bidding and winning this 1930's 3 Bed Beauty:


The owner passed away 7 years back and had lived there all her life but not once decorated it within the past 50years... can you tell?

Looking out into my back garden... that washings been there for over 7 years:

Back Garden from upstairs window:

Beautiful Staircase:

This is the upstairs back bedroom... the dress and handbags I think is a little shrine to the deceased Mother of the property from 7 years back... creepy!!:

Kitchen with me Pa:

Toilet when I flushed it....! Hahaha:

More pics here: House of Doom FB Pics (http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=208971&id=512358221#!/album.php?aid=208971&id=512358221)

It's MEGA minging and I LOVE IT! Move in date (although won't be able to move in until central heating is put in and bathroom sorted) is 13th May :D YAAAaaaaaaaaaahooooooooooo!! Plan is, is to do it up and flog it within a year (unless I go travelling next year then I'd rent it once it's done up whilst I'm trekking).

So excited though... I nearly threw up at the auction last night from nerves though! Eak! Hahahahaha!

Who wants to come to a haunty freaky house warming party then? ;)

16-04-2010, 16:53

Loving the staircase (although not the toilet :p).

Looks like a lot of work, but definitely worth it :)

16-04-2010, 16:55
That toilet MINGs :D

Do you mind me asking how much?

Looks a good size though.

16-04-2010, 17:01
£137,000 :) 2k above the auction guide line price, £500 under what I offered on it hoping it wouldn't go to Auction.

Done up, should sell for minimum £195k.

Needs 20ks worth of work. Chuck another 10k on just to be safe plus 5k for selling again.

Tidy 20k profit in a year hopefully. :)

Scoooooooore! ;D

Just have to not fall in love with it whilst doing it up :)

16-04-2010, 17:06
Not a bad score at all.

16-04-2010, 17:24
Congratulations on becoming a homeowner. :)

From what I've heard from other people who have had major renovations done there is no chance of falling in love with it all.

16-04-2010, 17:58
Am glad you got the house you wanted. :)

16-04-2010, 18:03
Looks horrific. You're a brave girl! Glad you got it!

16-04-2010, 18:05
Congratulations and good luck :D

16-04-2010, 18:48
Is this going to be on one of those morning BBC One TV shows? ;D

Good luck and hope you can keep the work within budget! :)

16-04-2010, 23:24
Oh my some icky photos ;D

Disturbing question: How does it smell? :shocked:

16-04-2010, 23:33
Surely the only way to sort out that garden is to nuke it from orbit? Just to be sure.

Congratulations! Don't envy you the work though... :D

17-04-2010, 00:33
Blimey, that's some project! Could be amazing though, good luck. Will only come to a housewarming if there's no ghosts!

17-04-2010, 01:13
Looks horrific. You're a brave girl! Glad you got it!

I'm chuffed for ya matey. :cool:

Should have a Party as soon as you get it then we can't wreck the place. :woot:

17-04-2010, 11:41
Lick of paint and it'll be reet in no time ;D

17-04-2010, 11:52
"Oh God! Who pooped in the cistern?!"

Princess Griff
17-04-2010, 13:06
Heheee Im looking forward to getting my hands on that garden!!!

And we have to get dungarees and have decorating parties!!!

18-04-2010, 09:40
Whilst singing to come on Eileen?! :D


Smell wise - it doesn't smell bad at all. No damp anywhere, which is shocking seeing as it's not been lived in for 7 years! :)

No ghosties that I'm aware of pebbsicle so you'll be dandy!

Lozza - the bath is IMMENSE! Proper free standing iron job. Problem is, it engulfs the whole bathroom so it's going to have to come out. :( Might have to take it to a reclamation park if I canny find something to do with it :( BOoooooooo! And dont worry, I'm going to scavenge through everything I can :D It looks ace!

Can't wait, so excited :D The place is a corker and all but the kitchen has proper proper solid thick floor boards. I'm going to be going sanding crazy! :D

18-04-2010, 09:49
If they're left there and I don't need them then sure thing bubba :)

I would looooove to make the bathroom bigger but you just can't. It's a long bathroom with a separate toilet to the side of it, outside wall running along the back and staircase to the other side. Can knock the wall through to the toilet (which I will do) but other than that... no hope I'm afraid :(

18-04-2010, 10:52
God, when you see what you can get elsewhere you really realise how expensive London is :(

137K wouldn't even buy a studio flat needing work in a grotty area round here :(


18-04-2010, 13:48
Wow that's quite a project! The potential is defintely there though - I love the bay windows and the staircase. Good luck with it and I look forward to following the progress.

18-04-2010, 14:45
Bloody hell, that's going to be one hell of a task. Looks like it could yield a fantastic house though. Original dado rails & skirting boards too.

18-04-2010, 14:57
Good luck! Is awesome (if soul-destroying sometimes) doing somewhere up. Just don't fall in love with it!

