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OK maybe not quite - today I went for my 6th blood donation :D
Mic is booked in at 7pm for his 4th :D
I know Kate is a regular donor - anyone else?
Congratulations :D Gives you an enormous sense of achievement doesn't it :)
Yeah :)
I asked about platelets but the closest place that actually does it is southampton which is a bit of a trek :( They are turning our local A&E into some kind of "super hospital" so maybe they'll set up a centre there :)
Yeah :)
I asked about platelets but the closest place that actually does it is southampton which is a bit of a trek :( They are turning our local A&E into some kind of "super hospital" so maybe they'll set up a centre there :)
Oh fingers crossed. Donating platelets makes you feel extra super special and it means that you don't have to cope with losing a pint of blood or waiting 6 months for you next appointment every time :)
06-10-2006, 18:02
I really have to do this!
After piercings and tattoo's etc I've only even been allowed a little while, but now I can I will :D
Mine will be a vodka and coke after doing the shopping later ;D
I've done it once but it really knocked me for six so I haven't been back. If it didn't affect me so much I'd probably do it again even with my needle phobia :embarassed:
06-10-2006, 19:19
I'm not allowed to. :(
Too many painkillers/antibiotics/other drugs in my bloodstream. :(
Kim threw up last time she gave blood as well.
I've done it once but it really knocked me for six so I haven't been back. If it didn't affect me so much I'd probably do it again even with my needle phobia :embarassed:
Did you make sure you ate plenty and drank lots of water before you went? Lack of food or liquid is usually what makes me have a bad turn. I also absolutely hate needles. Getting less terrified of them though. I can now look at it whilst it's in my arm... but haven't quite got over wanting to get up and run away yet :D
I'm not allowed to. :(
Too many painkillers/antibiotics/other drugs in my bloodstream. :(
Kim threw up last time she gave blood as well.
She probably didn't eat/drink enough before she donated. I nearly threw up once and that was because I'd had no lunch. If I don't eat/drink enough, there's no point in me going because I know I'll have a funny turn.
And unless you have injected drugs or take the above on a weekly basis, you shouldn't have a problem. I'm guessing you're permanently on painkillers or whatever.
No one wants my blood anyway!!
06-10-2006, 20:21
She probably didn't eat/drink enough before she donated. I nearly threw up once and that was because I'd had no lunch. If I don't eat/drink enough, there's no point in me going because I know I'll have a funny turn.
And unless you have injected drugs or take the above on a weekly basis, you shouldn't have a problem. I'm guessing you're permanently on painkillers or whatever.
She was fine until she sat up, then she was about to pass out. Nurses made her lay down and she threw up. Ruined her jacket.
Me on the other hand. Permanently on drugs now. I'm ready for the knackers yard tbh. Turn me into dog food and glue...
So gutted about this - it was on my 'list of things to do before the year is up' a couple of years ago and we only got as far as my medical history on the form.
They didn't even do the blood test :( 2/3 months of letters and I found out that I wasn't allowed to do it because I had a heart op as a baby :/ and I had one kidney infection when I was 18.
Not fair... really wanted to do this - dad is a gold card member or something like that.
Oh well. Well done all you others :)
BB x
/raises hand
I am due for another appointment actually, think I am coming up to my 10th whole blood donation :)
So gutted about this - it was on my 'list of things to do before the year is up' a couple of years ago and we only got as far as my medical history on the form.
They didn't even do the blood test :( 2/3 months of letters and I found out that I wasn't allowed to do it because I had a heart op as a baby :/ and I had one kidney infection when I was 18.
Not fair... really wanted to do this - dad is a gold card member or something like that.
Oh well. Well done all you others :)
BB xIt'll be because you might have had a blood transfusion, and they're not willing to take any risks regarding CJD. At least you tried though, which is a whole lot more than a lot of people bother to do :) Rules might change in the future too, so you never know..
I had a kidney infection a couple of years ago, and they didn't seem bothered about that. Still want my sexy platelets :D
I've not been called up for a while, but I've donated 23 times (I think) so far.
I'm also on the bone marrow donor register and have been callled up twice for further blood screening.
