View Full Version : xp smart security 2010

A Place of Light
23-04-2010, 18:11
Somehow I got stung by this one last night and, as it seems to be doing the rounds, I thought I'd help future proof any of you against having the PITA I did. Basically, it stops ".exe" files from working (or rather it deletes the info telling windows what to do with an ".exe" file), so you can't launch browser windows etc etc.
As most of you will already have Malwarebytes installed, just click *Here* (http://www.2-spyware.com/images/data/exefix.reg) and save the reg file. Then, if you catch this nasty little exploit, all you'll need to do is double click on the reg file (under xp smart security 2010 you can still open "my documents" folder), reboot, then run Malwarebytes and you're back in business.

23-04-2010, 22:58
Not entirely sure what you're 'saving' us from here, lad...

Care to elucidate?

A Place of Light
23-04-2010, 23:31
Not entirely sure what you're 'saving' us from here, lad...

Care to elucidate?

Google it. Malware of the nasty variety. No idea how I "got" it but it was annoying until I got rid of it.

23-04-2010, 23:49
Don't know why but I decided googling it might be asking for trouble. I did though, and eventually found a site I recognised, so to save everyone the bother...


Contains details of what it does and also the fix (same as above).

23-04-2010, 23:54
barstardos :(

A Place of Light
24-04-2010, 00:03
barstardos :(

Yep. I couldn't even open a browser window to look for a fix because iexplorer.exe, like every other frickin' exe on my machine wouldn't work.

24-04-2010, 00:04
Yup. Seems like an awful lot of effort to go to, but if it draws in a few credit card numbers for the scammers to empty (which I'm sure it will) then their job is done. :(

A Place of Light
24-04-2010, 00:12
Yup. Seems like an awful lot of effort to go to, but if it draws in a few credit card numbers for the scammers to empty (which I'm sure it will) then their job is done. :(

Quite an intrusive piece of work, this one. Turns off AV/Firewall too. The reason I linked to the reg file is if you download it before you end up on the receiving end (which may not happen but be prepared and all that jazz) then you'll be able to restore order immediately. If you are unlucky enough to contract this and you haven't already got hold of the reg file then you'll need another machine to access the removal instructions.

24-04-2010, 07:39
Sounds very similar to what I had to fight my way through recently on a friend's computer.

25-04-2010, 16:51
Got this on a laptop at work the other day - .exe files seemed to open OK in a DOS window so I managed to get into regedit and annihilate it!

25-04-2010, 16:55
Yes, that's correct. If you can get a DOS window open then XP Smart Security can't get a look-in. Rather a large oversight on their part not blocking cmd.exe (they could easily have done so).

A Place of Light
25-04-2010, 17:06
Got this on a laptop at work the other day - .exe files seemed to open OK in a DOS window so I managed to get into regedit and annihilate it!

That's great if you're comfortable using regedit and you know what to do to fix things, but if you don't then simply clicking on the file I linked to in the OP then rebooting is super easy to do.