18-04-2010, 19:20
Thank you people :) I'm very excited! Drove round there today on the way to the beach and looked around the outside of it... it's amazing. Looks like there might be a stack of old vinyls in the shed too...

... something tells me this place is going to be a treasure trove of awesomeness!

Big project for me on my todd and not being close to family (Dads are awesome) but I'll get there!

18-04-2010, 20:30
Does look like there's off-road parking there.

18-04-2010, 21:17
Stick the bath in the garden as a giant plant pot :D

19-04-2010, 07:10
Desmo - already thinking along those lines ;D

Lozza - yuuuuuup! Gonna be sorting that good and proper :) Been awake all night planning it all in my head! lol! Stupidly excited!

19-04-2010, 17:04
Check your phone messages - I think I received a call about this today and it may be urgent, your mobile went straight to answerphone.

19-04-2010, 17:40
Checked bank - numbers have been changed so no idea why they're calling your number. Must be junk calls tbh. Sorry you're getting them though, not good :/

How's your flat coming on?! :) We need more pics of it!!

20-04-2010, 08:37
Oh wow Pheebs! Look at all that potential! I love renovating and am salivating looking at that! I love it!

20-04-2010, 19:01
Very cool house, I would fall In love with it though. Why pay for someone elses decoration you will just change anyway. Know you can do excatly what you want.

14-05-2010, 07:41
I haaaaaaaaave the keeeeeeeys! Hahahaha! Moved a lot of my heavy stuff into the place last night (when I say a lot I only have a book case and a set of drawers! Hahaha!) Going in there today to blitz a number of the rooms (will tear up the flooring in the kitchen/bathrooms/a bedroom and clean that... there's no way of saving the carpet/flooring there! Wooden floorboards through out though! MEGA!)

Electricity - I CAN HAZ IT! Hahahaha! And by the sounds of things the boiler *may* still work... whoop whoop! Getting a million quotes today on everything too - Timber, electricity, plumbing, glazing.

*is excited* :D

14-05-2010, 07:45
Omg... just looked online as noticed next doors house is up for sale... pretty much same spec, done up though obviously (with a conservatory plonked up)... and it's on for £219000! Blimey. That's more than what I was expecting to see for my road.

This only gets better this place ;D

14-05-2010, 10:24
Congrats! :D I'm still doing bits on mine.

and it's next door.......can only go up in value when you have done your place up, lets face it very few people want to live next to a run down over grown place!


Exactly. My house stopped one of my neighbours from selling their house. As soon as I cleared the front and put in new windows / doors they managed to sell it in a couple of weeks.

14-05-2010, 10:52
A new house is the most exciting thing! Especially when you get to take a sledgehammer to bits!

Permission to use sledgehammer ma'am?

14-05-2010, 11:01
Woo! :D

14-05-2010, 13:08
Permission to use sledgehammer ma'am?

There's just no time for permission! *smashes* :D

14-05-2010, 14:34
Really want to come and see this. Its going to be one hell of a transformation :)C ongrats on moving in xxx

14-05-2010, 19:38
There's just no time for permission! *smashes* :D

Agreed! They're gutting the toilets at work and I so wish they'd let us all at it. H&S be damned. Looks like someone had fun with a toilet though judging by the smashed remains in a skip outside. :evil:

It's all go in the housing world it seems. Just got the news my parents exchanged too. :)

Congratulations and hope the forthcoming works go well. :)

14-05-2010, 21:08
Is there anything you can set fire to? I like setting fire to things :D

14-05-2010, 23:19
The whole garden Desmo ;D

Em and James came round and Em ripped wall paper off and had to be semi restrained from putting her foot through an old door/wall thing! Hahahaha!


Aching already but loving it!

16-05-2010, 09:30
It must be Hammer time !


Princess Griff
16-05-2010, 17:03
Me n James went to the *puts on scary voice* HOUSE OF DOOOOOOM!!!!!

I do love pulling full sheets of wallpaper off!

Pheebs it is going to be WONDERFUL!!!! I am so excited for you! (and for me - because I am going to help!)

17-05-2010, 07:05
lol stew ;D Hahaha!

PG - I used your weed spray yester on some nettles outside the back door :D Hahahah!

17-05-2010, 12:58
Good luck with it all Clare! I must book in a visit!

BB x

14-01-2011, 01:42
Mini update... just downloaded some photos... wow they're old! Have done loads more but here's a taster. I will take some more photos tomorrow!

Original Kitchen (photo from hallway)

Original Kitchen (photo from other side of kitchen looking into hallway) (Oh and this is minus a wall and bricked up larder cupboard of which some BDers had fun taking the wooden panel out of ;))

Ripped out the above. Had plaster chucked up and then plonked these in (I put them in over a bottle or two of wine as it was annoying me... and amazingly... when I woke up... they were all level! Sweeeeet!

