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24-06-2010, 10:38
13 hours of work, 20 minutes in the queue, 40 to restore, update, sync (mine and my GFs) and half hour to get another coffee and head home.

i LOVE this thing, but jeez am i tired.

24-06-2010, 10:59
I'm still in the coffee shop waiting for the call. So so cold. Picked a linen shirt and shorts today. Temp has dropped radically. So cold i may go coat shopping while i wait. Been up since 6. Want my new phone and a few hours in bed.

24-06-2010, 13:55
Mine arrived at just before 13:00, I had a copy of iTunes on an old laptop here so I connected it for just long enough to activate and then unplugged it. I'll restore my backup when I finally get home tonight.

Joe 90
24-06-2010, 14:33
I'd be interested to hear what you guys think after you've had a chance to use it a bit.

All this talk of yellow screens & not being able to make a call with the phone in your left hand is making me think I should put my money into something else... like a macbook pro.

24-06-2010, 14:55

That is all.


(Although to go into detail on the reported problems... No yellow blobs here and whilst signal does drop in strength, it doesn't drop calls and still gets better signal than my 3G)

24-06-2010, 16:14
I've had a play with one today and I'm surprised at how clunky and heavy it feels, even though it isn't any more so (and is smaller) than the 3GS. Think it's the squareness of it compared with the rounded 3GS. I'm happy with mine and my unlimited data for the time being, I see nothing in it that makes me want to upgrade just now.

Disclaimer : This is subject to change at short (or no) notice ;)

24-06-2010, 16:50
Women's perogative eh? ;) :p

24-06-2010, 17:11
I'd be interested to hear what you guys think after you've had a chance to use it a bit.

All this talk of yellow screens & not being able to make a call with the phone in your left hand is making me think I should put my money into something else... like a macbook pro.

from work this morning and watching the first hundred or so get open i didn't see one with an issue. signal in general is stronger than my 3gs was. i've not had a change to try it with my left hand to see just now much it affects it, but i'd take these things with a pinch of salt, they tend to get a bit blown out of proportion.

24-06-2010, 17:31
Mine arrived at just before 13:00

24-06-2010, 21:41
All this talk of yellow screens

The very first iPhone4 I 'picked up' today in my local O2 store was a victim. Unless it was being caused by the bloody great metal clamp they had around the thing to stop you actually picking it up.

The screen looked great until I went into settings. At which point I was greeted by a slightly faded line down the centre of the screen, surrounded by two very slightly yellow-looking areas. Really not a good sign - especially from a supposedly brand new phone. :(

Certainly put the final nail in the coffin containing my thoughts of getting one in the immediate future. :( Doesn't mean I'll never get one of course. :)

Joe 90
24-06-2010, 22:18
later in the day i've been reading that the yellow 'bits' on the screen of some phones has started to disappear after a few hours use. odd :/

24-06-2010, 22:47
later in the day i've been reading that the yellow 'bits' on the screen of some phones has started to disappear after a few hours use. odd :/

The technical comment I've seen is it's caused by the bonding agent used, and rushed production lines. The bonding agent is a yellowish colour that fades to transparent once it's "baked" properly. Use the phone for a while, let it get up to heat and the colour will fade away.
I've seen a couple of comments that it comes back, but more that say it seems to be gone permanently. How the heck they can figure it's permanent when it's not even 24 hours since phone release is anyones guess!

24-06-2010, 23:06
Played with one in the office today and was seriously unimpressed.

Feels much worse in the hand than the old model, probably due to the "squareness" of it. The much touted "thin-ness" is nothing to shout about either as it's barely any thinner than a 3GS in reality.

It wasn't just me either. The proud new owner was parading it around the office with a "hey, look at this!" attitude, and the general impression with most people seemed to be "meh", with maybe the odd "nice screen" at most.

25-06-2010, 01:51

Apple has confirmed the antenna problem with the iPhone 4. Advice? "Don't hold it that way, or buy a case". Harsh, but kinda reasonable I guess.

25-06-2010, 03:01
Lifehacker has come up with a guide for downgrading from iOS4 (http://bit.ly/dyqGFd) if it's of any use to folks here.

25-06-2010, 06:17
May come in handy if needed. Thanks Garp :)

My phone hasn't slowed down or anything since the upgrade, it just restarts itself every 5 minutes. That's the only thing wrong. I didn't have the patience to restore it and reinstall the new firmware all over again last night, but will have a go this weekend to see if it solves the prob.

25-06-2010, 07:43
Lifehacker has come up with a guide for downgrading from iOS4 (http://bit.ly/dyqGFd) if it's of any use to folks here.

Only for 3G users. 3GS users need to already have 'SHSH blobs' archived, either via Cydia (jailbreak), or Firmware Umbrella, for that to work. If you don't have them, it's too late already (even if you haven't upgraded yet).

Joe 90
25-06-2010, 07:53
I need to get my hands on one of these to see how good the screen is. I think thats the only thing I'd really be buying it for as I watch a lot of stuff from my PC/mac using AirVideo. Having said that, I do put a lot of photos on Twitter, and perhaps might end up reviving my Flickr if the camera is as good as people claim.

25-06-2010, 08:50
It is possible to restore a 3GS from iOS4 to 3.1.3, I did it on mine although it requires a Mac, some core software drivers (libusb) and a handful of terminal commands. It works perfectly although if you ever try a restore again, you need to run the same terminal commands for it to work. I suspect that 3G method is the same and will need the tweak running if you ever try and restore. It's far from ideal but does work.

The screen is everything it claims, it really is superb. I browsed the forums and even with the text on maximum zoom I couldn't distinguish pixels at all.

25-06-2010, 08:59
The screen is everything it claims, it really is superb. I browsed the forums and even with the text on maximum zoom I couldn't distinguish pixels at all.

indeeds. this has been my biggest plus point. reading books on it is actually pretty good.

this signal issue is an odd one as i never expected to be able to replicate it but it's really really apparent. it's not something that'll affect me but still, an odd one.

25-06-2010, 09:04
this signal issue is an odd one as i never expected to be able to replicate it but it's really really apparent. it's not something that'll affect me but still, an odd one.

What is surprising is it's affecting iOS4 across the board apparently. A few sites have videos of 3GS phones that are impacted by it in exactly the same way. Go figure.

25-06-2010, 11:02
Apple has confirmed the antenna problem with the iPhone 4. Advice? "Don't hold it that way, or buy a case". Harsh, but kinda reasonable I guess.

Sorry, but in what way is that "reasonable"? This is a huge design flaw and Apple need to grow a pair and face up to it rather than dishing out frankly pathetic advice like this.

25-06-2010, 12:50
Check your Desire...my Nexus One (if you check the signal strength in the sub menus) degrades depending on how you hold it.

Not defending it mind...although I will be going back to the iphone.

At the moment Android is just too fragmented and a chunk of the apps that I used to use haven't appeared on Android despite being promised.

In general I just prefer IOS. It's a much more refined package, but that's just me. Obviously you don't like it and that's fine.

25-06-2010, 13:19
My signal strength doesn't vary depending on how I hold my phone. From reading up it seems to be down in insulation. Someone put some tape over the area and holding the phone the signal was fine.

25-06-2010, 13:29
Interesting viewpoint:


It’s why you see the geek tech press making such a big deal out of a product like the Mac Mini, which geeks consider to be the “one true Mac” because it means they get to have a separate monitor taking up extra space on their desk, while no one on the real world (Mac or PC user) has any idea that the Mac Mini even exists or would ever consider buying one even if they did.

Hmmmm, yeah, that's utterly wrong. They clearly don't take into account the fact that the Mac Mini is a fraction of the cost of an iMac.

25-06-2010, 13:53
The mac mini is a brilliant media machine :)

25-06-2010, 14:05
They clearly don't take into account the fact that the Mac Mini is a fraction of the cost of an iMac.

I guess that depends on your definition of 'a fraction.' A base Mini is £649 compared to £969 for an iMac. The base spec of the iMac is higher than the base Mini so despite being a huge fan of the form factor of the Mini there's no way I'd buy a new one, they're just too expensive in my opinion.

25-06-2010, 14:28
Yeah, the Mini has shot up in price recently. I bought the last version for the family, I doubt if I'd have bought this new one as it's just too expensive now.

25-06-2010, 15:20
I was shocked to see the price of the minis :( glad we got ours when we did.

