View Full Version : New 2010 iphone?

19-04-2010, 15:23

Interesting if true!

19-04-2010, 16:12
Definitely no need in a question mark after reading the first paragraph! Someone is clearly getting the chop for that :p

Can imagine jobs the next day:

"Roll call, and everyone bring their assigned prototype units, anyone unable to produce said unit is hereby fired, anyone who doesn't turn up is hereby fired. Have a nice day.

Sent from my iPhone 3GSX*"

*I Made this up ;D ;D

19-04-2010, 16:26
Well at least they didn't kill the employee like they did the phone. :p

Looks interesting. Not sure it's interesting enough to trade up my 3GS though I'd certainly appreciate the design improvements.

19-04-2010, 16:38
I held off upgrading to a 3GS. My 3G is feeling sluggish and the power and mute buttons have falled off. I'm upgrading no matter what.

Front facing camera? Not too bothered. Never use skype or anything.
Better camera & flash. Yes please :D Annoyingly I'll only have 3 months left on my iPhone based 365 to use it on.

I basically want a faster phone with a better camera and OS4.

19-04-2010, 16:54
Ooooo this will be a tough one for me, I like my iPhone 3GS but that looks like a definate improvement, if it's smaller that would be a big bonus as the 3GS feels big in the pocket. I'll still have 6 months of my contract left to run when it comes out, the question is do I get the 2010 six months late or wait for the 2011 :/


19-04-2010, 16:55
I've been to Redwood City. You'd not take your phone out of your pocket, never mind leave it anywhere!

19-04-2010, 19:05
I've been to Liverpool. You'd not take your phone out of your pocket, never mind leave it anywhere!

19-04-2010, 19:09
Been considering an iPhone since Vix got hers, don't give a stuff about the phone itself as I barely use the one I have, just want it for the "Internet in my pocket" aspect. As I'm a skinflint I doubt I'll get the new one but it should make it much easier to get a 3GS on the cheap.

19-04-2010, 19:13
Apart from larger battery, sounds utterly pointless.

19-04-2010, 19:34
I'll be very surprised if that's it. Removable battery? Not a hope in hell.

19-04-2010, 20:06
Where's the removable battery? I don't see one. :confused:

19-04-2010, 20:07
There are various pictures kicking around as well with the cover off showing a removable battery.

19-04-2010, 20:31

Now it's fixed ;)

I didn't see any talk of a removable battery on that review, but then I didn't read from end to end.

19-04-2010, 20:38
Now it's fixed ;)


(Actually, I love Liverpool!)

19-04-2010, 20:42

19-04-2010, 22:14
When's it due to be released? As my contract will be due in late august.... ;)

19-04-2010, 22:15
A week or two after the WDC in June


19-04-2010, 22:16

So it's likely I may be able to upgrade then eh? :cool:

19-04-2010, 22:18
Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference.

Late August you should be fine. That's what I got my 3GS.

19-04-2010, 22:18
World Developers Conference, it's when Apple put Jobs on the stage to announce new stuff.


19-04-2010, 22:28
Cool - then it's looking very likely (if it is going to be released) awesome! :cool:

19-04-2010, 22:40
Apple used to announce stuff at MacWorld but that all got binned off the other year so apart from WWDC you can't really work out when stuff will be announced like the fat nanos, etc :)

20-04-2010, 07:25
I can upgrade my useless 5800 anytime from June onwards, so I may well hold on for this and see what occurs.

20-04-2010, 09:42
I take it back, Apple have officially asked for it back. I'm really surprised.

20-04-2010, 10:00
Yup, definitely seems legit. One too many beers consumed by an employee by the sound of things.

Still, it is just a prototype. The final version may be different, though probably not much different.

20-04-2010, 10:06
Considering that prototypes should be tested into the ground, to ensure that the production version can stand up to everything the general public can throw at it, it doesn't surprise me that it had a removable battery.

99.99% certainty that the production model won't, though :p

20-04-2010, 10:11
Why is a removable battery important? Not a flippant comment genuinely don't know the use of it.

20-04-2010, 10:20
It's important because if you need to use your phone and it runs out of charge you can just swap it. With the iPhone you're stuffed until you find power which I know is an unlikely issue but I can see where people are coming from

20-04-2010, 10:28
Why is a removable battery important? Not a flippant comment genuinely don't know the use of it.

It was actually pretty useful on my old phone. Not everyday. But if you went camping or on holliday. or even just a day out. You could just swap it out.