Oak tops were put in:


This photo is from the backbedroom looking down the hall. The old stud wall there was being taken down and I was moving it forward a bit to make a square room (was a funny shape) and make the bathroom a couple of feet bigger meaning I could have a normal bath in it without being major squished. Where the ladders are was where the original toilet used to be (the one with the gunky flush in the above photos). The wall behind encloses the old bathroom which I knocked through too and had supports put up to join it altogether for a big bathroom!

This is the wall behind the ladder which I had taken out! See old bath propped up against back wall!

This is my stud wall! I was mega impressed! I tell you what... nailing wood in the ceiling that's over 6foot long by yourself is NOT an easy task. I ended up with a very sore head after it thwumped me on the noggin!

And for about a month plus (altogether about 2 months of no hot water) I had only this for my water supply:

Needless to say when you end up looking like this everyday...
... (and that's actually me pretty clean compared to how I looked half the time... black plaster SUCKS!)... the lack of hot water and a bath SUCKED! A bucket and screw tap with FREEZING water was... well not nice! Plus I had no or little electricity and certainly no heating! I had to abuse friends showers, swimming showers and works showers!

And yeh. The above has come on so much again... I'm in the finishing stages now and will get some more photos sorted in the next few days! Just a mini update in the interim! :)

14-01-2011, 13:11
Ahhhh dust! :D

Amazing progress! :D

14-01-2011, 13:15
I wanna see the new pictures!

14-01-2011, 13:25
Well done m'dear! Wow amazing work!

BB x

14-01-2011, 14:35

Looking good.

14-01-2011, 16:07

House looks good too!

14-01-2011, 18:01
I tell you what... nailing wood in the ceiling that's over 6foot long by yourself is NOT an easy task. I ended up with a very sore head after it thwumped me on the noggin!Must...resist...urge...to...laugh.

18-03-2011, 09:34
Zomg. This thread needs more pictures.

Interior is almost done!!!

Painting like nuts I am (was up at 5am and painting by 6am this morning... canny sleep at the moment) as carpets going down on 31st!

This morning I have to drain a radiator as there's a leak going on there which is blooming annoying. Flipping heavy rad too so me Pa said he'd pop over and help out (whoop whoop!)

Monday I will finish off glossing (BOO HISS BOO) and then crack on with tiling kitchen walls and out back floor.



Amazing! I've not had a sofa in over a year now! Amaaaaazing!


Front room is painted a crown Isobelle colour which is gorgeous... have to finish cutting in. Linky to colour: Isobelle Colour (http://www.crownpaint.co.uk/colour/1142/isobelle.htm?rg=18)

It's going to look stunning with the following furniture in it (yet to be delivered):


Other double is a almond whitey colour with nice oak furniture to go in and then the study/small double is a mellow sage colour.

I will get proper pictures Sunday and show you where I am at!

Looking at buying another property now... although it looks like funding maybe an issue with this one still going! If I don't get it - bum. If I do.. WEH HEY! I will be *the* excited! :D

18-03-2011, 09:40
Oh and exciting news too... I've currently only spent (including carpets which aren't down yet) £14k. The garden and exterior will possibly be £6k but I think more around the £5k.

I personally thought it would cost about £20k to do up... but chucked on another £15k to be sure buuut... I'm £10k under budget really :D

Amazing. Happy days! Only difference is it's a hard market at the moment. I have to say though, my place is starting to look like the mutts nuts and after viewing various about of similar styles it will put them to shame.

Haaaaaaappppppppppppppppppppy DAAAAAAAAAYS!

18-03-2011, 19:59
Want to give me a quote for sorting my place out?! ;D

Nice work though given the state the place was in when you moved in. :)

19-03-2011, 21:13
Zomg. This thread needs more pictures.

Agreed. Post on.

21-03-2011, 12:57
So what is the plan? Live in it? Rent it out furnished? Sell it?

21-03-2011, 13:05
Shes selling in May iirc!

21-03-2011, 13:15
What she said /\/\/\

Got paint pots about at the moment and camera is charging but once that's done I'll go snap happy and take a few of where I'm at!

Am excited :D Nearly time to wave goodbye and start again! WOOOOOOOOO! :D

21-03-2011, 13:39
So are you selling it furnished?

21-03-2011, 13:56
No no :) Well.. white goods (minus washing machine, I will yoink that from the utility). I *may* leave blinds as due to the window sizing they're going to most likely be useless in the next project I move on to.

I've bought bedroom furniture I've always wanted (well.. enough to deck out one room fully minus my ideal bed and a wardrobe and chest of drawers for another). This is on order and due to arrive in the next 2 weeks. Also have a sofa turning up tomorrow which is very neutral and new stock in a well established furnishing company which was MASSIVELY reduced to.. probably a normal priced 3 seater sofa. I still need to purchase dining room chairs and tables.