I used to give blood regulary before becoming pregnant, then they stop form doing it - i should really get in contact as they said they would contact me and i'm sure i should be able to give blood again now.
i'm also on the bone marrow donors list - it scares me though as it's quite painful to give bone marrow, but if i ever get called up i'll not hesitate to do it.
I might look into giving platelets as well, is that the one where you can give very month or is it 3 months?
note to self, contact the blood people
With platelets you can donate as often as every 2 weeks, but they leave it up to you. Generally, my place is so bloody busy that I can only get to donate every couple of months. Takes a couple of hours rather than half an hour, but they really look after you.
I'm also on the bone marrow list. It does sound painful and a lot to go through but hey, if it saves a life then it's worth it.
Im not allowed to give blood :(
This is a good reminder for me. I used to give regularly but I fell out of the habit 1st following my tatoo and then when I was unwell for a while. I am now on some medication that I am not sure whether it prevents me giving blood. I did enquire last time I was called and someone had to ring me back but then I mised their call and never found out. Poor excuse I know especially as I have heard of platelet donation through people here and I think I should be able to do that if not blood.
Thanks for the reminder Tak!
/Adds to 'To do list'/
Normally its 4 months between donations, but due to major shortages I've been called back a month early so will be donating again tomorrow.
If its something that you keep meaning to do, now would be a great time to start :)
Only done it once, really need to get round to giving some more of my essence to those in need, and give blood.
I failed my iron test on Tuesday :( 3 months ban from platelet donation for me \o/ :(
Ohh new experience - my iron test bit wouldn't sink so they had to take some blood from my non-donation arm and use a machine to test my levels. Ended up being given the all clear and got to donate. My levels are 127 and they look for 125 and above but even if you're below that, it doesn't mean you're anemic, they just prefer them higher.
This does mean I have a plaster on my thumb and a matching pair of white plasters on my arms ;D
05-01-2007, 19:57
I would love to do this i remember going with my mum when she donated when i was little, they give you juice and biscuits!
Unfortunatly i can just about get a blood sample taken without having a panic attack about it, and i keep getting ink and metal put in my body.
Von Smallhausen
05-01-2007, 21:03
I took a break from donating platelets in September to have tattoos done and can't donate again until April.
I was at about 120 donations ( platelet donation for me is usually triple ie x3, every donation )
Ohh new experience - my iron test bit wouldn't sink so they had to take some blood from my non-donation arm and use a machine to test my levels. Ended up being given the all clear and got to donate. My levels are 127 and they look for 125 and above but even if you're below that, it doesn't mean you're anemic, they just prefer them higher.
This does mean I have a plaster on my thumb and a matching pair of white plasters on my arms ;D
Yep that's what I had too. Mine was 118.. booooo!! They like it at 125 because there's a risk that you *MIGHT* be anaemic following your donation if they took the blood. The iron levels used to be lower for platelets because you get your red cells back. However, they bumped it up to the same as normal blood donations in case something happens and you don't get your red cells back. I've failed 3 times since then :( Really upsets me because I feel like I've completely wasted their time.
Just taken the plaster off and I have a green arm with a very large hole in the middle and an almost black line under it about 1.5cm long :(
Never bruised at all before :( Worked out why my arms been aching so much :(
Eak. Lots of scary talk in this thread - just as I'm looking into trying to give platelets :undecided:!
Heh, will find out more when I next go and give blood... that is if I can stop giggle and manage to string a sentence together :p ;D
Must admit the main reason I've never done it is I'm terrified of needles. I've had to be strapped down for bloodtests in the past :undecided: :embarassed:
I had my blood pressure taken recently and it was a bit low, would that affect me being able to donate?
Im a bit funny about blood. I would gladly give it, but my beliefs forbid me from receiving it.
Its all academic anyway really coz I can't give blood/platelets/bone marrow even if I wanted to.
I had a phonecall on Friday to ask if I could go donate. It sucked to have to tell them that I can't donate for a couple of years :(
Well the green bruise got bigger and very quickly went a nasty brown colour and the line has faded to being a purple line.
T'is very painful still :(
Just actually had a close look and she has put the needle in about a cm away from the scar from my previous donations...wonder if that had anything to do with it :/
Admiral Huddy
08-01-2007, 11:27
I passed out on both occasions I've been :(
I really want to but it's the thought of passing out again makes me wanna passout.