How many people actually make video calls. I don't know anyone who uses this feature(not even at work), yet all phone companys seem to be pushing it.

20-04-2010, 10:30
I used it once when I got my N73, after that never again.

20-04-2010, 10:33
I've never swapped a battery on my phone and only ever took it out to put sum card in. However I can understand or some people it could be useful. I like the fact it's neat and there's no battery access - it's neater. :)

20-04-2010, 10:39
I've never swapped a battery on my phone and only ever took it out to put sum card in. However I can understand or some people it could be useful. I like the fact it's neat and there's no battery access - it's neater. :)

it,s useful but only if the phone comes supplied with a 2nd battery and separate charger like my LG did. It certainly isn't a attribute I look for though or would clench a deal with.

I do like the fact that the phone doesn't explode when you drop it like a lot of other phones do. Also a good thing as it asks to be connected to itunes 99% of the time when switched of and wont let you do anything until it has been.

20-04-2010, 10:46
I connect it to iTunes (hate that software :() if I want to update play list or synch outlook. Other than that I have a dock by my bed and a charger in my car so it's all tickety boo! :D

20-04-2010, 10:58
I have the next best thing - a small device you charge with the standard cable that you can attach when your battery runs out. You can either use the phone with it attached or just leave it plugged in for half an hour to charge the phone back up. Seems to give about a 60% charge on average.

Looking forward to the new iPhone. Will almost certainly upgrade.

20-04-2010, 11:00
I would prefer to have a removable battery primarily because if the battery dies when the phone is out of warranty I'd rather pay £20 for a replacement battery than £70 for Apple to fit one.

20-04-2010, 11:06
Most blatant viral Apple leak yet!

20-04-2010, 11:06
I want one :p

20-04-2010, 11:16
worked huh?? ;)

A Place of Light
20-04-2010, 19:39
I would prefer to have a removable battery primarily because if the battery dies when the phone is out of warranty I'd rather pay £20 for a replacement battery than £70 for Apple to fit one.


20-04-2010, 19:53
if it's out of warranty surly it is easy to unscrew the case and change the battery anyway.

20-04-2010, 20:14
Only if you're handy with a soldering iron (at least with 3G/3GS). They're not designed to be removable at all.

More annoying than the £70 is losing everything on the phone. Not a big deal for most people who have a backup, but if you're jailbroken...

20-04-2010, 20:18
I've never had problems with batteries (never had to replace one in my life!), but now everyone's talking about how often they need to change theirs I'm getting worried!

20-04-2010, 20:35
I've never had problems with batteries (never had to replace one in my life!), but now everyone's talking about how often they need to change theirs I'm getting worried!

Don't worry Will. I'm as fortunate as you :D
My SE W810i is still going strong after 4 years and my 2g iPhone is still ticking along nicely at 2 years. Lucky really as I'll be screwed if the iPhone goes wrong :p

20-04-2010, 21:18
I've never had problems with batteries (never had to replace one in my life!), but now everyone's talking about how often they need to change theirs I'm getting worried!

Nor have I but I generally buy a new phone every year. The iPhone is about the only time I've gone for 2 years with the same phone. Basically I don't give the phone a chance for the battery to die. I'm not at all bothered if the unit is sealed.

A Place of Light
21-04-2010, 21:06
Nor have I but I generally buy a new phone every year. The iPhone is about the only time I've gone for 2 years with the same phone. Basically I don't give the phone a chance for the battery to die. I'm not at all bothered if the unit is sealed.

Because the iPhone is so expensive unless you take at least an 18 month contract (or typically a 24 month-er) then battery failure is more of an issue than with any other phone.

21-04-2010, 21:27
*If* the battery fails. Like I said I've never had a phone battery die on me. My Nokia 7110 still charges fine.

21-04-2010, 21:45
I have - After two years, the battery in my WinMo phone got to the point where it'd drop to 30% after 30 minutes use (from a full charge). That got annoying.

AppleCare warrants that battery performance on the iPhone won't drop by more than 50% over two years. Apple must be fairly confident about that to offer the warranty.

21-04-2010, 22:05
Not saying batteries don't go flat :) My MBP battery lasted about 2.5yrs and I had to replace that so I am glad I could. £100 is cheaper than a new MBP :) Just that I've always swapped my phone before it got to that point so for me this isn't an issue :)

A Place of Light
21-04-2010, 22:37
I have - After two years, the battery in my WinMo phone got to the point where it'd drop to 30% after 30 minutes use (from a full charge). That got annoying.