All of the above is coming out of my savings which I've held back but will be coming with me to my next project. I've purposefully pushed the boat out with it and bought what I want and good quality as I want it to last. Also made sure they're all sensible sizes as I know I will end up in some cottage one day and it'll be diddy! :)

I want the property to look like a home and lived in... not an investment done up sell on property. I have budgeted for the furnishing... which is probably what's left me broke! Haha!

Love property developing but unfortunately what money I make will only get ploughed straight back into the next leaving me empty pocketed! I will be taking out a small lump sum from this profit though to fund my next project so I only have to work part time. But this is partially why I want good furniture, I want something homely to be in each property and. Yeh hard to explain!

Happy days :)

21-03-2011, 15:05
I know what you mean, apparently property sells better when it's furnished, even if the furniture isn't included! Plus you have the advantage of not having loads of junk crammed everywhere as well as trying to make the house look homely when trying to sell!!

21-03-2011, 16:20
It does sell better when it is furnished as people who want to buy a house that is already done up can't see past an empty room to see what it will be like to live there.

21-03-2011, 18:15
Yup indeedy :) Was something I learned as an estate agent! Also, strangely enough, no furniture in a room actually makes the room look smaller than what it is...

... there's some scientific explanation to this I read it in my Focus mag ages ago and then whilst out on viewings took note of room sizes and it was right! If I can dig out the article I will let you know why! :D

Homely so people can imagine their life there. Good days! :D

26-03-2011, 14:02
Can't find my camera kids so photos are coming... just when I've found which handbag I've shoved my camera in!

Just plastered a wall and am now swapping some light switches over (they were wired up wrong by the electrician... such a kernob), installing outside light and bathroom lights then more painting! Phew!

Good news though, a neighbour just knocked on my door and asked if I had any hardcore spare. Unfortunately I don't at the moment but mentioned I was due to smash up part of the drive way next week if he could wait til then... and he then said "Well if I can nick your wheel barrow for a few hours would you mind if I came and smashed it up myself?"

Well slap my thighs and call me jonah! Wasn't gonna pass that up! So he's now outside sledgehammering away!

Happy days!

26-03-2011, 17:55
lol, as a chat up line, the neighbour asking if you have any "hardcore" beats asking for a spare jar of coffee or sugar!! lol.

28-03-2011, 14:51
*breaks for a minute*

I am HOT as hot can be.

This morning = fill in fire place areas with concrete and level out (prep for carpets). Attempt to sand GUNKY door frame (had to put nitromors on it eventually, just was bunging up my sander), prime last of skirting boards, nail some floorboards down, measure (not cut yet) some hardboard for gaps, rehung a radiator.

However... just finished skimming a ceiling... bloody hell that was hard work. Last time I do that.

Aieeeeeeeeeeeeee! So much to do, such little time before Thursday!

*glugs orange juice down*

Back to work... YAY! Hahaha!

28-03-2011, 14:56
PS no idea where my camera is. This is making me very grumpy and sad :(

Wondered whether I have slept walked and hidden it somewhere. Have checked bins in a panic - nada. :( :( :(

28-03-2011, 17:33
Hmmm started typing a reply and then realised i'd rambled on about life, we'll skip that one for now, i could write a small book right now! ;D What i basically should have summed it up to it:

This is awesome, it really interests me, and it's something i'd LOVE to do.

How do you really start doing this other than "buying somewhere"

I feel too young and inexperiences for any of that.

Did past experience as an estate agent help a lot?

I'll keep he ramblings to myself :p

28-03-2011, 17:53

I literally stopped about 25mins ago for a break again as I am knackered and I managed to fall asleep for 20mins! Woke when my head dropped and jumped up instantly prepared to kungfu! Ahaha!

LD post away and go nuts! :) I have always ALWAYS wanted to do this. Always. Estate agency has helped me with understanding sales and buying property, also gave me a good insight to how much BS they talk ;) If you really wanna do something like this you do have to know your market. I (sadly) look at rightmove and various other sites at least every other day just to see what's about. I also go to viewings, ring up and ask why things are taking ages to sell etc. Most of the estate agents know me in the area now and I'm back at auctions (although I STUPIDLY mucked up last week and missed one by a day! Wrong date in diary! lol!)

I would say though if you're seriously interested you need to know what you can afford first before getting too excited. Personally I have found Independent Financial Advisors are the best people to talk to - Banks are all about ticking boxes nowadays and are just nightmares.

When you're prepped with that, learn the market (as above), figure out what sells and then be patient for the right thing to come up :) You have to always over budget on costings and always go worst case scenario. I'm generally "glass is half full" me but business wise I treat everything like an apocalypse! lol!

As for learning all the DIY gumph, I'm lucky in that me Pa is pretty DIY savvy and have learned a lot from him/borrowed many tools. But... in general... trial and error. There's only so many times you'll touch a live wire and you soon learn how to plumb when a pipe bursts ;) Plus google is blooming helpful! I've learned plastering by myself although did watch a professional for a couple of months and dabbled when he was about.

