View Full Version : Thanks Tesco

27-05-2010, 13:38
Just got an e-mail from tesco telling me that, since it's been so long since I ordered my groceries online, they're giving me £10 off if I order over £50 worth of shopping to be delivered before 8th June. I was going to go for a big shop on Monday 1st when I get paid anyway so, instead of driving there and having the hassle of instore shopping, I'll order it from the comfort of my computer chair and save money.

I know there's the delivery charge but, shopping from home actually saves me money as I'm a sucker for impulse purchases. Looking forward to getting my groceries delivered on Monday and saving money at the same time :cool:

27-05-2010, 13:49
I have a similar offer from Ocado on my first order. Running low on groceries so will have to try it soon!

27-05-2010, 13:53
I have a similar offer from Ocado on my first order. Running low on groceries so will have to try it soon!

Spookily, I've just opened my latest National Trust magazine and found an Ocado leaflet offering £15 if I order £75 before the 28th June. Looks Like I'll be getting £50 worth from Tesco and £75 worth from Ocado :D

Never heard of Ocado before, will have a look on their site. Leaflet says they match Tesco prices.

27-05-2010, 13:56
Ocado is the home delivery side of Waitrose

27-05-2010, 14:03
Just been to the website and noticed a lot of Waitrose stuff so I assumed there was some connection. Will definitely give it a try.

27-05-2010, 14:40
Nice :)

Used to use various delivery services when I was laid up with my broken foot and we didn't have anyone that could carry the bulky stuff. Tesco weren't bad at all.

27-05-2010, 14:50
Ocado is the home delivery side of Waitrose

But only appear to cover london :(

27-05-2010, 15:00
But only appear to cover london :(

Ah. Didn't notice that - checked the website and they don't deliver to our postcode. Sod them then, looks like it'll just be Tesco.

27-05-2010, 15:06
Ah. Didn't notice that - checked the website and they don't deliver to our postcode. Sod them then, looks like it'll just be Tesco.

Ive seen them driving round here though? Weird!

I used the Tesco delivery service when I had the broken ankle too, I had to explain why to the driver, as Tesco was literally 200 yards down the road :D

27-05-2010, 15:26
Spookily, I've just opened my latest National Trust magazine and found an Ocado leaflet offering £15 if I order £75 before the 28th June.

Exact one I have! Good deal, considering I'd spend that on a shop anyway... and have to actually go there to get it!

27-05-2010, 15:53
But only appear to cover london :(

Last time I looked I didn't live in London :confused:

Edit: not that I have ever used them but they will delivery to me.

27-05-2010, 17:14
The group, which operates from a vast central warehouse, plans to use some of the float proceeds to build another warehouse to service the Midlands and the north. More than 80% of sales are in the London area, but deliveries are already sent as far north as Leeds

The home delivery services are good, especially for things like big heavy stuff like cat food & drinks etc, but I got fed up of all the veg/fruit being on the date or a day before. Buying fruit and veg for the week and having a day to use it all was a bit rubbish, as was some of the substitutions they made (we ordered cat food and they didn't have the one we wanted so they substituted it with fish type - they weren't to know but as two of my cats are allergic to fish, it was useless and we had to send it back) were crap so we had to send them back & go and reshop for the missing items. The delivery times were crap for us too, it was like a week in advance!

27-05-2010, 17:31
Last time I looked I didn't live in London :confused:

Ok London and a few privileged places. They hardly deliver anywhere. Whish they would hurray up and roll it out.

27-05-2010, 17:39
Hehe first time I've heard of Southampton being privileged...

27-05-2010, 17:55
I find the Tesco delivery service quite good. I used it all the time when I lived up in Peterhead as the nearest supermarket was 5 miles away and I had no car. The deliveries were always on time and the drivers helpful. I did have a slight issue with a couple of their substitute items but I just refused them and the driver happily took them back and I wasn't charged for them. I tend not to buy fresh fruit and veg online anyway - I prefer to go to a shop and choose my own.

It would have been nice if Ocado had delivered here so I could got my £15 of free stuff but never mind.

27-05-2010, 19:08
£10 off if I order over £50

Had one of those last month. Equally nice. Mid-week delivery reduces the delivery costs too, which is handy. :)

Ocado is the home delivery side of Waitrose

Was. There's now WaitroseDeliver which is Waitrose's own. They may use each other's services of course. :)

I got fed up of all the veg/fruit being on the date or a day before.

Tesco seem to have improved their systems (at least they have here). They claim to always pick stuff with decent dates if they can, and I had no complaints about the results. There was only one item that was same/next day and they put it in a blue bag so you can give it back if you don't want it.

Obviously picking your own is still better.

28-05-2010, 05:59
Hehe first time I've heard of Southampton being privileged...
... or Leicester ;D

My parents get Orcado deliveries. There's a depot down the road from where we live :)

28-05-2010, 06:40
I;'ve used Ocado a few times, it's a brilliant service IMO.