AppleCare warrants that battery performance on the iPhone won't drop by more than 50% over two years. Apple must be fairly confident about that to offer the warranty.

Is that the standard warranty or the premium service they charge extra for?

21-04-2010, 22:58
That's the premium service. I'm not sure if there's a battery warranty on the standard one.

22-04-2010, 00:57
Everyones talking about batteries like they're something special? Apple don't use any better (or worse) batteries than anyone else. Like everyone else its a terrible flawed and dated technology that can't really seem to keep up. There is so much **** on the internet about batteries etc... With the type of battery used by 99% of companies today (Li-Pol/Li-Ion) built by probably broadly the same underlying company. You are technically limited to a thousand or so cycles, or 2-3 years (all very approx). But they have a cycle and date shelf life used or not. Best advice as with laptops etc... keep as cold as sensibly possibly (no freezers please) leave at around 40% charge for storage (not full or empty basically). Or most of all just remember that its going to die anyway give up trying to nurture it and just use and abuse it, its pretty much what i do :D

No one phone company or laptop manufacture is "better" at making batteries last longer or age slower than any other. They all probably use the same common few large scale manufactures...

22-04-2010, 02:33
Don't worry Will. I'm as fortunate as you :D
My SE W810i is still going strong after 4 years and my 2g iPhone is still ticking along nicely at 2 years. Lucky really as I'll be screwed if the iPhone goes wrong :p

My W880i is surprisingly doing the same, though I do actually have a spare battery for this thing kicking around somewhere. This is the first phone who hasn't had the battery go dodgy on it within a year / year and a half, across different brands.

I do think Gizmodo have been complete b*stards about this, it was not necessary for them to reveal the name of the Apple engineer who left it behind, but they did. Their legal position is tenuous at best, too. The paid money for an item that they knew was stolen, which counts as fencing. Within California if you pick up a lost item you are required to contact the person who owns it and if you can't, hand it in to the police who will hold it for 90 days. After 90 days, then it becomes "Finders Keepers" and you get to keep it..

22-04-2010, 08:32
Everyones talking about batteries like they're something special? Apple don't use any better (or worse) batteries than anyone else.

Actually, that's not true. Chemical composition has an effect (though these days that's usually down to making the battery explode or not - looking at you, Sony), but more importantly the charging algorithm can have a big impact. Charging a battery (any battery) too quickly will overheat it and either shorten its life or outright kill it. Continuing to charge a fully charged battery will also slowly kill it.

In fact, a lot of batteries contain a chip which determines the battery characteristics. If the chip thinks the battery is done, it's done.

22-04-2010, 12:42
Actually, that's not true. Chemical composition has an effect (though these days that's usually down to making the battery explode or not - looking at you, Sony), but more importantly the charging algorithm can have a big impact. Charging a battery (any battery) too quickly will overheat it and either shorten its life or outright kill it. Continuing to charge a fully charged battery will also slowly kill it.

In fact, a lot of batteries contain a chip which determines the battery characteristics. If the chip thinks the battery is done, it's done.

All batteries containt chips for cell balancing (to extend life of the cells over the course of use). But the facts remain it's still a physical (due to chemical) ceiling which everyone is playing the same game under. The batteries are all 3.7v just in different sizes charging them is exactly the same for anyone of the manufactures, and since its been a "stable" tech compared to anything else a long time now i would imagine they're all as good as each other at it. Or (i don't know this part) the battery manufacturers sell the charging chips with them (this would make a LOT more sense).

The Sony disaster you mention as well was far reaching becuase the same batteries were used in all (? i can't be arsed checking) major laptop manufactures... Once again prooving no one has anything special up their sleeve...

22-04-2010, 21:13
Can't say I've ever had any issues with phone batteries and I make my phones last longer than most people. I've probably had mobile phones for about 10 years. During that time I've owned a total of 4 phones and 2 of those were second hand when I got them. I've never had a battery give me any real trouble, worst I had was my 8210 where battery life dropped to a couple of days by the time the phone died.

23-04-2010, 07:39
I've had enough battery problems that I'm a bit cautious about a phone that is designed to not allow me to change the battery. Now, it's normally my work mobiles where the batteries go but considering the amount of use they get that isn't overly surprising but I've had a couple of personal phones need replacement batteries.

Not that I'd be put off getting a new iPhone because of the battery not being user changeable. I'm more likely to be put off a new iPhone because of Android.