Had to miss last time as they put it on bank holiday monday and only did a tiny 4 hour session during which I was at work :(
So I'm going on Friday :) 4:30pm after work :) Hopefully I won't end up with a nasty bruise again :(
Im a bit funny about blood. I would gladly give it, but my beliefs forbid me from receiving it.
You're a Jehovas Witness? I'm being nosey because I'm intrigued.
maybe try here (
19-07-2007, 19:45
I'm not eligible to give blood :p
Think I had another n00b stab me - well he knew what he was doing I just didn't recognise him. He also went in the same place as last time which is the only time its bruised (normally they go in about a cm higher).
Arm is very achey again - hope I don't bruise like I did last time :(
Oh well - reading isn't too much heavy lifting :D That takes me to 8 donations :D
Next donation tomorrow after work :)
*eeak* does that mean mines again soon? *breaks into a sweat*
*runs off like a loon*
*runs back briefly*
*runs off flailing arms*
*eeak* does that mean mines again soon? *breaks into a sweat*
You'll do brilliant sweet cheeks :)
*Tries to convince SW to donate* :D
23-11-2007, 12:07
I'm being roped into this, I'm allergic to pain! my last blood test saw me running away from the doctor and around the hospital.. admittedly I was around 5 at the time :p
I've had jabs and stuff since and I don't like em :p
Don't look then :p
Pheebles managed it and she was petrified at the thought
Don't look then :p
I've had too many blood samples taken and stuff to suit my liking. This ^ is the only way I'm able to cope. I can't stand seeing the needle going in *shudder*, but I find that if I look away I can consciously relax my relevant limb even though the rest of my insides are tensed.
If Mic can't see what is going on, then it hurts him more.
I think mine depends on my mood that day - sometimes I've watched, other times I just can't :/
too much metal in me, ,SBS decided i need to wait a year to donate after a piercing (but in england i could donate after 6 months)
SW - if I can do it you can do it! I managed to cry and laugh hysterically through my first one and then on my next one I forgot to breathe so near but passed out ;D
Still gonna keep going. Have to wear virtually nothing though as I break into a sweat and go all hot and flustered like!
I'm not allowed to watch :( They won't let me :(
Home now :) Went fine :) SW turned up too :D
23-11-2007, 19:12
it was fine, and I don't have to cook dinner either! We's gettin' chinese takeaway!
I looked when he jabbed me with the iron test, but not the other needle, though I looked at it whilst it was sticking in my arm :)
Bring on next time.
and I don't have to cook dinner either! We's gettin' chinese takeaway!
Ooo sounds like a good idea :o:o
And just remember you'll be a really cheap date tonight...well cheaper then normal anyway :p
23-11-2007, 19:28
HAHAH! You couldn't make me cheaper *roars like a lion*
My mum says I'm not allowed out, I was going to see if I could see a ladyfriend of mine.
Well done guys :) I absolutely HATE needles (actually, my fear is veins, but it's all the same) and I've managed to donate over 30 times. You just get used to it and it really doesn't hurt at all. I give platelets too, which means you're on the machine for over an hour. Sometimes I'm fine and sometimes I'm just on edge the whole time because all I can think about is "OMG, NEEDLE IN MY VEIN". Still, if it's doing somebody somewhere some good, it's all worth it :)
I've only ever bruised once, and it was a right whopper. Kept getting low blood pressure (always happens), so they readjusted the needle and I just went hell for leather on my little stress ball. I looked down a few mins later to see a huge bulge on my arm. Called the nurse and said "errr, that's not right is it?". And she said "Christ, no" and they removed my needle and made me press on it really hard to get it to go down. I'd been bleeding into my arm instead of the needle because I was pressing too hard :o Made an absolute belter of a bruise.... the day before my job interview at Rolls-Royce. Had to explain that I wasn't a junkie when I started the interview because they wouldn't stop looking at it :D
Am on a 12 month ban at the moment because I keep failing my iron test :( Should be good to go in March.... if I pass the test this time!
Anyway, you're all brave soldiers and I'm very proud of you :D
Am on a 12 month ban at the moment because I keep failing my iron test :( Should be good to go in March.... if I pass the test this time!