In my mind, if someone else can do it, then I can too! Just don't be afraid of cocking up and asking people for advice and help :)

Next on my list of things to learn - decking. Me and wood (ha!) don't generally get on however *touch wood* lately things seem to have worked dandily. I want more than anything a proper proper circular saw though. Will probably invest in the next few weeks.

28-03-2011, 22:15
That's the thing i have a sensible head, i know how to plan, and over plan, and then plan some more. I'm as patient as anything when it comes to getting the right deal be it something big (a flat) or just my next mobile phone, i never really attempt anything and expect results there and then. That's why i think this would really suit me.

Budget wise i KNOW i'd be fine, i'm as you describe yourself, the kinda person to book a return flight only to South Africa 1.5 months ago for 24 days via holland) and then work the rest out as i go along. But when it comes to vital budget or "important stuff" i'm well within my limits, i tend to "round" significantly to the favour of a catastrophe :)

Anyway my father is the same, DIY king and fixes everything for everyone locally. I follow in his footsteps and if somethings physically broken i'll damn well fix it, at times where most people would buy new or look elsewhere... The last thing that worries me about doing any of this would be DIY!

Problem is i don't have any real working capital at all right now and didn't really think of where to look etc... I've obviously only ever rented, everything is that arena is daunting and i generally just can't be bothered, because at the end of the day my salary is beyond pitiful and any type of FA or bank manager would laugh pretty hard i'd imagine. So barriers to entry in my eyes seem fairly huge!

It would suit me fine as i dont care where i live or if i have a permanent abode (you're talking to the guy who spent 6 months in a hostel in the city he "lives" in ;)). I don't have a huge amount of personal belongings that i really need to shift round all the time...

All lots to think about i guess! Really need to sensibly save money before anything, so should probably stop travelling at the drop of a hat!

28-03-2011, 22:15
*oops* mobile internet... :p

28-03-2011, 22:19
Being a perfectionist is gooood buuut... you have to curb your enthusiasm slightly and be sure to know you're doing this to make money annnd as much as you may wanna make a palace you make to sell and profit. All of which I'm sure you'd deal with... but I buckle and whine slightly at the final touches... like carpets. Meh. Didn't want them, cheapest and quickest way to sort the house out though. And ideally I'd like a runner for the stairs. But noooot at £35per metre! Heh.

Move down here, go part time and help me out ;)

*edit* Oh and banks aren't "investing in property" at the moment. I did a rally of them a couple of weeks back and despite the fact I had over two thirds of a deposit for a house and in 4months time (estimation) the rest and in the mean time this property to cover that... they smiled and turned away.

Absolute gits.

28-03-2011, 23:22
Seriously pheebs if we werent opposite ends of the UK then i'd more than consider, only decent thing about my job is its total flexibility, makes it perfect for this kind of work.

Oh well i guess i'll do a lot more serious thinking as i said, i'll entertain the fact, but i dont feel like i'm near any sort of position to start this kind of project, its not something you can pick up and put down!

Cheers! Can't wait to see your finished product :)

28-03-2011, 23:38
Can't wait to find my dagnammit camera!!! It's all changing rapidly and I have no photos of all the elbow grease going into it! Hahaha!

Ahh you'll get there Mr LD :) Might be a bit slow to begin with - if you can get a 10% deposit and then get someone to agree to mortgage the rest on a steady wage then start off small and get to an auction or chase after repossessions. Something will crop up and then just work from your wage to do up. Sacrifices will have to be made though! No holiday for over a year me, and last year I went months without a bath/shower in my home, on off electrics, no kitchen and no heating! My days were working full time then home to do DIY! If you can grin and bare that for a few years you'll be laughing! And weeks like the past couple I've been up at silly o clock and working through to 7pm at the earliest! It's not easy, but if you enjoy it, canny complain!

I'm so fortunate. I do love it though. Absolutely billion percent love it. Although today has been hard and I should really go bed now as so sleepy but cannot move from my sofa! Got a friend coming tomorrow afternoon so need to get my bum in gear early on to finish off floorboards.

*yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwww wn*

Nom nom.

Hopefully after the sale of this one I will have a quick holiday somewhere!

Nuh night. Bed bed. Snooze. YAWN. Better-not-sleep-walk-I'll-be-miffed. *streeeeeeetch*


28-03-2011, 23:42
Hopefully after the sale of this one I will have a quick holiday somewhere!

I know two people (and a cat) on a beautiful pacific island that could provide accommodation ;)

29-03-2011, 10:04
I know two people (and a cat) on a beautiful pacific island that could provide accommodation ;)

This... is... tempting!!!

