View Full Version : New engine for my Anglia

06-06-2010, 22:00
Sooooooo, back in August 2009 there was a big engine disaster on the way to the Retro Rides Gathering straight after a very hurried engine rebuild. I'd stuck in some serious hours to get the car there and made it about 1/4 of the way to the top of the M3 here:


Gutted wasn't the word and the car has sat in my garage since, not moved or touched other than to shift it out the way. I couldn't face rebuilding the engine again so I've just been putting it off and putting it off until last week.

I decided the sensible option would be to get hold of a runner that would drop straight in and I can rebuild the 1700 later and just swap it over when ready. I decided on a stock 1200cc, what the car had when it rolled out the factory, and as luck would have it I found one at not unsensible money not too far away. A quick blat in the T down to Brands Hatch, some pictures of the queen from Barclays changed hands and the guy helped me heft it into the passenger seat.

Then I was stuck, because when I got home I couldn't get it out the car. Too heavy and too high up. But I had bought an engine crane and this is where I am now:


Roof down, hoiked it out, dragged it across the carpark and now it's in the garage minus a few bits.


So I've just got to remember what is and isn't compatible. So far it's de-clutched, de-dynamo'd and de-engine mounted. It should drop straight onto my 2000E gearbox with the other clutch, it'll need a spacer on one engine mount, exhaust will need extending a little and throttle cable will need adapting.

But this stuff should take no time at all once I'm back from Le Mans and puts me firmly into 2CV territory in terms of acceleration :D

06-06-2010, 22:55
Well I suppose there is one good thing ..... you won't wear your brake pads out as you wont need to brake ever :D

07-06-2010, 07:30
Bah... thought you'd go bigger and better! :D

07-06-2010, 08:15
Well I suppose there is one good thing ..... you won't wear your brake pads out as you wont need to brake ever :D
My throttle cable snapped once on the old engine and I was left with only 1/4 throttle. To get around and have fun I was having to drive extra smooth and carry as much speed into bends as my balls would allow. I'm *hoping* it's going to be like that. 65hp isn't much but it should be enough to just tow it along.

It's tempting to fit up the twin Webers though :D

07-06-2010, 12:39

07-06-2010, 15:26
65 will be plenty, my Cinq only had 54.

07-06-2010, 17:41
Just hoping it's going to have enough torque to pull away with the close ratio box (long first gear)...

07-06-2010, 20:23
How do you go about learning how to maintain and old car like this... I'd something along these lines, but I'd want to be able to keep it on the road without having to take it to a garage every time!

07-06-2010, 22:11
I just started with a basic set of tools and a Haynes manual. Learn from my mistakes: I recommend some decent hand cleaner :D

12-06-2010, 04:50
I recommend some decent hand cleaner :D

An old trick I learned LONG ago : douse your hands in liquid dish soap and rub it into your skin.

When you're done, all you need to do is wash your hands as normal. All the greasy crap will have a nice layer of soap between you and it.

17-06-2010, 12:13
Might give that a go when I'm not getting too filthy, Darrin :)

18-06-2010, 04:31
I forgot the most important part of this instruction...

An old trick I learned LONG ago : before you walk out to the garage to start any greasy work douse your hands in liquid dish soap and rub it into your skin.

When you're done, all you need to do is wash your hands as normal. All the greasy crap will have a nice layer of soap between you and it.


That's generally the part I forget when I'm working on the car as well. I just willy nilly walk out and start getting greasy, then do a face-palm when I realise it's too late to do anything preventative. :evil:

18-06-2010, 10:14
And then you end up with a dirty face too ;D