Spinach and liver for dinner my dear? :)
Yep, steak, spinach and new potatoes (helps absorption) with a glass of red wine (also helps absorption) and some dark chocolate. Worked last time I passed ;)
24-11-2007, 12:19
I gave three or four times back at university.
I whitied every time.:confused: What's worse is it goes on your history that they pull up when you first come in. So as I get handed the clipboard I'm asked 'oh I see you were a bit faint last time.'
'And the time before that.'
'And the time before that?'
'yeah '
It always take several attempts to find the vein in my arm for some reason and I have lowish blood pressure so the bag takes a blummin' age to fill.
I've been thwarted by antibiotics, exotic travel and bent noses since then and I've lost my card. :o
24-11-2007, 13:17
I have stupidly big veins around my elbow, usually popping out all the time too for some reason :( I blame guitar.
And I filled the bag really quickly but she made me lie there for the whole 10 minutes to rest so it seemed as if Tak And Jhadur finished before me :p
Its that time again - donating tomorrow :)
Haven't done it since, well, forever. But the blood people are coming to the City next week, maybe I should go....
17-07-2008, 15:25
Donate 3 times a year here :D
There is a big bloodmobile that comes round to work every 4 months or so.
It's awesome if you got for a few beers in the evening. You can get drunk on a fiver ;)
maybe I should go....
Yes you should :)
I go every 4 months or so when they send the reminder letters out. There have been a couple of times when the letter has come out after 3 months because they were running low on supplies.
You can get drunk on a fiver ;)
Thats just because you're a light weight :p
17-07-2008, 15:52
Thats just because you're a light weight :p
What type are you? They gave me a black wristband which is for B- which is only 2% of the population! Hope I don't ever need any!
It would be funny if you got your own blood back ;D
I'm an orange band which is AB+. Means I can receive from any group but can only donate to others in an AB group.
17-07-2008, 16:06
It would be funny if you got your own blood back ;D
I wouldn't want it to be honest. It's 20% proof :p
17-07-2008, 16:43
I still haven't been able to give blood since the first time Sam, bloody injections at work preventing me! it'll be next year by the time I can give again because of work, but I'll be getting inked then, so no blood for a while after that too!
I'm no longer a platelet donor :( They decided that they didn't want my blood anymore because I failed one too many iron tests. I was due to donate regular blood at a local session the other week, but my vaccinations for China were on the same day so I ended up not being able to donate. D'oh! Next time :)
I really hope that next time I donate there will be some of the staff there from when I last donated. I would expect their faces to drop.
Sorry to hear about the platelets Kate. I asked about becoming a platelet donor a few years back and they said they don't take platelets from people with my blood group.
All doned :)
That was number 11 and I realised I didn't get my new card when I hit 10 *pouts* going to phone them up - I want my card dammit :p
They have changed the layout of the beds and everything around so the people waiting basically sit and stare at you whilst your donating. My bed was the first one they could see - I felt like I was on show :/
As well as my birthday card I got a "Natural slate coaster made from slate over 500 million years old" as a thank you for donating :)
Booked in for 6th March for the next one :)
08-11-2008, 15:05
Funny this thread has come up actually :)
Tried to give blood over the summer only to be refused on the worlds most backwards logic!
I was born with a VSD ( and was operated on before my first birthday. Since then as a precaution whenever I undergo any surgery (dentists, any blood tests) I have been required to take Amoxycillin.
When I went to give blood they ran through all the usual checks/questions and then said I would never be able to give blood. They were happy to stick a needle in me and draw the blood as long as I took my Amoxycillin but then the blood would be tainted and no use to anyone.....bit daft but them's the rules :(
On my last visit to the dentist I was informed that the general consensus of the medical community at large was that there was a greater chance of anaphylactic shock than an infection from surgery where the Amoxycillin was taken.
Quick check with the GP confirms this. Fingers crossed next time they roll into town I shall be giving blood :)
Not till Feb though I think :(
Donation #13 done :) In and out in 35 minutes including waiting 10 minutes for someone to hook me up - apparently I'm a fast bleeder :p
No problems with my iron this time which was good - first time in about 4 visits that I've not had to be tested at least twice.