Very tempting indeedy :D

29-03-2011, 11:58
isn't it! He said something similar on twitter. We should ALL GO!! ;D PILEYONROSIE

09-04-2011, 19:18



Not finished yet, but made out of old broken pallets and bits of wood I found about the place! Need another pallet to do doors and fill gaps but YAY ME!

I am SUPER proud of me! Super proud! I'm normally crud with wood!

09-04-2011, 20:37
You might want to turn the bin round so the handle points outwards. :)

10-04-2011, 16:10

I am SUPER proud of me! Super proud! I'm normally crud with wood!

Oh Wow!! It's beautiful!

What is it??:confused:

10-04-2011, 18:26
You might want to turn the bin round so the handle points outwards. :)

Mark - good plan but the top is able to lift up (well will be when I get hinges) and thus I can chuck rubbish in it without pulling it out! Pulling it in and out is a doddle too :)

Vol - a shed for bins!

10-04-2011, 18:28
Well Done :) Good idea as well, I hate seeing bins and rubbish outside the house.

This thread doesn't have enough photos though :p

10-04-2011, 22:06
Can't wait to finish it :D I have never liked bins outside, especially when it's recycling stuff that can get wet and blow about and things. Going to make an inner shelf on the right hand side to prop the food waste on as well. Cor they food waste bins honk. Totally gross!

Tomorrow I'm having a tidy up and will take some interior photos of where I'm at!

Furniture arrives on Thursday so by Friday I will have wardrobes and drawers and actual homey things! Exciting

Tomorrow = start tiling kitchen (hopefully will do all of kitchen tomorrow and then grout during the week), punch nails down in dining room/kitchen, concrete fireplace in prep for tiles, box in two sets of piping.

Should... get the above done. Mind, I'm having a bit of a dire time with my lower back. Keeps giving way if I bend in a certain way and I kind of just collapse. Need to squidge seeing chiro in somewhere.

10-04-2011, 22:12
Vol - a shed for bins!

Ah, a bin shed....... yeah..... important stuff...

10-04-2011, 22:14
Be careful. If you mess up your back then you won't be able to do up all these houses you plan to. You only get one back, look after it!

Edit: just seen new thread:thumbsup:

10-04-2011, 22:17
Tink - yep I am always mega careful as I can be :) Hate back problems, thus telling postie people to shove their parcels where the sun don't shine ;) Was causing too much stress on my back! See Sport thread - going to the chiro! :D

Vol - Heh it's not that important that's why I built it on my "day off" from DIY! It was more of a fun experimental thing and a bit of a wanna prove I can build something big and woody :D It will look fab when finished and painted up! Doesn't half smarten up your bin area too! I do, however, have splinters galore from it! Had a beauty 1cm splinter on Saturday... it was gross!!!

My life's a bundle of joy, I normally have one day off a week from DIY (today was that day - no DIY at all!) and the rest of it I work 8am tl late on DIY :D

Good thing I love it :D

11-04-2011, 08:10
I dislike DIY. I really hate it if I haven't got the right tools for the job, but otherwise I merely dislike it.

Although I like spannering away on the motor, which is a kind of DIY....

22-04-2011, 20:39
I got to say, having seen her house in person...she can do up my house any day of the week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking from 2 years as a junior architect...awesome work!

10-05-2011, 23:16
Had digger fun time today... garden is finally getting there!



10-05-2011, 23:27
Wow ! Thats a lot of work since 2 weeks ago as well±

10-05-2011, 23:28
Yup! Chainsaw and digger happy! I don't stick around with these things ;)

10-05-2011, 23:52
Big pile of wood = FIRE? :D


11-05-2011, 07:15
Wow! Lawn please. Can I come help throw the seeds about? :p

11-05-2011, 07:42
My God, that's not a garden it's a PARK!

11-05-2011, 08:56
It is huge! Gonna take a bundle load of grass seed as turfing would be STUPID costs! Nightmare!

And yep, bonfires galore! Well I've had probably 3 bonfires over the year and I have a mini incinerator which I regularly use! :)

17-05-2011, 13:06
and I have a mini incinerator which I regularly use! :)

You get through a lot of mini's?

17-05-2011, 15:34


Well looks like I will be turfing the lawn as it's HUGE! Today just tying up a few loose ends indoors giving my hand as much of a rest as I can before I start building walls and what outside! Wheeeee!

17-05-2011, 17:23
photos lady photos

17-05-2011, 19:17
photos lady photos

This! There is a distinct lack of photos!!

17-05-2011, 21:02
Wouldn't have believed that garden possible when I was there last year. Did you find any more toys or other less-desirable surprises?

19-12-2011, 19:26
Bit of a late update!

Been doing so much it's crazy! With new business and what it's been up to eye balls!

Pretty much everything is done now! The house is decorated, fully operational and very homely :) Over the weekend we had fun drilling out concrete and putting up fencing outside! Last bit of fence yet to go up and drive way then needs to be stoned but other than that, done! All done!