23-04-2010, 17:17
Android is on the iPhone now days too :p :D

A Place of Light
23-04-2010, 17:52
Android is on the iPhone now days too :p :D

The thing is though, if you want an iPhone but don't want Apples OS running on it, you might as well buy a different phone. Apples trump card is they know how to package a product. Nothing on the iPhone is revolutionary or even state of the art, but as a complete package it's superbly put together. There are other phones with a better screen/camera/battery life etc etc, so I can only see the uber-geeks messing with Android powered iPhones.

23-04-2010, 18:35
Actually the capacitive touchscreens they use (i've not looked into who make them) seem to be some of the best on the market.


But apart from that the iPhone hardware isn't anything special at all you're right, and lacking the hardware buttons that android needs makes it a fudge i guess too... :)

A Place of Light
23-04-2010, 19:25
Actually the capacitive touchscreens they use (i've not looked into who make them) seem to be some of the best on the market.


But apart from that the iPhone hardware isn't anything special at all you're right, and lacking the hardware buttons that android needs makes it a fudge i guess too... :)

TBH mate I don't know how good the iPhone screen is with respect to handling touch input, but in terms of display quality and clarity I think the most recent HTC handsets have better components.

23-04-2010, 20:01
iPhone and HTC capacitive touchscreens are very similar. I found the iPhone screen easier to read (vs. Hero, so may have changed by now), but that could easily be the OS. There was little to choose between the touch part of the screen.

To me, Android on an iPhone is an interesting excercise in technology, but little more. If you want to run Android, there's far cheaper hardware that will give you a better user experience than an iPhone.

A Place of Light
23-04-2010, 20:04
iPhone and HTC capacitive touchscreens are very similar. I found the iPhone screen easier to read (vs. Hero, so may have changed by now), but that could easily be the OS.

I have a "Hero", and both the "Legend" and "Desire" have screens which are better both on paper and to look at.

23-04-2010, 22:48
I've looked at the current android releases, but i'm not impressed...

My 3G is still brilliant, and in a few months I'm looking forward to my replacement...

A Place of Light
23-04-2010, 23:33
I've looked at the current android releases, but i'm not impressed.....
In what way do you feel they are lacking when compared to the iPhone?

23-04-2010, 23:59
I think it depends whether you consider an out-of-box Android installation (such as that from the iPhone video above), or an Android installation that has been tinkered with a lot by a manufacturer (particularly HTC).

The basic Android UI I found somewhat lacking. I can't explain why as in reality it isn't that dissimilar to the iPhone (at least as far as the home screen goes), but nonetheless it didn't 'work'. That was v1.0 though and we're now on v2.1 (soon to be v2.2) so I'd have to re-assess this with a newer phone than the G1.

What HTC did with Sense cleaned up a lot of the rough edges (IMHO) though naturally introduced a few new ones of its own.

It's just a shame that HTC seem to be letting existing customers down in the name of releasing new products. That may be business, but it isn't good PR - especially when you make promises and then break them repeatedly (yes, I'm referring to the Hero here).

Anyway, this whole Android debate is rather off-topic for an iPhone thread. :)

A Place of Light
24-04-2010, 00:07
Anyway, this whole Android debate is rather off-topic for an iPhone thread. :)

I'd like to see the next iPhone really raise the bar. They have the money and talent to pull it off, so rather than just bring out something that is better than the competition I'm hoping it will absolutely blow the rest into a cocked hat.

24-04-2010, 00:23
I'd like to see the next iPhone really raise the bar. They have the money and talent to pull it off, so rather than just bring out something that is better than the competition I'm hoping it will absolutely blow the rest into a cocked hat.

That's never been Apple's approach. They stick with tried and tested, and then spend a lot of time working on the user experience to give it as much polish as they could.
I do wish other companies would learn that from them, e.g. Archos. One of my colleagues just got the Archos 5 I think it is. Beautiful device, responsive, plays almost any media you throw at it. Bog standard Android UI, not even sorted out hardware acceleration of it yet (due sometime later this year). It works superbly, looks good, but let down because Archos would rather get the device out the door than go for awe inspiring on release.

24-04-2010, 00:40
The Archos 5 is still miles ahead of their previous offerings (which I own three of). That said, at least it sounds like it's getting an update - Archos have historically been far worse than even HTC at abandoning products as soon as the next version comes out.

And I agree with the comments re: Apple. They certainly raised the bar to start with, but that was needed to get market share. Now they've got that, they'll do just enough to keep it - meanwhile ****ing everyone else off...