25-06-2010, 15:25
I haven't looked recently but they were <500 quid when I did so approximate half the price of the cheapest iMac. We bought ours 2nd hand but I still think that comment is ridiculous - so only geeks use Mac Minis? Tell that to the publishing houses full of them!

25-06-2010, 17:00
- so only geeks use Mac Minis? Tell that to the publishing houses full of them!
What geeks or Mac Minis?

25-06-2010, 18:16
To get back on topic...

In my brother's local (a known black spot) and am getting better signal than my old 3G got :)

25-06-2010, 18:59
Dymetrie - the aforementioned colleague said the same - whilst he can reproduce the signal issue, the overall reception is better anyway which helps negate it a bit.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the iPhone at all, I just think the latest one is a too much "form over function", as the old design was fine and felt better in the hand.

It's Apple & Jobs that I despise :)

25-06-2010, 19:12
I haven't looked recently but they were <500 quid when I did so approximate half the price of the cheapest iMac. We bought ours 2nd hand but I still think that comment is ridiculous - so only geeks use Mac Minis? Tell that to the publishing houses full of them!

I'd agree it's a bit absurd that they think only Geeks will want them, though the new price is frankly ridiculous. Mac's tend to be higher price than comparable PCs but the Mac Mini was always a pretty decent price. On a geek level there were a few web hosting companies that filled their server racks with mac minis, due to the combination of size, heat, power efficiency and price.

The mini is a beautiful box ideal size and perfect for being a media PC. I presume Apple is beginning to wonder about the ION chipset systems, and whether the Mac Mini is still competitive, but these changes don't make sense.

25-06-2010, 19:47

Camera's pretty good, I snapped a few pics at my daughters prom doofer thing last night, here's just one of them cropped down and probably with JPG artifacting built in.

25-06-2010, 20:18
Interesting viewpoint:


Hmmmm, yeah, that's utterly wrong. They clearly don't take into account the fact that the Mac Mini is a fraction of the cost of an iMac.

Look at the top spec mini, and look at the bottom spec iMac and yowl see the price difference is about £40.

And you will also see that the iMac is faster, and come with a screen that does 1080 HD!!!!

I see no logic getting a Mac mini.

25-06-2010, 20:33
As I've already said....this was when they were <500 (like 3/4 years ago?) and the cheapest iMac was around £1k. I remember buying one for our then office with my boss because it was half the price and did everything we needed. I'm not having a debate I've already explained anyway, They WERE a lot cheaper, for not that different a spec. The point was, I don't think that only geeks would buy them - that's the argument not whether or not it's a good buy or not. Surely non-geeks are more likely to buy something that's not logical, because they don't understand the difference in the technologies as well as geeks would. That's the point I was trying to make, but it seems to have gone 'whooooooooosh' above people's heads!

25-06-2010, 21:41
I know what you mean, Kitten - that article really didn't make sense at all.

Joe 90
26-06-2010, 00:56
yeah, the whole thing of blaming geeks about the signal thing makes no sense to me.
I product should function, at least for its primary purpose, no matter how it is used. The examples they gave of what they felt were similar 'non-arguments' were stupid things which clearly make no sense as something that a user might do.
using a phone to make a call with your left hand however... more than likely something you'll do.

*i've had a few beers so decided to leave a comment to say how much of a stupid article it was. It has to be approved by a moderator. wonder if they'll bother seen as though its a negative comment and all I saw was "omfg i so agree with this" type posts!

26-06-2010, 01:14
Hey! Apple! You're holding it wrong!

http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/2513/heyappleyoureholdingitw.th.jpg (http://img705.imageshack.us/i/heyappleyoureholdingitw.jpg/)

26-06-2010, 08:30
Clearly its not actually an issue :p

Joe 90
26-06-2010, 10:50
I saw on twitter just now someone saying that they heard the issue was tied in with the baseband :/
interesting. Maybe thats why 4.0.1 is being rushed for iP4

26-06-2010, 12:52

That's a quick 30 second pan around that I took this morning down by the seafront in Frinton, unedited.

Here's a pair of stills (resized) in the same location.



26-06-2010, 12:55
I saw on twitter just now someone saying that they heard the issue was tied in with the baseband :/
interesting. Maybe thats why 4.0.1 is being rushed for iP4

How can a hardware issue be fixed by a software upgrade?

Joe 90
26-06-2010, 17:31
How can a hardware issue be fixed by a software upgrade?

i've no idea... i don't even really understand what the baseband is... lol. :o:o

"According to Walt Mossberg from The Wall Street Journal, Apple has acknowledged that the low reception problems are a result of a software bug, and has to do with the way the bars are being presented on the phone."
from http://www.examiner.com/x-12787-Miami-Gadgets-Examiner~y2010m6d23-Iphone-4-reception-problem

26-06-2010, 18:25
How can a hardware issue be fixed by a software upgrade?

Because it's a software issue, not a hardware issue, maybe?

Just to report back, I've spent the day wandering around town and have had perfect signal all the time, even when trying the death grip to disrupt it.



26-06-2010, 19:23
i've no idea... i don't even really understand what the baseband is... lol. :o:o

"According to Walt Mossberg from The Wall Street Journal, Apple has acknowledged that the low reception problems are a result of a software bug, and has to do with the way the bars are being presented on the phone."
from http://www.examiner.com/x-12787-Miami-Gadgets-Examiner~y2010m6d23-Iphone-4-reception-problem

Does that mean they're just going to make it so the bars no longer reflect the actual signal strength?

26-06-2010, 19:58
It does make you wonder... if it can be fixed by software that indicates that either the current software isn't representing actual signal strength or if it is... the new one won't be.

It's something that'd be very easy to cover up with a bodge job without anyone really being able to find out about.

Joe 90
26-06-2010, 20:17
Does that mean they're just going to make it so the bars no longer reflect the actual signal strength?
I did wonder if they'd 'fix' it like that!! ;D

26-06-2010, 20:36
How can a hardware issue be fixed by a software upgrade?

Because there have been some reports that the 3GS is affected by the same problem, even though the hardware hasn't changed. Don't know if those reports are in any way factual but they would back up the case for it being firmware.

Actually, in that case it would probably be a combination - namely some signal loss (which can happen on any phone), exacerbated by firmware that is too sensitive to the signal loss.

26-06-2010, 20:51
Has anybody that has upgraded to 4.0 had their tethering enabled?

I was looking through the options to see what has changed and noticed it actually works and doesn't ask me to call O2 anymore! \0/

26-06-2010, 21:17
Does that mean they're just going to make it so the bars no longer reflect the actual signal strength?

if they don't reflect signal strength are they going to do away with them completely?

26-06-2010, 21:23
That would be a Steve Jobs answer to the problem. ;D

It isn't just the bars - the firmware actually thinks the phone has lost signal completely and disconnects.

26-06-2010, 21:25
Has anybody that has upgraded to 4.0 had their tethering enabled?

I was looking through the options to see what has changed and noticed it actually works and doesn't ask me to call O2 anymore! \0/
Well I just went in to tehtering and turned it on, turned off the wireless on the laptop and well, here I am :D

26-06-2010, 21:30
Well I just went in to tehtering and turned it on, turned off the wireless on the laptop and well, here I am :D


Reckon O2 have done that as a way of persuading people to go with them? Free tethering?

Now they are imposing 500MB limits it makes sense.

26-06-2010, 21:32
Have O2 removed the tethering charge? I always saw that as a ludicrous money grab given that it wasn't a problem with most other phones. With the new data caps that's one big justification for having that charge flushed down the drain.

PS - as I found out last night, O2's servers severely cripple image quality, so that's one thing to bear in mind if browsing while tethered (unless of course you know of a way to bypass their servers).

26-06-2010, 21:48
I don't have the tethering option even there on my iPhone 4, never mind being enabled. It's just missing.

27-06-2010, 07:19
Well it looks like my phone's had it. I logged a support call with Apple yesterday and they talked me through several things, concluding with an offer to replace it. Unfortunately, since the phone is water damaged, they won't do it. I didn't tell them it was damaged of course, but when you look down the earphone jack hole there's a little pink line which means it's been wet.

