View Full Version : iOS 4 & 4.0.1 Jailbreak Released

01-08-2010, 23:28

It's VERY easy to install this - simply navigate to a website and slide the "slide to install" bit.

Can't believe how easy that was!!



NB: If you slide it and get a plain page with just the background, refresh and keep trying - server is very busy atm

02-08-2010, 00:14
Warning: Doesn't work on iPad (3.2.1 firmware). iPhone4 users may lose FaceTime. All users may lose MMS.

PS - You've got more groups than me. How is this possible? :p

02-08-2010, 00:20
Terminal doesn't work on 4.0 yet :(

02-08-2010, 00:26
Terminal never seemed to do anything particularly useful for me anyway, so no loss.

02-08-2010, 00:27
Installing DEB files.

Handy for installing MyWi without paying the ridiculous $20 fee.

Joe 90
02-08-2010, 00:53
I'm a fool.

Ran the over-air break but wanted the Rock back to get apps i've paid for.

Tried to run Pwnage on my mac and something went wrong, now stuck in DFU. Mac won't connect to the server to run a restore so now, *fingers crossed* for PC to work

not what I want on a sunday night. Why can't I just be happy with a simple JB!?

02-08-2010, 07:45
Looks like the server is getting hammered cos I can't get the download running at the moment.

Joe 90
02-08-2010, 08:03
yeah, its not running this morning. I've been trying to break mine again

Anybody ever had itunes consistently fail to connect to the update server? my mac still gave the same error this morning, and i tried to reinstall iTunes. Its got my latest backup on but can't restore to it if I can't connect to the server to restore! :(

02-08-2010, 08:17
Assuming you've had it jailbroken before, did you remove the line for gs.apple.com from /etc/hosts? I forgot that one. :o

Joe 90
02-08-2010, 11:54
nope, never done that. would that stop it connecting to the server without a Jb?

I started to fail connect it after I installed 4.0 and prevented me updating to 4.01

02-08-2010, 17:21
Apparently the MMS and Facetime stuff is fixed.

I'm going update my iPhone to 4.0.1 and then jailbreak it.

02-08-2010, 17:29
It is indeed :)

If you have already Jailbroken then go to Cydia and install the "Complete Update", otherwise just Jailbreak it on the website :)

Joe 90
02-08-2010, 17:31
editing the hosts file has sorted out my mac doing the restore, so hopefully it'll be alright when i come to select a backup!!

02-08-2010, 17:51
Well isn't that awesome. The update from 4.0 to 4.0.1 was done in under 5 minutes and the jailbreak took about a minute.

Good stuff.

02-08-2010, 18:46
I thought I'd bite the bullet and do it, but it seems that fate has prevented me in doing so... I get an "oops A server with the specified hostname could not be found." error... I guess it could be that the servers are being hammered?

02-08-2010, 18:53
That sounds more like a DNS problem rather than the site being down or being hammered. Try again later maybe?

02-08-2010, 19:48
It resolves the initial website, I slide the slider, and nada. :(

02-08-2010, 19:49
It resolves the initial website, I slide the slider, and nada. :(

Last night I slid it a few times and it just went onto a blank screen with the nebula background thingy. Just kept trying until it started.

02-08-2010, 20:06
I've tried using the backup server, and tried a different DNS server. No good.

Ah well, I'll try later, but maybe this is a sign that I'm not supposed to do it :p

02-08-2010, 21:16
Took me ages to get it to go through but when it does start it rockets through :)

02-08-2010, 21:29
Hopefully the Big Boss repository will be up again soon so I'll be able to install SBSettings again.

02-08-2010, 22:42
Will, you probably need to quit MobileSafari. Easiest way to do that is reboot the phone.

BTW, this is a security exploit. In theory at least someone could use it to steal data, brick devices (at least temporarily) or whatever, so grab it while you can because Apple will have to patch this.

02-08-2010, 23:06
^^ I was thinking that.

I don't feel safe browsing anymore :p Any site could just hijack my whole phone!

Joe 90
03-08-2010, 00:26
anyone else getting a lot of hostname/connection issues with Cydia? is it just because its all under such load that there are a few servers down?

03-08-2010, 00:51
Aye, it'll probably be like that for the next few days :(

03-08-2010, 07:35
It's been much better this morning. Even modmyi is working again ;D

03-08-2010, 08:07
SBSettings seems a little less reliable with iOS4. Not sure if that's just newness (of the OS).

03-08-2010, 09:25
Yeah seemed to work today! I now have cydia - no ****ing clue as to what I need to do now - but I've only just done it, I need to do some work rather than fiddle with it, or the phone.

03-08-2010, 11:40
One of my fave cydia apps was statusnotify. Dunno why Apple haven't implemented something similar but on iOS4 it puts my iPhone into safe mode every time. Uninstalled and its fine. Shame as its a very handy, very simple app. Get an email and it displays a mail symbol by the battery meter. Handy as the iOS notification system really needs an overhaul.

03-08-2010, 12:53
Which repositories are worthwhile downloading?

Anyway of previewing themes?

03-08-2010, 17:09
The main repositories that are already predefined in Cydia should have pretty much everything you need.

Themes normally have a preview link towards the bottom of the screen.

I've just installed 'Remove Recent' which removes recently used applications from the task switcher (double tap the home button). So now it only shows applications that are 'multi tasking'.

03-08-2010, 17:12
The main repositories that are already predefined in Cydia should have pretty much everything you need.

Themes normally have a preview link towards the bottom of the screen.

I've just installed 'Remove Recent' which removes recently used applications from the task switcher (double tap the home button). So now it only shows applications that are 'multi tasking'.

Ah wow, I never knew that is what it showed!