I'm not a massive fan of Flash on mobile devices (mainly because it's a battery eater), but I still view it as a 'nice to have'.

Of course, the irony in that story is not lost on me. Apple? Open? Since when?

A Place of Light
24-04-2010, 10:31
That's never been Apple's approach. They stick with tried and tested, and then spend a lot of time working on the user experience to give it as much polish as they could.
I do wish other companies would learn that from them, e.g. Archos. One of my colleagues just got the Archos 5 I think it is. Beautiful device, responsive, plays almost any media you throw at it. Bog standard Android UI, not even sorted out hardware acceleration of it yet (due sometime later this year). It works superbly, looks good, but let down because Archos would rather get the device out the door than go for awe inspiring on release.

The thing is though, if everyone sticks with the tried and tested and concentrates on the shiny shiny.....where does progress come into the equation? Apple could, and should in my opinion, make the next iPhone better than anything else by a country mile. Everyone else will be forced to up their game and the consumer will win. The "Desire" is a superb phone and many people (self included) consider it to be better than the iPhone itself.....but we wouldn't have it or anything like it if it wasn't for the iPhone itself, and certainly not for a few years either.

A Place of Light
24-04-2010, 10:33
It works superbly, looks good, but let down because Archos would rather get the device out the door than go for awe inspiring on release.

There's a good reason for that, and the reason is sales.
All Archos customers buy it because it's the best device in it's class, whereas a HUGE number of iPhone customers buy one simply because it's an iPhone.

24-04-2010, 17:16
There's a good reason for that, and the reason is sales.
All Archos customers buy it because it's the best device in it's class, whereas a HUGE number of iPhone customers buy one simply because it's an iPhone.

But see, if you have class changing, smoothly polished, and put a serious advertising campaign behind it things might change. Instead its a superb device that stays more amongst the hardcore geeks :)

24-04-2010, 17:38
As has been hit on here, its advertising that rules all, we all know how MASSIVE apples advertising department is, they know exactly how to target their audience and convince them that no matter what THIS is what you need. On the flip side i'd estimate android has received a few measly % of the advertising budget compared to iPhone which is why its where it is, which is a terrible shame...

24-04-2010, 20:15
Definitely no need in a question mark after reading the first paragraph! Someone is clearly getting the chop for that :p

Can imagine jobs the next day:

"Roll call, and everyone bring their assigned prototype units, anyone unable to produce said unit is hereby fired, anyone who doesn't turn up is hereby fired. Have a nice day.

Sent from my iPhone 3GSX*"

*I Made this up ;D ;D

Why would they fire anyone? This is creating huge amounts of hype and advertising and it's cost Apple nothing more than the physical cost of a prototype phone :p

A Place of Light
25-04-2010, 00:30
But see, if you have class changing, smoothly polished, and put a serious advertising campaign behind it things might change. Instead its a superb device that stays more amongst the hardcore geeks :)

A pal of mine bought one last year and absolutely loves it.
He has nothing but good things to say about it.

26-04-2010, 10:01
That's never been Apple's approach. They stick with tried and tested, and then spend a lot of time working on the user experience to give it as much polish as they could.
I do wish other companies would learn that from them

Indeed, which is why Apple is just so good IMO. And I'm not even an Apple fanboy!! :shocked:

26-04-2010, 22:58
If this was a publicity stunt then shouldn't Apple be calling the police off?


Can't say I thought it was for a second. Its not like Apple need to hype a product these days.

27-04-2010, 10:57
I had a HTC Touch HD a year ago and the OS (WinMob) and the Touch Screen were dire. The CoverFlow thing was crap too. Looked pretty but was just a front end then the crappy slow crashing WinMob came in again when you actually tried to do anything. Really bad. I'm sure they've improved massively but it's really put me off trying one again as it was impossible to surf the web/send messages, just drove me mad. I swapped over to the iphone when it went 3GS, flogged the HDT and it's the best decision I made.

27-04-2010, 12:36
I had a HTC Touch HD a year ago and the OS (WinMob) and the Touch Screen were dire. The CoverFlow thing was crap too. Looked pretty but was just a front end then the crappy slow crashing WinMob came in again when you actually tried to do anything. Really bad. I'm sure they've improved massively but it's really put me off trying one again as it was impossible to surf the web/send messages, just drove me mad. I swapped over to the iphone when it went 3GS, flogged the HDT and it's the best decision I made.