I found out yesterday that my insurance are willing to repair/replace it so I'm sending it off next week. However, due to the problems I'm 95% certain they'll replace. They've already told me they have no 16GB 3GS's in stock, so I will get £350 back... which won't pay for a new iPhone. Pretty pissed off, but there's nothing I can do apart from write to Royal Bank of Scotland (who provide the cover via a third party insurer) and complain. So, it's going to cost me £100 to get a new 16GB 3GS (which they are running out of stock on because they're replacing so many knackered ones due to shoddy IOS 4) or £150 for a iPhone 4. I've dismissed the option of buying a second hand 3GS because you really don't know where they've been.

27-06-2010, 08:18
Part of the reason they're short of 3GSs is because so many people who have had battered handsets have found a reason to get them swapped to nice shiny refurbished ones recently so they can get a better price for them when the sell them to upgrade.

27-06-2010, 08:23
Part of the reason they're short of 3GSs is because so many people who have had battered handsets have found a reason to get them swapped to nice shiny refurbished ones recently so they can get a better price for them when the sell them to upgrade.
Yeah true. Mine is pristine on the outside as it's never come out of its case. I know the water damage isn't to blame for this, but it still messes everything up. Still quite gutted it happened. Never putting my phone in my back pocket again.

27-06-2010, 08:45
Have you tried restoring it again? Have you tried it on DFU mode?

To get DFU, hold down the home and power button for 10 seconds, the screen will flash at some point. After 10 seconds release the power button but continue to hold the home button. iTunes should then pick up that the phone needs to be restored. There should be NO iTunes and cable picture on the phone screen, it should be blank.

27-06-2010, 08:52
Have you tried restoring it again? Have you tried it on DFU mode?

To get DFU, hold down the home and power button for 10 seconds, the screen will flash at some point. After 10 seconds release the power button but continue to hold the home button. iTunes should then pick up that the phone needs to be restored. There should be NO iTunes and cable picture on the phone screen, it should be blank.
Yeah I've tried all of that several times. I've even tried restoring it as a new phone so it loses all of my settings, but it's still exactly the same. Restarts every 4-5 mins. Of course, it doesn't help that during the whole process it is still restarting itself so it buggers it up anyway.

27-06-2010, 08:58
Ah, bugger ::/:

So even whilst restoring it's still shutting down?

27-06-2010, 09:13
Yep. All the time. No matter what I'm doing. It does it whilst it's charging, whilst it's connected to iTunes, whilst it's updating etc.

27-06-2010, 11:30
Does that mean they're just going to make it so the bars no longer reflect the actual signal strength?


This (http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/10/06/25/death_grip_hysteria_may_end_monday_with_ios_4_01.h tml) is a very interesting read and makes perfect sense.

The important bit:

The fix is expected to address a issue in iOS 4 related to radio frequency calibration of the baseband. Readers who saw the original forum discussions say that the issue is believed to occur when switching frequencies; because the lag is allegedly not calibrated correctly, it results in the device reporting "no service" rather than switching to the frequency with the best signal to noise ratio.

iOS 4 introduced some enhancements to how the baseband selects which frequencies to use, so it makes sense that the error may have crept into those changes. Additionally, this explains why iOS 4 has also caused similar problems for iPhone 3GS users.

Additional readers have shared other related experiences that also corroborate the idea that the issue is related to iOS 4's software control of the baseband, including the fact that the issue seems easily reproducible when connecting to a WWAN 3G network but does not appear when connecting to a Microcell 3G. If the problem were simply hardware related issues of the antenna design, it should only affect iPhone 4 units with that new design and should occur at all times, regardless of the tower type. That is not being observed.

You can take that article any way you like, the important part there regarding RF makes sense to me and would explain the problem.

Of course, there will always be the conspiracy theorists who will just say that any software mod will just prevent the phone from displaying 'no signal' no matter what.

What I will say is that I'm getting a stronger signal in my house with my iPhone 4 than I ever did with my 3G and 3GS. I can walk around the house and keep a call going now and I couldn't do that before.

I've said on the OcUK Apple forums that I see this as being blown up out of proportion and I still stand by that.

27-06-2010, 11:31
they have no 16GB 3GS's in stock, so I will get £350 back...

You can have mine for £350 ;D

27-06-2010, 12:21
Kate, my friend just upgraded to a 4, and because her iPhone had 'water damage' (although it's been fixed by apple now & works fine) they won't replace it because they have the record of the w d on file. She doesn't know what to do with it but as I say it works perfectly so she's thinking if ebaying - do you want me to see what she's asking? Won't be the normal price I'm sure.

27-06-2010, 12:26
£350 would be great to get from the insurance policy tbh

They are going (new incl. box/accessories) on eBay for £300, and O2 are paying £230 to buy your old one back.

27-06-2010, 12:30
Ooooh. Now it is the daily fail, but:


27-06-2010, 12:37
The Daily Fail has indeed failed, the Twitter account they are reporting on is a blatant fake.


iPhone 4: Reinventing the way you hold your phone, again.

Just FaceTimed my wife. If you know what I mean.

People who live in houses shouldn't throw glass phones.

To prevent signal problems with the new iPhone, avoid touching the phone at all times.

The unshaven unemployed population is starting to line up at Apple stores. Ugh, go stand outside a FedEx sort facility.

27-06-2010, 12:37
Ooooh. Now it is the daily fail, but:


They quoted that from a parody twitter account ;D


Name Steve Jobs
Location Apple
Bio I don't care what you think of me. You care what I think of you. Of course this is a parody account.

27-06-2010, 12:41
That was from a fake twitter account. Steve Jobs doesn't tweet.

27-06-2010, 12:46
Wow, it takes three of you to say the same thing....I did say it was the daily fail right at the beginning ;)

27-06-2010, 12:48
Me and Div posted at the same time, Chuckles must just be blind or a reallllyyyy slow typer ;D

27-06-2010, 12:53

27-06-2010, 13:29
Surprise surprise! They have taken the article down!

27-06-2010, 18:07
Kate, my friend just upgraded to a 4, and because her iPhone had 'water damage' (although it's been fixed by apple now & works fine) they won't replace it because they have the record of the w d on file. She doesn't know what to do with it but as I say it works perfectly so she's thinking if ebaying - do you want me to see what she's asking? Won't be the normal price I'm sure.
Yes please :) Can't do any harm.

Though to be honest, unless they're going significantly cheaper than I can buy in store then I don't think it's worth taking the risk of buying on Ebay. If something like this happens again or Apple bugger up the next IOS which I expect they will, then I'm in even worse a position. The first thing the insruance asked for as my receipt with the IMEI stated on it. I can't see them accepting an Ebay receipt.

27-06-2010, 18:11
It's a shame that didn't happen a couple of weeks ago - My 3GS was in mint condition and you could have had it for the same money that I got from o2 on their recycle deal.

Regarding the receipt thing, I don't see why that should be a problem if it's from eBay, it's a receipt after all.

27-06-2010, 18:28
It's a shame that didn't happen a couple of weeks ago - My 3GS was in mint condition and you could have had it for the same money that I got from o2 on their recycle deal.

Regarding the receipt thing, I don't see why that should be a problem if it's from eBay, it's a receipt after all.
Ah damn!! Nevermind. Hopefully something else'll come up :)

You're technically right about the receipt, but I sent them my Voda receipt and they rejected it because it didn't have the IMEI number on it. I had to call up Vodafone and get them to send a new receipt with the IMEI put on. Bloody ridiculous!!

27-06-2010, 18:50
I'm getting £255 from O2 for mine without the headphones/charger - you can have it for that if you want? (10% extra code)

Normally I'd knock a bit off for you but really need as much as I can to warrant getting the phone :p

27-06-2010, 18:54
Be careful, o2 do want the charger, they specify that for iPhones.

27-06-2010, 19:03
By charger, does it mean sync cable or the UK mains bit?

27-06-2010, 19:04
Thanks for the offer Blighter. I have 30 days to send it for 'repair' so I'm going to hold back for a couple of weeks just in case a fix comes out. After that, it'll take them a week to let me know whether it can be fixed (doubtful) or send me the cash. It'll be a month or so before I get anything really and I haven't made my mind up what I want to do yet so I don't want to hold you up :)

27-06-2010, 19:11
By charger, does it mean sync cable or the UK mains bit?

I would expect both, since you need both to charge it (well, unless you're using a Mac or PC, obviously).

27-06-2010, 19:12
Odd, the jiffy they send can only *just* fit in the phone and USB - I don't want to risk the £15 admin fee though if they have to return it

27-06-2010, 19:31
Aye, I used a bigger jiffy bag than the one they sent and sent both the cable and the pluggy in the wall bit.

