View Full Version : The hills are alive...

15-05-2010, 12:08
I got dragged along to the Singalonga Sound Of Music last night. Mad night of the Sound Of Music film, hundreds of people dressed as nuns, nazis and goats, singing, booing, hissing, mooing like cows etc etc. Not my thing at all but it was hilarious ;D

Anyone else been, a fan etc?


15-05-2010, 12:23
NO !!!


15-05-2010, 12:25
I couldn't do the sound of music one...

But on the other halfs birthday a little cinema in London is doing Sing-a-long-a Rocky Horror though. I could do that very happily. Any excuse to get the heels and fishnets out, and the same for Kim. ;)

15-05-2010, 12:41
There's a Singalonga Elvis as well :D

Princess Griff
15-05-2010, 16:32
I would LOVE to go to that!!! Theres a Hairspray one too which Im tempted by...

17-05-2010, 20:58
Ooooo just seen this! How does it work - is it like the cinema with words or a proper show?

I can't see the Elvis one :(

BB x

18-05-2010, 03:07
Ooooo just seen this! How does it work - is it like the cinema with words or a proper show?

http://www.singalonga.net/soundofmusic/about_whatHappens.html ;)

Starts off with someone leading vocal warm-ups, and making audience partici...pation suggestions, then goes on to normal cinema style projection with words appearing on the screen.