03-08-2010, 18:39
The main repositories that are already predefined in Cydia should have pretty much everything you need.

Themes normally have a preview link towards the bottom of the screen.

I've just installed 'Remove Recent' which removes recently used applications from the task switcher (double tap the home button). So now it only shows applications that are 'multi tasking'.

Couldn't find TomTom or any of the istore apps.

03-08-2010, 18:44
Most Cydia repos are for homebrew apps, not cracked illegal ones :)

You could try apptrackr or something like that for TomTom

03-08-2010, 18:54
It's just an example, I have a tom tom so don't need it - just I remember Desmo showing me how you could download any istore app you wanted? Or am I mistaken.

I'm going to be concentrating on playing with themes at the moment.... Problem is there are TOO MANY!!! lol! :p

03-08-2010, 19:21
You can do - try Installous or AppTrackr :)

03-08-2010, 21:33
Well... I have no idea what I'm doing or what I can do with this cydia thing! :p

I might just restore it as it was as I doubt I'll ever get my head round how it works.

It's all too complicated for a simpleton like me.

Cool link and thanks for the info though :)

03-08-2010, 21:59
I used Installous once, ages ago, for TomTom. It crashed every time so soon got bored of that. Only thing I use JB for now is the little tweaks that make my life easier (SBSettings for one).

I could do without, and have, and will again if it proves more hassle than it's worth.

07-08-2010, 10:32
Worth mentioning, this jailbreak makes use of a PDF exploit that could be used to install root kits onto your iPhone. Be very, very careful when accessing PDF files. It's not Adobe or the PDF that's at fault but the way the iPhone presents them.

Some.. umm.. "dicks" for want of a better term have been going into Apple and Best Buy stores and filming themselves jailbreaking iPhones in store. Apple responded swiftly by blocking access to that website, which is fine unless the individual happens to have an Android 2.2 (froyo) running phone with a wireless hotspot or similar (like I do, and for the record find surprisingly invaluable)

07-08-2010, 11:04
Yeah, it's a worry because the mail application on the iPhone automatically renders PDF's when you open an email. So a malformed PDF could cause havoc even if you don't open the PDF itself.

08-08-2010, 19:52
Actually it's more secure if you do jailbreak your phone because there's a utility in Cydia which closes the exploit.

Or so they say. I've not done mine and even after expressing an interest previously, I've decided that I'm not going to bother.

08-08-2010, 21:12
Actually it's more secure if you do jailbreak your phone because there's a utility in Cydia which closes the exploit.

Or so they say. I've not done mine and even after expressing an interest previously, I've decided that I'm not going to bother.

^^ THIS.

It's safer to crack your iPhone then it is to leave it on official firmware at the moment ;D

11-08-2010, 20:51
And iOS 4.0.2 is now available...

No (official) documentation on it yet, but the buzz is that it closes the PDF exploit which allows this jailbreak :)

Update: Info here! (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4291)

11-08-2010, 21:00
It is out and does fix the jailbreak exploit.


You can get the PDF fix in Cydia which basically does the same as this update :)

Looks like I ordered my iPhone 4 *just* at the right time :D

11-08-2010, 21:45
Updating mine to 4.2 now, not gonna jailbreak mine anyway.

11-08-2010, 21:50
Updating mine to 4.2 now, not gonna jailbreak mine anyway.




11-08-2010, 21:58



Oh sod off, you know what I meant, and i'm still new at this iphone malarky :p
Anywhere I can read what the update is supposed to do?

11-08-2010, 22:03
Oh sod off, you know what I meant, and i'm still new at this iphone malarky :p
Anywhere I can read what the update is supposed to do?

It just closes off the PDF injection exploit.

link again (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4291)

And I was only playing ;)

11-08-2010, 22:04
It just closes off the PDF injection exploit.

link again (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4291)

And I was only playing ;)

Me knows, I was just giving as good as I get :evil:

11-08-2010, 22:09
Oh sod off, you know what I meant, and i'm still new at this iphone malarky :p
Anywhere I can read what the update is supposed to do?

Looks like they haven't updated their website yet as it still says 4.0.1 :confused:

16-08-2010, 14:56
Ouch that all phones/versions were vulnerable. That one took some finding then. At least abandoned 2G users can jailbreak and patch.

Just about to patch mine up. :)

18-08-2010, 09:15
sucesss!!! phone decided to go into recovery mode after JB. so had to do restore and update, silly apple. but now i've managed to fiddle and play and make it back to 4.0.1. happy bunny doesn't even begin to describe it.

Del Lardo
09-09-2010, 18:52
Righty, think I need some help here. I have a 3Gs currently locked to O2 running 3.1.3 and I want to get it working with my Vodafone SIM on whatever the latest version I can is. I'm not paying O2 £15 for the privilege.

Do I need to just keep trying the link until I finally get a slider or do I need to do something else?

10-09-2010, 00:37
O2 unlock iPhones for free :confused:


10-09-2010, 00:38
Yes, they do. Have done so for a year now. Except on Pay&Go where you get charged £15 for it.

10-09-2010, 00:45
Ah ok, thought it was free on PAYGO too

10-09-2010, 08:33
Maybe it is now. Would be nice if it was.

10-09-2010, 09:07
I just filled out the form so we'll find out, as I'm on PAYG! I have no real need to unlock it but I'll see what the text says when it comes through.

Del Lardo
10-09-2010, 09:27
Ah ok, thought it was free on PAYGO too

Nope, £14.9something taken from your credit and you also loose you data bundle if done in the first year.

It's a company demo phone that I have to be able to restore to its former glory.

In the end I had to bodge a 4.01 build onto the phone using Restore and then Jailbreak that using the site. Cydia is autoinstalled which gave me ultrasn0w to unlock the phone.