Also make sure the battery is fully charged, guy at work was docked 10% for it not being charged!

27-06-2010, 19:41
Yikes! Any excuse not to pay up then. :(

Upgraded mine today, did a complete wipe job on it to get rid of anything Jailbreak-related. Everything came back except the iTunes library which is a minor irritation (almost certainly because I had to set manual sync as I have a 20GB library and a 16GB iPhone ;D).

Apparently people are getting regular reboots during calls after the upgrade so we'll see whether or not mine behaves. Haven't looked at tethering yet but I got a carrier update so I'm assuming not.

27-06-2010, 19:59
Apparently you can purchase a brand new handset frm O2 during your contract. So it might be worth asking someone on O2 if they could give it a crack :)

27-06-2010, 22:16
Yeah true. Mine is pristine on the outside as it's never come out of its case. I know the water damage isn't to blame for this, but it still messes everything up. Still quite gutted it happened. Never putting my phone in my back pocket again.

what happened to get it wet? was it just light water damage?

28-06-2010, 06:10
I haz PM'd you :)

I have to say.... I quite like OS 4 during the 4 mins between re-boots :D The camera is much quicker

01-07-2010, 18:30
Thursday 1 July

Good news: many of our shops are getting a fresh delivery of iPhone 4 in black on Friday and Saturday this week. Even better, we're expecting more next week too and we'll let you know when.
Visit iPhone 4 Availability Update on Friday 2 July from 11:00am to find your nearest shop. We'll be updating the site throughout the weekend.
Top tip: get the best information about iPhone 4 availability in each shop after midday, every day.
iPhone 4 is currently only available on Pay Monthly and Business tariffs for existing O2 customers. You'll be limited to one per customer.
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I was thinking of getting one Saturday - IT HAS TO BE!

01-07-2010, 18:32
I know several people who've now had to go back to their old 3G/2G phones after they got the 'connect to itunes' message and had a similar problme to Kate. Waiting for Apple response. Oh and don't drop it!

01-07-2010, 21:17
People discussing the the antenna issue might find this link interesting; http://www.anandtech.com/show/3794/the-iphone-4-review/2

Summary: When the antenna isn't interfered with it's better than the previous iPhones, but the fact that the antenna is open to your hand if you bridge the two (holding it across the gap) you will seriously compromise the signal.

There may be some baseband issues with regard to selecting towers or similar which they might fix in 4.0.1, but there is also clearly a hardware issue as well, and the only solution for that seems to be a case (or bluetooth headset :) )

01-07-2010, 21:23
I'm so glad I didn't get one on release day..... I've dropped my phone twice in two days.. it survived but now it's looking a little battered around the edges.

I very rarely drop my phone in fact I've had this one over 18months and yesterday was the first time! I'd have been totally gutted if it were the iphone 4 as i don't think it would have welcome the concrete as well as the 5800 did!


01-07-2010, 21:34
I'm greeting that particular story with a pinch of skepticism...I've seen other reports of people dropping them and they're fine.

01-07-2010, 21:52
It'll depend how and what it lands on. Seem to recall hearing that corners are bad. That might even account for Apple creating the 'bumper'.

That particular one looks like it landed on something pointy (assuming that Apple glass behaves the same as everyone else's)

Dropped my 3GS twice so far. Case is somewhat beaten up but that's expendable.

01-07-2010, 21:54
Dropped my iPhone 4 a few times. Been fine. Admittedly onto the bed :D

01-07-2010, 22:21
I've dropped my 3GS onto the concrete road once - and it survived without a scratch :D
(OK, I did intervene with my foot but it was still travelling pretty fast when it hit the road :p)

01-07-2010, 22:24
i've heard speculation that the back and front are different types of glass, but nothing confirmed.

01-07-2010, 22:34
My 3Gs has a massive crack down the back after it was pulled onto the floor once by catching the cable. Why theyve covered the new one in glass at the back i have no idea... Several people at work dont like the new back cos it smudges and looks crap if you dont clean it every time you handle it. Rob, I'll put you onto the guy if you like, you can have a chat with him about it & how he did it.

02-07-2010, 00:00
I've found mine seems to self clean by putting it in my pocket.

02-07-2010, 00:00
I've found mine seems to self clean by putting it in my pocket.

02-07-2010, 13:57

We have discovered the cause of this dramatic drop in bars, and it is both simple and surprising.

Upon investigation, we were stunned to find that the formula we use to calculate how many bars of signal strength to display is totally wrong. Our formula, in many instances, mistakenly displays 2 more bars than it should for a given signal strength. For example, we sometimes display 4 bars when we should be displaying as few as 2 bars. Users observing a drop of several bars when they grip their iPhone in a certain way are most likely in an area with very weak signal strength, but they don’t know it because we are erroneously displaying 4 or 5 bars. Their big drop in bars is because their high bars were never real in the first place.

To fix this, we are adopting AT&T’s recently recommended formula for calculating how many bars to display for a given signal strength. The real signal strength remains the same, but the iPhone’s bars will report it far more accurately, providing users a much better indication of the reception they will get in a given area. We are also making bars 1, 2 and 3 a bit taller so they will be easier to see.

We will issue a free software update within a few weeks that incorporates the corrected formula. Since this mistake has been present since the original iPhone, this software update will also be available for the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G.

We have gone back to our labs and retested everything, and the results are the same— the iPhone 4’s wireless performance is the best we have ever shipped. For the vast majority of users who have not been troubled by this issue, this software update will only make your bars more accurate. For those who have had concerns, we apologize for any anxiety we may have caused.

02-07-2010, 16:00

So that does nothing to affect/fix any issue people are seeing, it just means that currently the phone shows a higher signal strength than it should?

02-07-2010, 16:50
No it means that there is no signal issue what so ever which is what a lot of people who have I4s' have been stating anyway. :)

02-07-2010, 18:24
That's clearly not going to fix problem truly, if that mistake has been present since the original iPhone, considering all preceding iPhones have had worse reception (assuming good conditions) then they would have been even more prone to this signal loss issue than the iPhone 4 is.

That 'fix' will in absolutely no way alleviate the current problem, I fear Apple are going to try and fudge this and hope they get away with it but frankly, when people are dropping calls, changing the formula that displays the bars won't achieve anything. Thousands of people aren't just imagining their calls dropping or their data cutting out and the fact they can cause the issue reliably enough to video the problem shows that clearly we have an issue that runs far deeper than how the bars are displayed.

They should really show the actual level in dB, out of a possible maximum or above a minimum, do away with the bars altogether.

The key thing to realise is Apple are still avoiding admitting there is any kind of problem with the fact holding your phone like that causes such a dramatic drop in the first place.

02-07-2010, 18:41
Much as though a love Apple gear, I don't see that as anything other than a deliberate lie. They clearly are now not going to admit there is a hardware flaw. They've probably sorted the issue in phones currently being manufactured and if anyone complains in an Apple shop, they'll do a swap out.

The idea of this is to fudge the issue and avoid calls for a mass recall.

Rich - If you didn't know, you could activate an engineering mode to show the actual dB level in all iPhones up to the current one. Hackers have gone through the filesystem and worked out that it's not that the magic code has been changed, the actual app has been removed. Make of that what you will.

02-07-2010, 19:42
I went and had a play with one today........I think I want one again. Contract is up in 10 days so I need to have a think, and then hope they have stock in if I decide to get one.

02-07-2010, 19:42
From what I've heard of people with the i4 it's been working really well, with much better reception and call quality.

02-07-2010, 19:50
It's clearly not affecting all phones but the fact so so many people are reporting issues would suggest this is unlikely to be a few isolated incidents really.

If there was really absolutely nothing wrong, they wouldn't even have been looking at the signal display to start with, so in a way the fact it's even been looked at implies they're viewing it as a problem.

02-07-2010, 19:53
Right fair enough if they say there reporting a stronger signal than actually exists (which makes me wonder to begin with anyway!). But how do they explain a call dropping (http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/24/some-iphone-4-models-see-signals-drop-to-0-when-held-left-handed/), irrelevant of bars of signal? It's still a hardware problem no matter what :p Antennas are hidden/shielded for a reason! Always have been....

02-07-2010, 19:56
I have to say I've had call dropping on my iphone. It's a pain - but I also live in a slightly dodgy signal area. I got call dropping on other phones so I think it's mainly due to that.

