View Full Version : napster broken?

24-04-2010, 11:05
Suddenly today, napster software has stopped streaming music :/ It seems to fail when acquiring media usage rights, or rather it comes up with a message telling me that a newer version of the song is availible, and so to delete the WMA file from my HDD and download the new version...

.. er... its a streaming file. :huh: Not on my HDD.

Oddly, the "download" is greyed out in the software too, so I dont know whats going on.

I seem to be able to use the napster in-browser version with no problems.

24-04-2010, 11:14
Oh, seems to be working now.
Ignore! :p

24-04-2010, 13:54
People use Napster!? :p

24-04-2010, 13:58
I do :) Although not often.

Got a good deal for it with some free MP3s amongst other things when I bought my Dell laptop.

24-04-2010, 14:18
Ditto jen, I quite like it! :)

24-04-2010, 15:13
What does napster do now days? Haven't used it since about 1998 ;D

24-04-2010, 15:15
You can stream music via it and buy music too :)
So mixture of Spotify and iTunes really.

24-04-2010, 18:57
You can stream music via it and buy music too :)
So mixture of Spotify and iTunes really.

You can buy the music in Spotify too :)

What I really really like about Spotify is I pay just £10/month and have unlimited access to and music on my iPhone, stereo, laptop, etc. It's ideal!

The whole idea of just copying a link to a friend, who then clicks it and the track starts playing is great too - no more sending mp3s over a crappy upload speed :D

24-04-2010, 19:03
What I like about Napster is I had 60 free credits/MP3s with my laptop :D

Don't tend to buy/download music much so it does me fine :)

24-04-2010, 19:32
I can't be bothered checking really as it's unlikely i'd use either service, but do they stream from the same big record companies, or do they each have their own "catalogue"? Because i regularly offer spotify to my friends who have been trying to acquire music they like and failing usually resulting in malware etc... And i have to pick up the pieces (i particulary hate bareshare right now). Because between spotify and itunes it suites them well, otherwise i might mention napster next time (that sentence feels wrong after all these years ;D). Napster is iPod compatible too maybe?

A Place of Light
25-04-2010, 00:35
Napster is iPod compatible too maybe?

Sure, round about the time that the Devil ice-skates to work.
There's a workaround, but as long as Apple are involved they won't want you to connect one of their devices to anything other than iTunes.

25-04-2010, 00:38
Downloads import automatically into iTunes just fine though which does me ok :)
Not sure if that's what LeperousDust meant.

25-04-2010, 00:42
Or if you have Spotify you don't even need to plug the iPhone/iPod in as the tracks will sync over Wifi or even 3G :)

A Place of Light
25-04-2010, 00:47
A stronger advert than I expected it to be. (http://www.napster.co.uk/using_napster/ipod_and_napster.html)

25-04-2010, 00:58
It does look impressive and if i was starting off without any music and wanted a lot quickly and legally and didn't have an iPod it actually looks good. It has the potential to be amazing but apple are obviously making sure that doesn't happen. Its a sad fact but i love my portable hard drive based MP3 player. I've tried my best to find another competing product with the iPod in this category and there's nothing. I wan't the biggest space i can get for my money and the iPod does this everytime. I'd much rather have a zune or some creative player probably just to be different, but they can't make product that compete they seem to have just given up that market :( Napster would suit perfectly with those!