19-05-2010, 13:58
Just thought I'd share my newest old banger.... a shonky alfa for our (group of friends) euro challenge roadtrip in Sept. ~2000 miles through France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany and Belgium, to the Alfa museum at Arese and via the 'ring. Budget of £450 for the motor, must be an Alfa...
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs357.snc3/29449_1443974464506_1387456660_31172858_7188514_n. jpg
about 6 shades of red, but the mechanicals seem pretty good...
I wonder if any of us will actually make it all the way round, lol!!:D
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs357.snc3/29449_1443974464506_1387456660_31172858_7188514_n. jpg
about 6 shades of red, but the mechanicals seem pretty good...
I wonder if any of us will actually make it all the way round, lol!!:D