The iphone isn't perfect - not that anything is, but if it's no worse than the current one, I'm still upgrading. :)

02-07-2010, 20:03
if it's no worse than the current one

That's where the issue lies, an awful lot of people are complaining that it is, very much so. Enough for it not to be just a few unlucky whingers.


That is not 'misrepresented bars' that is data transmission completely halting whilst the antenna is bridged.

I'm firmly of the believe there is a problem, it's just a case of waiting to see if Apple will admit it or try and sweep it under the carpet.

02-07-2010, 20:54
Fair doos, I was getting one on pre-order but work screwed up so I'll just wait till the end of the month - if I read any big scare stories that put me off then I'll just keep what I have - I doubt I will though, I'm a sucker for a gadget.

03-07-2010, 10:35
Had a Safari crash last night (3GS, iOS 4). That's the first one I've ever had and it had to happen as I was trying to post a particularly long message on another forum. Grrr! :angry:

It was, however, prescient, as I didn't bother re-typing the post and changed my mind about it all an hour later.

Apple Parapsychology®. That dropped call wasn't a fault - it was your iPhone deciding you'd have regretted it an hour later. :)

03-07-2010, 13:12
I'm at Oxford St and there are about 50 people in the queue in front of me :(

Here's to hoping

03-07-2010, 14:05
Just got my 16gb.

03-07-2010, 14:32
I touched one this mroning. Lovely screen.

(My workmate went out for "lunch" yesterday and came back with one)

03-07-2010, 18:13


03-07-2010, 19:25

04-07-2010, 09:42
;D ;D

04-07-2010, 11:39

05-07-2010, 12:49
That made me laugh!

What's the score with jailbreaking the iPhone 4, can it be done yet?

05-07-2010, 13:00
I think the devs arre waiting to release it until 4.0.1 is out in a week or so's time.

05-07-2010, 20:46
Reckon so. They said they had two jailbreaks ready - Spirit being one - so we'll see. Think it'll be a tethered jailbreak this time.

I've quit the game, though I'm still watching. Probably lost some resale value as a result but since I plan to skip the iPhone4 I doubt that'll matter.

Joe 90
05-07-2010, 20:51
this morning a few devs said they've cracked the baseband or something (wasn't really paying attention) as they posted some kind of number string relating to it.

can't wait to get my JB back, now that i've actually paid for apps on there & can't actually use them right now!

05-07-2010, 21:59
iPhone4 has been broken (userland again, like Spirit), so the code exists. Given that it's a userland break I'd imagine it'll work on the 3GS too. Obviously they'll wait for 4.0.1 though since we know it's coming and they want to maximise the opportunity.

09-07-2010, 17:43
Looks like I will be giving in and getting one on Monday, am waiting for a phone call back then after I said I couldn't go and get in a queue in a shop because of my operation.

10-07-2010, 00:45

Wonder if the Tesco offer will make a dent in the big four's terms. They seem to be making a big thing of the 12-month contract.

10-07-2010, 10:44
It possibly would, if you could actually get hold of them :(

10-07-2010, 13:37
It possibly would, if you could actually get hold of them :(

The o2 stock checker which was tweeted yesterday said that the Above Bar shop had stock in.

10-07-2010, 13:41
I meant the Tesco ones.

I don't want one on O2, i'd much rather have 12x£20 payments + a big lump to start with than a smaller lump sum but 18 x £30 payments.

Trouble is, it seems everyone else does too and they are proving rather popular and difficult to get hold of.

Tesco Bursledon got stock on Thursday and it was gone before lunchtime. I'm not quite at the stage where I want to take time off work just to get hold of a phone though.

10-07-2010, 18:14
Tesco Bursledon got stock on Thursday and it was gone before lunchtime. I'm not quite at the stage where I want to take time off work just to get hold of a phone though.
Do what Graham did and take a 4 hour lunch...

11-07-2010, 07:29
Seriously considering getting one of these. I'm not sure when my 18 month contract with T-Mobile runs out but it can't be far away. Looking at the tariffs, I'd need to be certifiably insane to stay with T-Mobile.

Comparison between T-Mobile and Tesco:

T-Mobile - £35/month - Phone £269, 600mins, 500txts, 500MB data, no mention of wifi - 24 month contract.

Tesco - £35/month - Phone £299, 750mins, unlimited txts, 1GB data, 12 months unlimited wifi - 12 month contract.

Serious no-brainer - bye bye T-Mobile. Had to laugh at this on the T-Mobile website: Here are the fantastic value price plans you can choose for your iPhone when it's available on T-MobileFantastic value? ;D

Thing is, I'll want to keep my number but I've never moved a number to a different provider before. Could someone run through the procedure so I know what to do please?

11-07-2010, 07:44
You call T-Mobile and say "I'd like my PAC please". They'll try and talk you out of it but the bottom line is that they have to give it to you.

When you get the code, you go to Tesco (or whoever you're going with) and you say "I'd like to sign up please, here's my PAC".

A couple of days later (maybe less) your number will be transferred.

As from next year the regulations are changing so that PACs have to be provided within two hours of the request and the transfer has to go through within 24 hours so sadly it won't be quite that quick for you now but it should be a fairly painless procedure.

The PAC you're given is valid for 30 days and if you've not transferred the number in that time, it just expires. If you want to move after that 30 days, you need a new PAC.

11-07-2010, 08:02
Thank you very much Mr Feek. I thought it was something like that.

All I need to do now is find out when my T-Mobile contract finishes then I'm good to go - assuming Tesco have stock at the time.

11-07-2010, 09:32
Absolutely loving the IP4.

Having tried Android - IOS and the iPhone is just that much better at the moment.

11-07-2010, 12:59
Thank you very much Mr Feek. I thought it was something like that.

All I need to do now is find out when my T-Mobile contract finishes then I'm good to go - assuming Tesco have stock at the time.

Hmmmm, it should go as Feekles said and can be painless, however my port from T-mobile failed completely and after 5 days of no phone and faffing about (this is when Matt was in hospital and we were communicating via Mr Burble as my frigging phone went from one number to another as and when it felt like it), I ended up having to just take the new number. No problems from other providers, but when I discussed it on a forum I was far from the only one who had this problem with them. My advice? Get specific times from them when it should be done and get a contact name to call back in case it doesn't happen when it should. Saves a lot of hassle if things go wrong.

16-07-2010, 22:25
Roll up! Roll up! Free cases or your money back.


And it's official - iPhone4 does drop more calls than the 3G/S.

17-07-2010, 07:47
Hmmmm, it should go as Feekles said and can be painless, however my port from T-mobile failed completely and after 5 days of no phone and faffing about (this is when Matt was in hospital and we were communicating via Mr Burble as my frigging phone went from one number to another as and when it felt like it), I ended up having to just take the new number. No problems from other providers, but when I discussed it on a forum I was far from the only one who had this problem with them. My advice? Get specific times from them when it should be done and get a contact name to call back in case it doesn't happen when it should. Saves a lot of hassle if things go wrong.
I had that too. Vodafone lost my PAC, even though I entered it online when I switched. Had 2-3 days of messing about befoer it transferred.

17-07-2010, 08:34
I currently cant get a new iphone cos o2 need to put me on the correct system for me to be able to have one (something to do with the fact i've been with them forever apparently) I have to wait until they file all the right paperwork and approve it.
They told me 24 hours, then 72. I've now been waiting 8 days. Grrr!

17-07-2010, 14:37
I'd ring up and ask to cancel my contract. Say you've arranged another contract as they clearly cannot provide you with what you're asking for. When they put you through to cancellations you tell the guy there your reasons and I guarantee it'll be sorted for you before you can say 'iphone 4 issues' ;)

17-07-2010, 21:05

Free today, I recommend it :D

17-07-2010, 21:08
Downloading now :D

20-07-2010, 17:46
Ok so i've finally sold out, and my iphone4 turned up today.

Happy to take any tips, things I should do. Mr Feek sent me a text earlier, and it had a smilie on it, but when I replied and used this smilie :p by typing it : and then p it didnt go as a smilie when I sent it back, is this something I need to add from somewhere or is it just typed different?

Plus anything anyone wants to recommend I should get from the app store. Am sure I will be asking silly questions over the next few days. Theres no way I can have an mp3 of my choice as the ringtone/message tone is there?

