View Full Version : Dell Streak - anti iPad content

Del Lardo
27-05-2010, 10:06

Announced yesterday that O2 would be launching the Dell Streak next Friday, it seems that they are half way to making a successful product as they've given it a stupid name and I must say that it looks like a rather interesting product.

Addresses a couple of key issues for me, my Hero and iTouch screens are too small for anything but a couple of minutes web browsing or youtube but the iPad is too big to take anywhere unless I have a bag with me in which case I may as well take my MacBook.

In addition it has a camera, multitasking, flash support, GPS, Sat Nav and can be used as a phone (though I suspect you'd want to use a bluetooth earpiece which lets face it makes you look like a cock).

It all comes down to pricing but I'm going to be watching this with a lot more interest than the iPad.

27-05-2010, 10:37
Meh. Its just a slightly bigger Android phone :p

Del Lardo
27-05-2010, 10:51
Instead of a giant iPhone ;D

27-05-2010, 10:56
Theres a giant iPhone?

27-05-2010, 12:14
Yes.....but without the phone capability :D

27-05-2010, 19:18
...and the alarm clock. :D

27-05-2010, 22:08
I may be getting a freebie from Dell in a couple of weeks. I like the look of it, shame about the name though.

27-05-2010, 23:14
I can't be the only person who thought it was a competition to Streak outside of an iPad opening can I?

27-05-2010, 23:29
There's plenty of time yet. Can you get to an Apple store in the next 30 minutes? :p