We've decided to stay here for the next few months and then rent this place whilst we're away for a year/year and half :) Really chuffed looking back at the photos... it's been a big job and I've learned so so much but loved every minute of it! From sleeping on dusty floors to having only a screw tap for water and a bucket to wash in in winter, to building walls, decking, painting, kitchens, electrics, plumbing bathrooms... the lot. I've loved it!

Some comparison shots for you:

Upstairs there were two rooms separated for a bathroom and a toilet... all a bit manky!

Ripped it all out, knocked through a few walls and rebuilt a couple of studs...

Ended up with this:

There's a sink behind to the left too and cabinet :) And don't worry I didn't get rid of the rusty iron bath nor give it to the gyppos (note... they did try and nick it when I stored it out front but I ran out of the house when it was snowing, in my undies, shouting obscenities to get rid of them! Gits!)



I ripped the kitchen right up! On the right I took out the chimney and part of the wall to make a part open plan kitchen diner with a seated bench area.

To the left hand side there was a larder sectioned off with a window and door (of which Creature took out with his foot ;)) I knocked all this down too, filled in the window and boshed in an ikea kitchen

And now I am left with this... Door at the back goes to the utility room and downstairs toilet. I need to put a glass panel door there buut I am being a bargain princess and waiting for a glass panel door to come up that's cheap (30" door... pain in the bum to find)

Bit of poor photography and WAY too much crap about... but this is the view into the dining room now! Taken on a daaaaaark day when all our light bulbs had blown ;D



All the rooms have been done! Need to move some furniture about but we have a lovely large guest room, a work out/study room (still a double if needed) and our bedroom at the back! I cannot believe I had to live like this last year... I hug my bed every night I get into it and smile remembering the collapsing bed I had and wall paper that would fall off on my head at night! Haha!


All the rooms have furniture and I even treated myself to Dave... my piano! Dave is amazing and has pride of place in the Dining room!



As you know the garden took a heck of a lot of work! Have now got a huuge decking area with steps down... need to cut the railings lower and thread through some rope but not had a chance to pick up any rope yet! Boo hiss!


Painted up the housey (and had fun drawing dinosaurs and things :D)


Big difference... cannot wait to get the fence and stones sorted :) Should take a day to sort! The last thing I will do is dip the front door... but that'll be the grand finale! I tell you what... I was a bit wibbly knee'd at the top of the ladders painting! I dropped a paint brush once and Sam went to climb up the bottom to pass it up and I just screamed like a little girl, clung on like crazy and whimpered! Such a ladder wuss! Haha!


Altogether I budgeted for about £30k's worth of work thinking I could push it for about £20k. I've managed to do everything for £25k! Whoop! Ikea was a bargain for the kitchen and the bathroom was a sale item too. I *could* have reduced the sum down by a grand maybe two as had some help in from a builder who is a legend to do odd jobs. Now I know how certain things are done I can do them myself in future... but for the time I wanted to do it in and the quality (I would have royally messed up on the things he helped out with) he was well worth the moolah! Worked with him all the time though so I could learn!

I have also included the furniture in that sum too... which I didn't budget for before as it's stuff I will take with me. So there's two beds, two massive oak wardrobes, two side cabinets, two large drawer sets, a huge three seater sofa and piano in all of that costing. I will keep all of these items and because I decided to get really top quality I've spent about £2500 on these.

So in theory... I've done it in £22,500!


As said I will not be selling but will get in an estate agent for a quote! Hopefully if I can get some tenants in I will make a tidy £400 easily a month on this place whilst away and they can pay off my mortgage until I return!

19-12-2011, 19:51
a window and door (of which Creature took out with his foot ;))That was a good day.

House looks absolutely fantastic, can't wait to come and see it all nice and completed in the new year.

20-12-2011, 00:01
Fantastic, so jealous, i could just never get any credit to sort this kind of thing out. I did ask around after all. But credit is obviously laughable in this climate apparently... :D

I've lived in the same flat now for close to a year myself, and i really struggle to *not* spend money and fix things up to a plainly nice standard. I hate living somewhere i can't really invest in.

I suppose I could complain to my landlord about the doors that don't shut (no handle/mechanism!), aren't hung straight (open/close themselves), general STATE of the wood floor, rubbish kitchen units (even just changing the doors would go a LONG way). Christ the décor in general is PAP. But it's not worth the hassle or stress of having builders or whatever in, assuming he would agree (he wouldn't), i'd rather just do it myself and reap my own rewards. But why really bother in a place i probably won't stay much longer...?

In the mean-time this flat does a fine job of housing me so i can't complain either i guess... Dilemma!

20-12-2011, 00:32
Hehe chrispy you're always welcome here!! I'm getting a kinect for chrimbo so you'll have to come dance!!