Todays first silly question, If I want to use the wifi in my house, how do I make sure it defaults to that when i'm in the house, on my last nokia I used to have to get it to look for the wifi network every time I connected to the net (or tell it to connect via o2) I have saved the wifi details onto the phone, so how do I know if its connecting via that, or via o2?

20-07-2010, 18:20
Go to the Language Settings and go to Japanese and then enable Emojis :P

20-07-2010, 19:56
Go to the Language Settings and go to Japanese and then enable Emojis :P

Why would I need it in Japanese? Or are you trying to render my phone useless on its first day because I can't speak Japanese ;D

I've downloaded the app, paid version, but can't seem to see how to "activate" it as such, it just lists all the code.

20-07-2010, 20:17
It tells you what to do when you download it. :rolleyes: :p

20-07-2010, 20:28
She's sussed it now :)

20-07-2010, 20:36
It tells you what to do when you download it. :rolleyes: :p

I'm new at this cowbag! :p

I have now fixed it via the power of google (and Feek)

Recommend me some free stuff people! I think I finally shut my Mums ranting about it costing £89 when I went downstairs, said "Play Kylie Minogue" to the phone and it started playing her album. Her mouth fell open for a second ;D

20-07-2010, 20:44
What happens if you say "Play with Kylie Minogue" ? ;)

20-07-2010, 20:46
Shush you!

Can anyone help me with this

Todays first silly question, If I want to use the wifi in my house, how do I make sure it defaults to that when i'm in the house, on my last nokia I used to have to get it to look for the wifi network every time I connected to the net (or tell it to connect via o2) I have saved the wifi details onto the phone, so how do I know if its connecting via that, or via o2?

If it has the quarter circle thing next to o2, then does that mean its connected to the wifi in the house?

20-07-2010, 20:49
Yes, that's the wireless signal strength indicator and if that's showing, it's connected and that will take preference over 3G.

20-07-2010, 20:51
Yes, that's the wireless signal strength indicator and if that's showing, it's connected and that will take preference over 3G.

Ta. Was hoping that was the case. So if i'm out and it finds a wireless network then it'll give me the option to join that instead?

*promise to stop after this*

20-07-2010, 21:07
if you have "ask to join wireless network" turned on it will indeed.

20-07-2010, 21:32
Which is the default setting. :)

Can be fun when you walk down some residential street and randomly discover you're on someone's unsecured wi-fi network! ;D

21-07-2010, 17:55
Todays silly question, is there any way to skip to a contact if I want to ring them or send them a message without scrolling down the whole alphabetical list?

21-07-2010, 18:01
On the right hand side of the list there are a series of letters. Touch one and the list will jump to that letter.

21-07-2010, 18:34
On the right hand side of the list there are a series of letters. Touch one and the list will jump to that letter.

You can also use the letter bar as a scroll bar sort of thing :)

edit: Also, if you are half way down a page/list, just tap the grey bar at the top (with the clock) to jump straight to the top of that page/list

21-07-2010, 19:09

Ok how do I upload a photo I took straight to facebook? Do I have to create an album on the phone and do it like I normally would on my laptop, or is there a quicker way I can just post a photo i've taken?

21-07-2010, 19:23
I don't have the facebook app any more because I don't have a facebook account any more but isn't there an option in it to upload a picture which allows you to either take a picture or select one from the camera roll?

21-07-2010, 19:27
I don't have the facebook app any more because I don't have a facebook account any more but isn't there an option in it to upload a picture which allows you to either take a picture or select one from the camera roll?

I can click on "share" and select the picture I want, but then it only gives me the option to MMS or email it, and I don't want to do that.

21-07-2010, 19:28

Ok how do I upload a photo I took straight to facebook? Do I have to create an album on the phone and do it like I normally would on my laptop, or is there a quicker way I can just post a photo i've taken?

You can post it to your wall, just click the camera button next to the text box status update bit, choose either 'Take Picture' or 'Choose from Album' and viola!

21-07-2010, 19:33
You can post it to your wall, just click the camera button next to the text box status update bit, choose either 'Take Picture' or 'Choose from Album' and viola!

Yay! Thankyou! Sorry for being annoying people, never had one of these before (can you tell? ;) )

Whats that sleep app thing called that tells you when you are in deep sleep etc?

21-07-2010, 19:36
Sleep Cycle

currently 59p!! Get it quickly. (first result for 'Sleep' in app store with the orange alarm clock icon :) )

edit: I mean that to help you find it, not being mean ;D

21-07-2010, 19:41
Thankyou, I only took it as such, really appreciating all the help. :)

21-07-2010, 19:43
Anytime! :)

22-07-2010, 22:59
Todays silly question, can I have a song of my choice as ringtone/message tone?

23-07-2010, 00:19
It's a bit fiddly, but (assuming you didn't buy the song from the iTunes store)...

... There's a workaround that I've used a couple of times here (http://www.pcworld.com/article/156234/turn_any_mp3_into_an_iphone_ringtone.html).

I assume this still works - for ringtones only. Forget about message tones - what you've got is what you're getting.

23-07-2010, 07:15
Will try it later, ta.

23-07-2010, 18:52
It's a bit fiddly, but (assuming you didn't buy the song from the iTunes store)...

I assume this still works - for ringtones only. Forget about message tones - what you've got is what you're getting.

I've got as far as converting it from a m4a to a m4r but can't see where I need to click to convert it. Help.
(Have got windows7 if that makes a difference)

23-07-2010, 19:03
You convert it before renaming it (right click in itunes -> convert to AAC).
Once you rename it to M4R, just drag it into the library and it will show in the "Ringtones" section on the left.

23-07-2010, 19:15
I can convert it to aac, it's changing it from m4a that I can't seem to work out

23-07-2010, 19:28
Simply rename it from m4a to m4r :)

(If you can't see file extensions, go to My Documents -> Tools -> Options and it's in their somewhere)

23-07-2010, 19:40
Simply rename it from m4a to m4r :)

(If you can't see file extensions, go to My Documents -> Tools -> Options and it's in their somewhere)
I cant for the life of me see where to "simply rename it" :)

And windows7 doesnt have my documents, it has documents but then theres no tools option. If I right click and click on rename it just lets me rename the actual song, not the file type.

23-07-2010, 19:49


23-07-2010, 19:51
When you're in the folder with the file, click on Organise in the top left, then click on Folder and Search Options. Click the View tab, then deselect the option that's called Hide Extensions for Known File Types. Click OK to go back to your folder. You should now see the file extension (.m4a), and when you right-click and go to rename, you should be able to change the file extension to .m4r :)

23-07-2010, 19:54
When you're in the folder with the file, click on Organise in the top left, then click on Folder and Search Options. Click the View tab, then deselect the option that's called Hide Extensions for Known File Types. Click OK to go back to your folder. You should now see the file extension (.m4a), and when you right-click and go to rename, you should be able to change the file extension to .m4r :)

Davey, I love you! :D Well I did, i've converted it, but now it won't appear in itunes as a 30 second clip, I have the full length one but not the one i've edited. Grrr! Might just give up!

Edit! Scrap that, done it!

23-07-2010, 20:14
if anyone paid for a bumper already, you'll get an automatic refund to the card you paid with.

AND you can claim a free one, there's an iphone app or you can do it on the apple website somewhere.

23-07-2010, 20:24
I have to say I have had a few issues with lack of signal, I used to be able to sit at my desk in work and ring people no problem, but the iphone doesn't seem to like being inside and only works if I go and stand outside the main door now. I can hear people, they don't seem to be able to hear me, and I am being very careful not to cover the bit at the bottom when I hold the phone.

Also it gets bloody hot underneath if i've been using it continuously for more than a few minutes.

24-07-2010, 02:05
Did you install the update? iTunes should have told you about it.

Smartphones do often tend to be a bit more picky about signal than 'normal' phones. The problem is simply the number of things competing for the airwaves (i.e. wi-fi, bluetooth, GSM, 3G/HSDPA, some of them with two or more 'bands'). No idea if the iPhone4 has this problem, but turning off the ones you don't need might help.

As for getting warm, yes, they all do that. Though I wouldn't call it hot. Using the phone while charging it makes the problem worse. Check you don't have the screen brightness set too high (it's in Settings or General, can't remember which) as turning it down can help.

