View Full Version : 24 Finale!! **possible spoilers**

25-05-2010, 20:43
Has nobody here seen it yet?! I can't believe how little it is being talked about!! IT WAS AMAZING!!! Best series of 24 to date in my opinion.

and the first one I've ever cried at!

25-05-2010, 20:53
It doesn't air on tv here for a couple of weeks. Will be back to comment on it then :)

25-05-2010, 20:58
We're watching it now.

I actually decided while watching the very last episode that after 25 minutes I couldn't be arsed :/ It was just the same crap again and again just to spin things out longer!

25-05-2010, 21:04

WHAA?! You seriously stopped watching halfway through the last episode?!?! ARE YOU INSANE ;D

25-05-2010, 21:05
Yes, though I may be watching it again ;)

25-05-2010, 21:48
What Leo said. It really didn't feel like the end of an 8 year show. Ashes to Ashes and Lost finale's in the past week have been fantastic ways to wrap up a show. 24 was just another end to the show. It could have been the ending of any episode during any of the series.

I suppose that is the point though. Its a real time show so you wouldn't get a chance to wrap things up like any other. But still, a bit of an anti-climax after 8 years.

25-05-2010, 22:46
It's not the end. 24:Redemption (movie) is coming out in around a years time which is based after this season :) Can't wait tbh.

Joe 90
25-05-2010, 22:54
I'm watching it now. Love it

25-05-2010, 23:02
Did anyone else shed a tear towards the end or was it just me? ;D

25-05-2010, 23:15
just you, you big wuss :p

Joe 90
25-05-2010, 23:46
just you. I was left thinking similar to that of leo.

26-05-2010, 07:13
Did anyone else shed a tear towards the end or was it just me? ;D

I am sure I will when I see it in a couple of weeks....Jack Bauer I would, but I did kind of go off him when he was torturing that bloke, i'm not sure i'd like him that evil! :o

26-05-2010, 07:55
I'm a girl and I didn't cry :p

26-05-2010, 14:00
It's not the end. 24:Redemption (movie) is coming out in around a years time which is based after this season :) Can't wait tbh.

You sure?

24: Redemption is a television movie from the television series, 24. It was first aired on November 23, 2008...

Seen it.

26-05-2010, 17:09
The new movie hasn't even got an agreed script yet so could be some time away.

26-05-2010, 18:28
Oooops, my bad. 24:Redemption was like a prequel movie to season 7. There is a proper movie coming out next year or the year after (hopefully no longer! Keither is reading the script atm) :)

26-05-2010, 19:27
are you sat next to him or something?? *hopeful*

If so, ask him to keep that annoying daughter who keeps getting into trouble out of it! :p

26-05-2010, 19:55
Oh trust me I would, it's a lot safer in my room.... ;D

27-05-2010, 19:18
Just finished it, and I thought the last two episodes were some of the best political/thriller writing I've experienced in a long time. The sign of a great story is when I have to shake my head to clear it and just go 'it's only a TV show'. I had to do that at the point where

The President admitted to Hassan that she was in on the cover up... then turned into a monster and threatened her.

I was also taken aback when

Logan answered the phone and Jack told him he had a gun on him.

I think this series had a quite amazing moral to it, and this was the best series since 2, or the one with Chappelle.

I too welled up at the last scene.

My only bugbear was when

Dana turned out to be a mole and wasn't just an innocent person in an impossible situation.

I think they really chickened out on what could have been a unique storyline for the series.

I'm really hoping that in the movie there's a part where they can't understand where a foul smell is coming from in CTU and are surprised when a decaying parole officer falls out the wall.

06-06-2010, 22:04
Here we go, final hour.

06-06-2010, 23:01
That was good but dissapointing, would off been nice if they had an extra episode to make the announcment and seedy everyone.

Although I really wanted jack to kill everyone then die.

06-06-2010, 23:18
Ok I may have shed a tear or two, but it was Chloe's fault. Oh and the clock counting down to zero :'( :o

Shame that (just in case anyone hasn't watched yet)

Logan wasn't definitely deaded!

Looking forward to the movie now. Will miss it being a regular thing though. :(

07-06-2010, 07:29
Haven't seen any of this series, but I don't have Sky. I've seen all the others. Series 1 and 2, were really good. 3,4 were pathetic, 5 & 6 got a little better but were pretty trashy to me. So whilst I was hooked on the 1st two series, I felt less bothered about the latter ones. So is this series more on par with the first couple or the middle or the latter series? If so I may try and get a copy.