View Full Version : Going back to play old games...

13-07-2010, 10:29
The XCOM thread has got me thinking...

So even though I love alot of modern games, I still find myself going back and playing stuff from years ago. I still have on my shelves a stack of ZX Spectrum gear, PS1, PS2, Original Xbox and a whole shelf full of older PC games.

I often reload and play the original Eye of the Beholder, Planescape Torment, Star Wars: Knights of the old republic 1 & 2.

An old favourite of mine has just arrived in the post this morning - Second Sight for the xbox (£3 off the 'bay).

What olden goldies do you lot play?

Joe 90
13-07-2010, 10:58
streets of rage on my iphone ;D

13-07-2010, 12:20
I stocked up on Atari Lynx games a while back. All the ones I couldn't afford when I was a kid. It's a pretty awesome bit of kit considering it's coming up to 20 years old now. Eek!

Paperboy, Hard Drivin', Toki etc.

13-07-2010, 12:33
Id love to try some of the old C64 games, only last night I was looking for videos of Buggy Boy and Fairlight on Youtube :D

13-07-2010, 13:09
At least once a year I crack out Toejam & Earl and complete it. Best game ever.

Yesterday my housemate bought the Megadrive pack for Xbox 360 - we drank red wine and played Golden Axe 2, Streets of Rage, Altered Beast, Bonanza Brothers and Decap-Attack. Awesome.

13-07-2010, 13:21
Bonanza Bros! Good call!

I wish I could remember the title of a C64 game, all I remember was a robot that had to move throughout the level by using transporters, if he didnt make it to a transporter in time, you lost a life. Would love to play that one again.

Monty Mole!!!! Love that!

13-07-2010, 15:08
Taken from the stack of disks on top of the Amiga's tower and the games folder on the hard drive. :D

Syndicate, Theme Park, Hired Guns, UFO: Enemy Unknown, Lemmings, Cannon Fodder, Pinball Dreams, Pinball Illusions, Pinball Fantasies, Flashback, Wings, Beneath A Steel Sky, Worms, Superfrog, Historyline 1914-1918, Chaos Engine, Banshee, Mega lo Mania, Super Stardust, Elite, Frontier - Elite II, Alien Breed, Alien Breed 92SE, Alien Breed II, Alien Breed Tower Assault, Assassin SE, Project X, Super Skidmarks, Secret Of Monkey Island, Monkey Island II, Gunship 2000, Speedball 2...

Plus on the PC:
Knights Of The Old Republic 1 and 2, Deus Ex, X-Wing, X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter, X-Wing Alliance, Tie Fighter, Commandos 1 and 2

13-07-2010, 17:14
My SNES Emulator still gets a lot of use.

Super Mario Kart battle mode is still amazing. Then there's Street Fighter 2, Zelda, Super Mario World, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Actraiser and so many others

I've also got all the Lucasarts Point'n clickers loaded up into SCUMMVM:
Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Fate of Atlantis, Full Throttle, THe Dig

Ah, happy days. These young 'uns don't know what they're missing.

13-07-2010, 17:27
For those that aren't aware, Monkey Island 2 is now available for download on Xbox Arcade - updated with new art and voices as per the first one. Been playing the last couple of days. :)

13-07-2010, 20:39
Taken from the stack of disks on top of the Amiga's tower and the games folder on the hard drive. :D

Syndicate, Theme Park, Hired Guns, UFO: Enemy Unknown, Lemmings, Cannon Fodder, Pinball Dreams, Pinball Illusions, Pinball Fantasies, Flashback, Wings, Beneath A Steel Sky, Worms, Superfrog, Historyline 1914-1918, Chaos Engine, Banshee, Mega lo Mania, Super Stardust, Elite, Frontier - Elite II, Alien Breed, Alien Breed 92SE, Alien Breed II, Alien Breed Tower Assault, Assassin SE, Project X, Super Skidmarks, Secret Of Monkey Island, Monkey Island II, Gunship 2000, Speedball 2...

Plus on the PC:
Knights Of The Old Republic 1 and 2, Deus Ex, X-Wing, X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter, X-Wing Alliance, Tie Fighter, Commandos 1 and 2
Memories. Had quite a few of those, but my brother sold the Amiga and all the software about two years ago :(

I just bought Roadblasters for the Lynx on eBay. That should wile away a few commutes :D

14-07-2010, 11:32
When I injured my hand last year I needed something to play single-handed and Transport Tycoon came through :D

14-07-2010, 11:41
I really want to play through some old Amiga games - Gods, Mega Lo Mania and Xenon II: Megablast spring to mind.

14-07-2010, 13:16
Just been playing through Second Sight again on my old Xbox, brilliant game. :)

14-07-2010, 13:35
Memories. Had quite a few of those, but my brother sold the Amiga and all the software about two years ago :(

I just bought Roadblasters for the Lynx on eBay. That should wile away a few commutes :D

May I suggest WinUAE.. ;)

Or even easier:

Download and install HWA package - http://hobring.esero.net/hwa.exe

Then download and install Game Hard Drive Pre installed Packages from the game list - http://hobring.esero.net/games.htm

On your desktop shortcut named HWA Configurations is automaticly created. Simply open it and double click on name of the game.

Game will run, done! To close a game, press ''*''

I really want to play through some old Amiga games - Gods, Mega Lo Mania and Xenon II: Megablast spring to mind.

The emulators have got pretty good now. Use WinUAE on my laptop from time to time. They're all ideally A500/kickstart 1.3 games so should run pretty much perfectly.

The difficulty is getting digital joysticks - I got lucky a couple of years ago and found at the back of my local pc shop a couple of new competition pro joysticks - needless to say they were snapped up damn fast. But amiga games really need digital sticks with 2 buttons. Closest you will get on the PC is a joypad.

14-07-2010, 19:34
If you like Transport Tycoon, don't forget OpenTTD, a feature complete (and then some) open source clone of TTD. http://www.openttd.org/en/

If you're used to TTD or Transport Tycoon, be sure to take an amble through the wiki before you play it, especially the section about track signals.

A Place of Light
14-07-2010, 19:46

Yes, oh god yes.

15-07-2010, 21:16
Not a year can go by without me playing Streets of Rage 2 on the Megadrive :D
Also had such an urge lately to dig out my C64. Still got about 400 games for it, the vast majority legit too :D

Someone I know on Twitter very kindly sent me their Dreamcast a few weeks ago :) Not had much time with it but I've managed to pick up a selection of games very cheaply from a friend:
Sonic Adventure
Power Stone
Soul Calibur
Jet Set Radio
Metropolis Street Racer
ChuChu Rocket
Fighting Force 2

all for £8 :D Only got the discs but still not bad at all!

Until very recently I wrote a few nostalgic ramblings on a retro gaming site: http://b4hd.com/ Some happy memories there :D

Got a Megadrive with 15 odd games that I bought just before I broke my foot last year. Still not got round to actually playing any of the games :o I know there was Aladdin and Skitchin in there and can't for the life of me remember what else!