24-07-2010, 06:02
That's odd. My 3GS doesn't get hot at all

24-07-2010, 08:35
Does anyone elses facebook app just give them a black screen when they try and use it? The only thing I can do is turn the phone on and off and then it works again. Gonna reinstall the app, but it's done it like half a dozen times so far and tis a bit annoying.

24-07-2010, 13:55
Does anyone elses facebook app just give them a black screen when they try and use it? The only thing I can do is turn the phone on and off and then it works again. Gonna reinstall the app, but it's done it like half a dozen times so far and tis a bit annoying.

It's a really badly coded app imo, reinstall fixes the black/blank screen issue :)

24-07-2010, 13:56
That's odd. My 3GS doesn't get hot at all

Mine does if I'm eating the battery life on things like Angry Birds, etc. It also does if you use + charge at the same time.

Every single smartphone will do this - same as laptops.

31-07-2010, 09:03
Ok todays silly question.

Is there any way I can turn the caps lock on when I am typing something, so I dont have to keep pressing shift before every letter.

Ordered my bumper thing to help with the signal issues, and it came within a few days. It has made things a bit better if I am honest. I can ring people from my desk now which is an improvement.

If I want to buy a car kit (so I can mount it in the car) are there any cheap versions about, or how much am I looking at?

31-07-2010, 09:21
Double click shift key. :)

31-07-2010, 10:40
Took me ages to find out about that one. I don't know if was an option in 'iOS 3', but if it was, I didn't know. :o

31-07-2010, 10:45
It was available before ios 4. :)

31-07-2010, 18:08
For those of you with IOS4 on your 3G(S) and are finding it slow, apparently disabling Spotlight speeds things up hugely.

31-07-2010, 18:26
Ok todays silly question.

Is there any way I can turn the caps lock on when I am typing something, so I dont have to keep pressing shift before every letter.

Ordered my bumper thing to help with the signal issues, and it came within a few days. It has made things a bit better if I am honest. I can ring people from my desk now which is an improvement.

If I want to buy a car kit (so I can mount it in the car) are there any cheap versions about, or how much am I looking at?

I don't know of cheaper ones, and i'm not the go to iPhone guy, but i guess if its like any other phone, pony up the money and get a brodit, they've always been the best around for me, most thought out, fit any car model you can think of etc... Expensive comparatively but worth the money usually. I dunno what everyone else will say though since they own the phone and use it in car etc.. :)

01-08-2010, 10:53
Yes, the Brodit Proclip mounts are superb - The actual mounts themselves are cheap enough but the cradles are quite expensive.

Because I dumped my Satnav, I've gone over to TomTom on the iPhone so I bought the TomTom cradle and nailed it to a Brodit Proclip.


01-08-2010, 13:10
I use a THB Bury car mount and adaptor - but it's a professional install job. It was also fitted to the car when I bought it.

06-08-2010, 07:20
I loooooooooove my iphone 4. :D :D :D :D

06-08-2010, 07:28
I had a bit of a play with one when I was getting my iPad and I've decided it's not for me. The screen is too small for my old eyes and I can't see the need for a smartphone - especially since I now have the iPad. Think I'll just stick with a standard phone for now.

06-08-2010, 08:10
I loooooooooove my iphone 4. :D :D :D :D

Make sure you order your free case, it's definitely helped with the signal issues I was initially having. :)

06-08-2010, 11:57
Free case? From where?

Tried several calls so far for up to 15 mins with no issues yet.... But will want a case to protect it.

06-08-2010, 12:11

06-08-2010, 13:41
Free case? From where?

Tried several calls so far for up to 15 mins with no issues yet.... But will want a case to protect it.

There's an app for that (sorry just always wanted to say that ;D )

Use Feeks link or search for it on the app store :)

06-08-2010, 14:26
Much obliged. :)

23-08-2010, 17:32
Just ordered one of these for my o2 upgrade :D

Looking forward to the speed boost when loading apps as my 2g is getting a bit long in the tooth now. It'll be my first 3g phone too :)

23-08-2010, 18:52
Wooo another person with the best ever phone ;) \0/

26-08-2010, 21:24
Today's silly question, can I create different photo albums instead of just having them all on the big camera roll?

26-08-2010, 21:31
Today's silly question, can I create different photo albums instead of just having them all on the big camera roll?

Only on your computer, and you can only manage them from there as well.

This perturbs me also :(

27-08-2010, 07:11
How do Apple manage to get things so right, and yet so wrong at the same time?

Joe 90
27-08-2010, 07:40
Because they tell you its right so you don't think otherwise until something is really annoying for a really long time!

27-08-2010, 08:05
Double post.

27-08-2010, 08:06
Mines having the odd headfit as well, like if I go to type a W, and accidentally get the Q, it capitalises it and inserts a new line, even though I haven't asked it to do either. It doesn't do it all the time, but still a bit annoying!

Plus facebook is still doing it's black screen thing even though I've updated it recently.

Does it need a trip to the Apple store maybe?

27-08-2010, 09:39
I've been getting some bizarre stuff from the Facebook app recently. Biggest problem seems to be that it doesn't multitask properly (particularly if you change screen orientation a lot, which I do).

Knip, go back to the home screen, double click the home button to bring up the task switcher, then find the facebook icon, hold your finger on it and click the red 'no entry' sign. Click home and home again, then restart the app.

02-09-2010, 19:15
Yea, Facebook has been buggy for me since the last update :(

02-09-2010, 20:58
If for any reason you have to get your iPhone 4 swapped by Apple (as I did, due to a 'stuck' camera), you can run the free case application and order another free case!

03-09-2010, 18:56
All of a sudden today its started telling me when I get an email, inspite of me having the push setting to "manually"

I havent changed anything, so why would it have randomly started doing this?

04-09-2010, 20:54
Oh and how the frig do I sort these bloody photos into albums! :angry:

04-09-2010, 21:12
Oh and how the frig do I sort these bloody photos into albums! :angry:

on itunes, well kinda.

sync them up from your phone, then into my picutres. any folders you make in there will in turn be an album when it syncs back to your phone. if you check "sync photos".

i've just read that back and it makes no sense. ill maybe fix it later.

08-09-2010, 19:44
iOS 4.1 has been released...

Info here. (http://www.apple.com/uk/iphone/software-update/)

have updated my phone and Mrs Dym is now wantonly updating her 3G (from OS 3) before there have been many reports back about if it works well!

*fingers crossed*

08-09-2010, 21:15
All I want is AVRCP on bluetooth which I think is in this update. And of course JB for it :D

08-09-2010, 21:17
I'm a bit torn. Since installing 4.x the bluetooth on my 3GS has been a mess - it can't transfer the contacts to my car kit (it just sends over rubbish) and I have to factory reset the unit in the car to connect up my work phone.

Also since JBing it the wireless is pretty poor, it'll randomly decide to not turn on and then it'll lie saying it is connected with a valid IP when actually it isn't.

That said, I would miss the JB!

08-09-2010, 21:18
iOS 4.1 has been released...

Info here. (http://www.apple.com/uk/iphone/software-update/)

Off I go to do it, can anyone help with this, its starting to eat my battery :(

All of a sudden today its started telling me when I get an email, inspite of me having the push setting to "manually"

I havent changed anything, so why would it have randomly started doing this?

08-09-2010, 21:29
Off I go to do it, can anyone help with this, its starting to eat my battery :(

Fetch set to manual and push turned off?

How are your accounts set up? IMAP or Exchange?

Allegedly exchange has caused issues (I have just removed an exchange calendar account to see if I can get the awesome battery life others are boasting of).

Other than that there have been a few handsets reported which have had appalling battery life. Apple have swapped them out without issue, of course.

08-09-2010, 21:40
Fetch set to manual and push turned off?

How are your accounts set up? IMAP or Exchange?

Allegedly exchange has caused issues (I have just removed an exchange calendar account to see if I can get the awesome battery life others are boasting of).

Other than that there have been a few handsets reported which have had appalling battery life. Apple have swapped them out without issue, of course.

It is set to manual and push is off yeah. It literally started doing it in the middle of last week. Maybe the update will give it a bash on the head.

How do I work out if its IMAP or exchange? Its my yahoo account.

The battery isnt appalling, just when its telling me every 5 minutes (I think when it finds some wifi it does it as often as it feels like) that I have a new email, its draining it somewhat. Usually I can get a whole day out of it.

Minor rant about this new "Game centre" being spelt the American way, and not being able to change it.

