View Full Version : NAT: Strict - can't switch it

Joe 90
06-07-2010, 23:12
Right, more network issues. And this time I've no idea what happened.

A few days back I noticed the xbox reporting a strict NAT setting. At the time I hadn't changed any router settings so no idea what actually caused it. Since then I've tried everything. I've put port forwards on the XBL ports and just now reset to factory defaults.
Nothing will change it. I've got a THOMSON TG585v7 which I assume to be causing the problem. Theres also a DD-WRT 54G router but that just connects as a switch to broaden the network & extend the wireless (I tried to add open ports on that but still no change)

Any ideas? I've never been all that good with networking :/

07-07-2010, 07:09
Do you have uPNP turned on?

07-07-2010, 08:35
Check that you've got the right protocols (TCP or UDP) for each port that you've forwarded.

uPNP is worth a try, but the 360 can be a bit hit or miss with it. Personally I'm not a fan of uPNP and always prefer to do things manually but when it works it does an OK job.

Failing that you could try putting the 360 into the DMZ on the router and see if that helps. I wouldn't suggest leaving it there but it'd be a useful test just to ensure that the router isn't getting in the way.

Joe 90
07-07-2010, 14:22
I've got uPNP on. I've put a DMZ on the xbox IP... and all the forwards were set ok.
I think the problem is coming from the thomson router because that one doesn't have very many configurable options. But then again I did reset it's settings without a change :/

07-07-2010, 14:37
I agree - the TG585v7 is a pretty limited thing. It does have a command-line interface though which has somewhat more features than the Web.

Mine's in a box, on top of a cupboard. Even though it pulls about 3Mbps more than my Draytek, I know which I prefer.

Joe 90
07-07-2010, 14:41
oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that command line interface, used that long ago. If I could find all the settings I needed for connecting to Be then I'd stick tomato or DD-WRT on it :/
don't suppose anyone else knows if the settings might be knockin about somewhere online?

07-07-2010, 15:13
They're knocking about in the box on top of my cupboard, I think.

Be is pretty easy - no usernames or passwords to worry about. I could be coaxed into finding them, but you need a backup plan to get online if you have problems.

Edit -- http://beusergroup.co.uk/technotes/index.php?title=Connection_settings

Joe 90
07-07-2010, 19:23
Hurrah. I should really of checked it already but I always forget about it. The Be forum had a guide on there.

After a few command line changes my nat is open :D

Joe 90
07-07-2010, 22:01
having said that, something has happened to the xbox. I was playing around with it trying to change the wireless ID of the router and went through the config again.
after that it seems as though the xbox wont connect but my PC & mac will

think i'll reboot both routers & hope for the best!