View Full Version : Just Cause 2

04-06-2010, 15:31
Not a patch on the first one. I'm not sure if it's just me or if computer games have moved on significantly in the past couple of years. The first Just cause was a lot of fun quite comic in places and despite the repetative nature of the game I played it a lot. I've put 40 hours into the sequel and I find I'm bored of it, there are too many things to collect; boxes, skulls, drugs and upgrades that it's leaving me pretty cold. The planes are also a bugger to fly whereas in the first one you could jump in a jumbo or a fighter plane and go for a joyride in the sequel you have to be able to control them very tightly for the challenges and I flunk out pretty much straight away :(

I think this one is going to get traded now and I might have to go back and finish the final level of FF or play some MW2 with the new levels.


05-06-2010, 00:53
I've been meaning to rent it for ages.
Maybe I won't bother in that case then :(

I quite liked the first one, good laugh even if I never really kept to the story :D

05-06-2010, 23:27

05-06-2010, 23:34
That is spot on


06-06-2010, 14:17

Nice ;D

To be honest if Just Cause 2 was trying to go for anything near real world/simulation like then it would have failed before it was even released.

I bought Just Cause 2 pretty much for a quick blast of fun rather than something that needs attention to detail.

06-06-2010, 15:11
That is spot on


All of his reviews are spot on :D