08-09-2010, 21:45
Also since JBing it the wireless is pretty poor, it'll randomly decide to not turn on and then it'll lie saying it is connected with a valid IP when actually it isn't.

Using SBSettings? If so, that's probably the culprit. The toggles seem a bit random - sometimes they'll toggle but not actually do anything (the phone toggle is particularly bad for this). Toggling wi-fi via the Settings app still works fine.

... which makes the whole JB thing a bit pointless for me as SBSettings is the main reason I do.

08-09-2010, 21:50
Using SBSettings?

I've got it installed but I have the same problem if I turn WiFi on or off using SBSettings or settings.

08-09-2010, 21:53
Not had that, except today when the office wi-fi went bonkers anyway. It'd be a bit annoying if I did because right now wi-fi is my only option for data (at least until I decide if I want to sign up for Simplicity).

08-09-2010, 21:55
It is set to manual and push is off yeah. It literally started doing it in the middle of last week. Maybe the update will give it a bash on the head.

How do I work out if its IMAP or exchange? Its my yahoo account.

The battery isnt appalling, just when its telling me every 5 minutes (I think when it finds some wifi it does it as often as it feels like) that I have a new email, its draining it somewhat. Usually I can get a whole day out of it.

Minor rant about this new "Game centre" being spelt the American way, and not being able to change it.

Won't be exchange if you set it up through Yahoo, then :)

Probably worth setting fetch to hourly to try and solve the problem, then. Checking hourly (and you can still do manual as well) will probably help with your battery drainage...

Other than that I'm stumped, I'm afraid...


08-09-2010, 21:59
Ta, its actually not done it since the update, and theres wireless in the house so it usually has done. Maybe thats reset it and jogged it out of whatever headfit it was having. Now to get rid of the americanised game "center"

08-09-2010, 22:47
Minor rant about this new "Game centre" being spelt the American way, and not being able to change it.

Strictly speaking it's the historically correct way of spelling it. The UK moved away from that spelling along with a number of others over the years, whilst America retained it. Also includes "color" and the use of "ize" in a word.

08-09-2010, 23:00
Strictly speaking it's the historically correct way of spelling it. The UK moved away from that spelling along with a number of others over the years, whilst America retained it. Also includes "color" and the use of "ize" in a word.

Strictly speaking, it's French I believe.

09-09-2010, 02:49
Strictly speaking, it's French I believe.

/me adds that to the list of things he learnt today.

There is a great book by Bill Bryson called "The Mother Tongue". It's been way too long since I read it, but can highly recommend it :)

I should probably stop pulling this thread OT though :D

09-09-2010, 07:12
I am still English, living in England, so they should allow for variations. I can change the other folder names, so why not this? /rant.

09-09-2010, 07:49
/me adds that to the list of things he learnt today.

There is a great book by Bill Bryson called "The Mother Tongue". It's been way too long since I read it, but can highly recommend it :)

I should probably stop pulling this thread OT though :D

I think the majority of old English words come from either French or Latin, obviously our last invasion was from the French. I'm a big lover of words & language - I have that book queued on my iPhone to listen to, funnily enough, skim read it on a plane a few years ago but wasn't paying much attention. Sorry, will also stop taking thread off too! :)

09-09-2010, 11:01
There is a great book by Bill Bryson called "The Mother Tongue". It's been way too long since I read it, but can highly recommend it

Good book. Especially the part about English sayings that we use every day with redundant words in e.g. 'wrack and ruin', where both words almost have identical meanings.

09-09-2010, 18:08
The Holiday Inn website has "Queen's English" as an option :)

10-09-2010, 15:32
Have just bought! Is there a list of the available cases online you can obtain using the case app? Was going to just get the bumper but thought it might be worth seeing what else was available.

10-09-2010, 19:04
Have just bought! Is there a list of the available cases online you can obtain using the case app? Was going to just get the bumper but thought it might be worth seeing what else was available.

Yup, or at least there was when I downloaded the app for the case. You got to view the available ones once you opened up the app. :)

12-09-2010, 11:27
Went for the Griffin Reveal Etch as it's definitely the slimmest of the lot and will protect the back of the phone. I really can't be bothered with cleaning both the front and the back of the phone all the time. If it's no good I'll sell this one on and find something better. :)

12-09-2010, 12:21
Went for the Griffin Reveal Etch as it's definitely the slimmest of the lot and will protect the back of the phone. I really can't be bothered with cleaning both the front and the back of the phone all the time. If it's no good I'll sell this one on and find something better. :)
That's the exact one I got and I really like it. It covers the back completely, doesn't stop you using the buttons at all, and is a little bigger width wise so you can place your iPhone face down and the screen won't be resting on the surface as there's roughly a 1mm bumper on the front. Very nice case :)

12-09-2010, 13:30
Random useless information: My 3GS has an identity crisis - I'm currently using a ringtone I nabbed from an Android device. ;D

12-09-2010, 13:34
That's the exact one I got and I really like it. It covers the back completely, doesn't stop you using the buttons at all, and is a little bigger width wise so you can place your iPhone face down and the screen won't be resting on the surface as there's roughly a 1mm bumper on the front. Very nice case :)

Good news! Shame my shipping date is the 4th of October. ;D

12-09-2010, 14:01
Yeah, mine took a while too, about 6 weeks I think in total, but I picked up a cheap one from an O2 store to tide me over till it arrived. I could always loan you that for a while if you want?

12-09-2010, 15:06
Don't worry, I'll just be very careful until it arrives. Thanks though! :)

12-09-2010, 15:13
Nps, drop me a line if you change your mind :)

12-09-2010, 15:15
When I ordered mine (can't remember the name but it turned out to be a bit rubbish so I won't use it anyway :/), it said 4-6 weeks but only took 2 weeks. :)

06-10-2010, 13:46
*Is about to join the iphone4 family* :p

Going through quidco there was a deal of £100 cashback and the deal I wanted had the phone at £120 so I went for it :)
I was waiting for the standard iphone to drop in price but was still expecting to pay up to £100 anyway.

I've skim read this thread - expect more silly Knip'esk type questions very soon :p

06-10-2010, 14:05
Well. After much pondering whether to get the iPhone 4 and hope the shape and feel grew on me or to get the 3GS with slightly reduced functionality but a nicer tactile experience, I finally decided upon a Galaxy S :D

Must say, I'm quite liking it - except for the GPS, which is pants (supposed to be improved with Android 2.2 (Froyo) due this month - allegedly).

06-10-2010, 18:25
I'm still umming and ahhing between the iphone4 and the galaxy s

but that worries me lots as I need the gps on my phone to be good as I use it for Geocaching.

Might just hold out and see what comes next june with the iphone

I won't get the update until I get back at the start of next month but I'll let you know if it makes the GPS usable. I was hoping to do a bit of geocaching myself. Never done it but it looks like fun. I'll be a bit peeved if the GPS stays pants TBH.

06-10-2010, 18:56
I'm still umming and ahhing between the iphone4 and the galaxy s

but that worries me lots as I need the gps on my phone to be good as I use it for Geocaching.

Might just hold out and see what comes next june with the iphone

Galaxy! Best phone i've ever used. Swype really is something special as well. Can't quite describe how nice the phone works overall. Just waiting for samsung to pull their heads out their asses and release froyo properly so i can use flat on tinterweb as well :)

Seriously i know the iphone4 is nice, and i'm quite obviously anti apple most of the time. But ignoring those facts. The galaxy is definitely something special. Just so much more customisable compared to the iphone as well, which i know you'll love lozza :)

06-10-2010, 20:43
ooo shiny ...

wonder how long before I break it :p

06-10-2010, 20:45
ooo shiny ...

wonder how long before I break it :p

I swear my heart stopped briefly the first time I dropped mine.

Now you can do facetime and words with friends! :D

06-10-2010, 21:01
words with friends set up :D

what other apps do you find useful/fun?

what the bloody hell is facetime? :p

edit: any suggestions on twitter apps for it? And Dolls; is the facebook app any good or is it easier to stick with safari?

06-10-2010, 21:04
words with friends set up :D

what other apps do you find useful/fun?

what the bloody hell is facetime? :p

Have you got wifi on at the moment? I can show thee!

I use the facebook app.

Tv guide is pretty good, angry birds is another, the supermarket apps are all pretty good (tesco one for example can act as your clubcard and you just scan the phone in the shops) Weather apps are good, flashlight, IMDB for looking at films.