Didn't book the next time yet but it should be about Julyish.
I won't be able to go for another... so many months as I was operated on recently :( Booo.
Well done you though Sam :D
Mic just got his Bronze award too :)
New stuffs this time - alcohol hand get as you go in, must drink a pint of water before you donate (well about 3/4 a pint) and twiddling your feet during the donation as well as the hand stuff to "aid circulation and prevent complications after the donation".
In and out in under half hour - Mic has an appointment at 7 as he is at work until 6.
Orange clubs - the only reason I go :p
08-08-2009, 10:51
As long as you still get free tea and biscuits I'm happy :p
Actually, how long have you got to wait after a piercing before you can donate?
Princess Griff
09-08-2009, 16:41
Well the green bruise got bigger and very quickly went a nasty brown colour and the line has faded to being a purple line.
T'is very painful still :(
Just actually had a close look and she has put the needle in about a cm away from the scar from my previous donations...wonder if that had anything to do with it :/
Ahh a case of an incorrectly removed needle! Happens a lot!! My friends entire arm turned that was worrying!!
Shouldnt be due to the previous donation scars, but if any blood dribbles out then it leaves a purple 'worm' shape on ur arm! I always find that sometimes its abolutely fine with no mark at all, and other times I get a small bruise,
I've given 5 times now, and got Jingo to donate for the first time about 3 months ago! We're going for our 6th/2nd donations on thursday!! :)
09-08-2009, 16:49
They messed up testing mine last time, something to do with the computer having a headfit, they said I absolutely have nothing wrong with me, just if the computer has a headfit when it tests the donation then they cant use it because of the techincal error, so next time I go (have had my letter through but need to get them to move me nearer to where I am now) they just have to collect samples to test. Frustrating when I keep seeing the adverts on the tv relating to needing donations but I guess they have to follow procedure.
As long as you still get free tea and biscuits I'm happy :p
Actually, how long have you got to wait after a piercing before you can donate?
6 months in england as Feek said.
but for a right laugh, it's a year in scotland..... we're obviously less trusted up here.
I've had phobias of needles for the past 5/6 years to the extent that I would not sleep, would vomit, have horrific nightmares and generally have panic attacks about if I thought about it.
However, I have had alot happen over the last few years and brought it upon myself to get over the fear as best as I can so when a tv program shows needles/someone mentions it, I don't run around screaming & sweating. :p
I manage to reach what I consider the peak of this phobia-facing when I went to donate blood about 7 months ago, and despite feeling a bit woozey - felt so proud to have done it - all for an amazing and vital cause too! :D
I'm O Rhesus +, which means my blood can be used for nearly 40% of the population and so is much in need :)
I'm going along (hopefully with Princess Griff) to our next local one in Yatton on the 14th for my second donation :D
Is it me or are the Blood service really driving for donations at the moment, I mean, ALOT more than normal - I've had about 10 bits of post in the last few weeks and as many adverts on television per night!
Is it me or are the Blood service really driving for donations at the moment, I mean, ALOT more than normal - I've had about 10 bits of post in the last few weeks and as many adverts on television per night!
Well done on facing the needle fear :)
I'm AB RH +; no idea what that is good for :p Are you on the bone marrow donation register too?
Yes they are pushing for blood a bit more at the moment, mainly because of this flu stuff - if you're ill or have been ill with in in the last 2-3 weeks you can't donate and with the current thinking that its going to hit worse in autumn then they need to start stocking up before that hits (if it hits)
Yeah I imagine with all the 'flu sufferers' that stocks will be greatly depleted :(
I'm not on the marrow list - I'm yet to look up what such donations might entail and I mentally need to know everything, absorb it all, meditate on it etc before I could consider- but I'll certainly ask for some more info when I donate again soon :)
Tak, if you're AB Rh+ you are what is called a 'universal receiver' and although can only donate to fellow AB's, you can receive blood from any other blood group- you blood floozy!! :p
you blood floozy!! :p
Have to say I've never given blood. Mainly as I hate needles. I'm not scared of them as such, it's the thought of them going into my arm makes me say no. Which is daft as I've had 2 tattoos and am planning more.