Ld - that does suck :( there's a few part ownership odds out there but its not ideal and always costly :( hoping you can get a deposit together Mr and find a good mortgage. I'm so lucky to be able to do this, its always been my dream! You'll get there :)

20-12-2011, 01:33
Hehe chrispy you're always welcome here!! I'm getting a kinect for chrimbo so you'll have to come dance!!Huzzah!

20-12-2011, 02:05
Funny i wouldn't say it's a dream, but i know i'd actually enjoy it greatly, and would beat renting i guess as well! I'm sure i will eventually. I guess i need to get a real job first as well, and chirst knows how i'll do that!

20-12-2011, 19:23
Haha! Every house should have dinosaurs painted on it :D

20-12-2011, 22:12
I heart your house Pheebs :) Even back when I visited, it oozes so much charm like its owner :)

20-12-2011, 23:09
LD - you can dooo ittt! Become a banana pr0n star ;D

Psy - Dinosaurs, Zombies, Pirates, Muppets and Monkeys. All make me happy :D

Mondo - What are you saying!!? Are you saying I'm over grown, old, muddy, manky and a bit rough around the edges?! ;D Hahaha! Spank you mister :)

21-12-2011, 00:16
Fabulous work pheebs

21-12-2011, 23:31
Do we need to send the police around to arrest your driveway? :p

Having seen the mostly before and mostly after I think you've done a fantastic job with the place - it's ended up with an interesting mix of original character and charm and modern touches. :)

22-12-2011, 00:26
Don't forget dinosauuuuuuuuuuuurs! :D

22-12-2011, 01:39
Aww thank you people :) Really nice to hear!

It's been super rewarding! Looking forward to another project in the future... but first... I have a motorbike to source and a world to conquer! Mu ha ha!

22-12-2011, 10:07
Nice work lady!

24-12-2011, 00:24
Ta lovely pantaloony lady :D

02-08-2012, 16:20

There's a slight change of plan!

As things fluffed up with our timing and we're now delayed until November time(ish) we've decided to bosh it on the market.

Had various estate agents around and despite the fact the housing market has dropped since I had it, the average valuation has been around £185 - £195k :)

We're putting it on the market for £194,950!

Estate agent is popping around and taking photos Monday for the papers on Tuesday so when the ads go up and what I will put links! Quite excited... I've never really had a house on sale properly (they always have gone before viewings have commenced / privately... who knows this might still happen!)!

Which reminds me, must put the house on Gumtree too just incase!

Will put links through when it's up... fingers crossed for a positive sale eh!? :)

03-08-2012, 05:31
What were you expecting to be able to sell it for when you set out? Will it still have been a worthwhile project if you got your bottom value of £185ish for it?

03-08-2012, 11:04
I was hoping for around £195k - £200k when I originally bought it but the market has dropped by around £10k around here!


Purchase: £137k
Renovation costs: £23k (not including furniture which I have to sell on... approx £2k worth of furniture)
Agents / Solicitor fees: £3k (had a deal at the auction and another now so doing alright)

So at £185 I would make around £20k after fees :) Worth it IMO! Could have turned it around much quicker and next time I will do :)

06-08-2012, 16:29
Some final piccies :)










:) Pretty happy with how it's turned out!

06-08-2012, 16:44

06-08-2012, 17:08
Should have kept the dinosaur tbqfh :p

Looks amazing!!!

BB x

06-08-2012, 18:42
I was only there a few months ago...and it looked good then, but this looks fricking fantastic!

06-08-2012, 20:16
Holy frik on a stick! :cool:

08-08-2012, 11:33
Fankoo :D

And yes we liked the dinos :D

Look look look! Wheeee! Housey For Sale (http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-38889278.html)

08-08-2012, 20:14
Wow, lovely house, love the kitchen. Can I get a 70% discount :p

18-08-2012, 12:49
Hehehe! I wish I could... but it's now SOLD!

First family that viewed made an offer which was too low and then this morning came up to a price Sam and I are happy with, especially as they're in rented and ready to go asap.

Lovely family, two young kids... am happy :)

So... t-minus 10-12weeks and we're homeless with no more belongings other than our bikes and a tent! Wheeeee!

Note... LOTS of furniture and stuff to be sold. If anyone on here as seen anything they like or are interested in let me know as I will be selling it pretty pronto!


19-08-2012, 21:52
Hehehe! I wish I could... but it's now SOLD!

First family that viewed made an offer which was too low and then this morning came up to a price Sam and I are happy with, especially as they're in rented and ready to go asap.

Lovely family, two young kids... am happy :)

So... t-minus 10-12weeks and we're homeless with no more belongings other than our bikes and a tent! Wheeeee!

Note... LOTS of furniture and stuff to be sold. If anyone on here as seen anything they like or are interested in let me know as I will be selling it pretty pronto!

Woohoo! Great news

19-08-2012, 22:08
Woot! :D

BB x

20-08-2012, 12:09
Wow great news! Congrats! :)

20-08-2012, 16:25
Well done :)