I ditched winmob in 2005 and called it for all sorts then. Even the HTC universal couldn't make it any good. I said if i ever owned a winmob phone again it would be because of winmob7 (which doesn't look too bad 5 years later ;D). But i've been a big fan of symbian, which has evolved a lot over 5 years, and android which is just generally very very high class.

27-04-2010, 14:29
Winmob and Nokias are dire - I miss my old 3210 - that's when Nokias had good interfaces! :D

27-04-2010, 15:00
It's a bit pre-emptive, but if I were to buy the new iPhone (PAYG) and wanted to keep my current number is it as simple as just swapping the SIM? Can't remember if the number is tied to the phone in some way...

27-04-2010, 15:02
Aye, just a SIM swap will do it :)

27-04-2010, 15:11
Yes, that's how I did it last time. The rumours this time are that the new iPhone will have a micro SIM though.

27-04-2010, 15:16
Winmob and Nokias are dire - I miss my old 3210 - that's when Nokias had good interfaces! :D

If by nokia you mean symbian, there is nothing wrong with symbian! I'm using it right now, chose my E52 OVER an iPhone and a HTC android phone! It really is fantastic :)

Why are apple pushing micro sims? It's just an inconvenience...

27-04-2010, 15:35
Yes, that's how I did it last time. The rumours this time are that the new iPhone will have a micro SIM though.

Arse! Might be trickier then. 'Spose I could just suck it up and get yet another new number...

27-04-2010, 15:38
Snip snip (http://www.techradar.com/news/computing/apple/how-to-make-your-own-ipad-micro-sim-681020)

Although there is a caveat regarding the size so it may or may not actually work.

27-04-2010, 16:45
If by nokia you mean symbian, there is nothing wrong with symbian! I'm using it right now, chose my E52 OVER an iPhone and a HTC android phone! It really is fantastic :)

Why are apple pushing micro sims? It's just an inconvenience...

No idea what it's called. But every since nokia did "smartphones" I just didn't get on with them. Then again I've always been a SE person... until the iphone came about! :D

A Place of Light
27-04-2010, 17:53
Why are apple pushing micro sims?

Maybe it's an attempt to stop people unlocking them and using other SIM cards?

27-04-2010, 19:34
That'd work if the iPad wasn't unlocked already. Really can't think of a good reason - especially in the case of the iPad.

I couldn't possibly comment on Symbian given that their ex-CEO will be my boss next week, but I have an aversion to anything Nokia. ;D

However, WinMob is dire. I ditched it 9 months ago and now wish I'd done that a whole lot sooner (I'd have got far more use out of an iPhone 2G).

27-04-2010, 19:55
Maybe it's an attempt to stop people unlocking them and using other SIM cards?

Like some kind of security through obscurity? We all know that would be pathetic as in reality both sim cards have the same size contact area so its just about how well you can trim with a sharp knife?

A Place of Light
27-04-2010, 20:48
That'd work if the iPad wasn't unlocked already. Really can't think of a good reason - especially in the case of the iPad.

True, but I'd be surprised if the next iPhone doesn't use these smaller SIMs too, so it'd make sense that Apple was using the same parts for both iPad and iPhone.
Why buy/have made two different types of SIM socketry when you can simply use the same type on all your SIM dependant devices?

A Place of Light
27-04-2010, 20:51
Like some kind of security through obscurity? We all know that would be pathetic as in reality both sim cards have the same size contact area so its just about how well you can trim with a sharp knife?
Even if it's relatively easy to alter your current SIM, its still too involved for the bulk of the public who'll take the easy route and just buy another one. Joe public can't be arsed with messing about with things like that.

27-04-2010, 20:51
This may be a silly question, but can't your transfer a number? I transferred my PAYG number to a contract phone, took a few days for Orange to sort it but other than the inconvenience it wasn't a problem.

27-04-2010, 20:55
Some networks you can indeed. I've done O2-to-O2 PAYG transfers before.

27-04-2010, 21:37
Why are apple pushing micro sims? It's just an inconvenience...

It's an AT&T stunt. They're the only cell-phone provider out here that have a good stock of micro sims all ready for distribution, the others are now trying to get some in stock so they can offer the iPad 3G.

Sprint is taking a different approach. They're encouraging people to get standard wifi iPads and carry around one of their little wifi/4G hotspot devices, pointing out you'll get a lot faster web access than boring old 3G. They're even providing a nice handy case to carry your iPad in.