10-08-2009, 14:31
I'll probably go to my next one, which is the first of Sept. Gleep. Never been before because I didn't like having my blood taken for a sample once, but tis time to man up methinks.
Question tho: Do you get told what blood type you are at any point? I'd be interested to know.
After your first donation, you'll get sent a card (credit card sized) telling you what your donor number and blood group is. There are different cards for the number of donations you've been to - at the moment I have the "bronze award" card which is 10-24 donations.
If you go in the bone marrow register you get a separate card for that too.
Princess Griff
12-08-2009, 17:13
Im hoping to get my next card, as this is now my 5th donation i think!
Me n Jingo are off to Clevedon to give blood tonight!
Jingo will be happier this time, he wasnt allowed a cuppa last time cuz ur not on ur first donation!!! Wish us luck!
12-08-2009, 18:25
I hope they had more staff in this evening, than they did this afternoon!
Princess Griff
12-08-2009, 20:01
We did it!!!
Got a bit worried at one point as my blood stopped pumping and all the red flashy lights went off!! Actually that happened twice!!
Nurse lady said maybe the needle was in funny :( Still managed to give the full whack though!
We'll find out tomorrow if it was a bruiser...sure feels like it will be! It huurrttttsss :(
But I got a nice spangly keyring this time :D Always nice to get free stuff!!
I hope they had more staff in this evening, than they did this afternoon!
They were pretty understaffed to be honest, only had about 4 beds going at a time so we were there well over an hour in total - I don't mind at all though, and I certainly ate my blood's worth in choc chip boaster cookies :D
I've just done it for the first time!*proud*
Well done :) Did you get a sticker?
Edit - that isn't meant to sound patronising - if it does the sorry :/
I've just done it for the first time!*proud*
Well done you!
I'm still here Sam :p funnily enough the nurse looked just like you which helped relax me a lot!
the nurse looked just like you
Poor woman :p
29-10-2009, 14:54
well done honey
29-10-2009, 18:28
Yay for you Kitten! :D
Went again yesterday :) I "leaked" when they first jabbed me and then wouldn't stop bleeding afterwards - they said I was very generous :p
Woman sat at the drinks bit was more generous - half her (white) top was covered in blood :shocked:
I had my orange club :D
Princess Griff
18-03-2010, 00:08
Booooooo not enough iron in me to give today! :( Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Best you don't if you're low, I went last week & was poorly for 2/3 days after as my iron level was low but not low enough to rule me out. When can you go back?
Princess Griff
18-03-2010, 13:14
They said just to go when my next session comes around, so another 3 months!!
But you helped me give blood so you half gave blood!! :D
Princess Griff
22-03-2010, 13:29
this is true...
i have never seen anyone shake so much when going to give blood! haha
this is true...
i have never seen anyone shake so much when going to give blood! haha
It was shaking from laughter though :D I may hate it but it's goooooooooood to do! If I can help save peoples lives and have to suffer a wee prick because of it then ACE beans I say. ACE BEANS!
My iron test sank first time again \o/ :D
I had to be replastered before they would let me leave :/ and my iron test poke has bruised :shocked:
30-04-2010, 18:44
I was meant to be going next week, but now i'm waiting for my op i'm not allowed :(
Boo, now it's my turn to fail the iron test!
They've had to do it twice the last twice, but this time it just floated. Levels are 10.9 apparently, so I won't be able to go for another 6 months or so as it just snuck under the 11.0 level. BUM!
I had to be double stabbed last time on my iron test - got through on the test from arm though. I am starting to look like a junky if you look at my left arm :p
Think next appointment will be beginning of December.
oh no, I failed both finger & the arm test. Boo!
Not really been looking after meself though, so I suppose I should start!
24-06-2011, 19:39
21 today! 21 today! :D
Today was my 21st donation, I didn't get a key to the door, or anything special but I did sit there singing to myself whilst donating when they told me what number todays donation was. :p
Well done marie - your well on your way to filling up a bath tub with blood! What a lovely thought!
I'm on about 6/7 now - must book in again as they're so close :)
23-01-2012, 17:18
Just got back from my first time - my cherry has been plucked :D
Nice satisfied feeling now :)
oooh well done Stan. I went back in October, sailed through the iron test after taking those AWFUL tablets. Callback in Feb I think :D
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