View Full Version : Cider/Perry tips

09-09-2010, 21:48
Having discovered that I might actually like cider and perry, but having been restricted to the usual suspects (yes, Magners, among other similar or worse), I figure I'd like to venture out and try some of the (more) genuine article.

So, there's a local beer festival this weekend, and they may have what I'm after, but I'm clueless and know neither what I want, nor what I should want. The idea of course is to try things but being the lightweight I am 2-3 will be my limit, so I'd rather play it safer and stand a chance of enjoying myself than go random and risk being put off for life at the first hurdle!

Any tips from the seasoned participants?

Thanking you muchly!

PS - here's (http://www.hockey.rathmeile.org/RAF/RAF_Cider_and_Perry.asp?strSection=Cider_and_Perry ) the provisional list, if it helps. :)

09-09-2010, 21:52
Pick things you like the sound of or know where it's produced, guess, ask there for small tasters, pick silly names, names of friends etc... Stick with what you like, i find when there's so much on offer unless you are a connoisseur, don't get too caught up in it, and just enjoy yourself :)

semi-pro waster
09-09-2010, 22:08
Sounds like quite an interesting selection although I can't claim to have heard of any of them - I think Alex's advice is good, just try a few and see what you like, small tasters and see what appeals.

09-09-2010, 22:15
Was hoping it'd be as simple as that. Assuming I'm not working (boo) and it's not raining (double boo) then I'll give it a go. It's within stumbling distance of work should the emergency need arise. ;D

10-09-2010, 07:45
My novice beer festival advice is to stick with halves :D

10-09-2010, 07:49
My novice beer festival advice is to stick with halves :D

I'd even say third for Mark... that way he gets to taste a few with out the worry of having too much! most beer festivals will do 1/3 even if not advertised!

I'll have a look at the list later to see if I can recommend any for you Mark

Joe 90
10-09-2010, 10:08
If you're just getting in to them, don't drink two of the same, that way you'll have a better chance of finding your favourite sooner :)

10-09-2010, 12:59
My novice beer festival advice is to stick with halves :D

That's not novice advice, it's damn good advice! I pretty much only drink half pints at beer festivals.

A lot of festivals now will do what they call a 'nip' which is about a third of a pint - It's worth checking.

Also, most places will let you have a quick taster anyway if you ask "Can I just try the 'Old Bob Bowel Basher please?'" and put half an inch or so in your glass. There's nothing worse than getting a glass full of beverage and finding out that you really dislike it, that happened to me at the Clacton festival a couple of weeks ago and the staff were really good and poured it away for me and gave me something else at no cost.

10-09-2010, 23:21
Here's my recommends from the list.. very impressive list too

Hecks - Wine of Glastonbury
Watkins Perry
Upton Valley Medium/Sweet (I've never had this but would try it)
Gwynt-y-Ddraig - two trees perry
Troggi - Cider/perry
West Croft Cider - Janets Jungle Juice
Gwatkin - regular perry

50% on cider and perry, but of course get the book read what's on offer and how they descibe it, if you like the sound give it a go!

10-09-2010, 23:29
Ta! Weather looks ugly but might clear enough in the afternoon. Got to work too which won't help, but if I can... :)

11-09-2010, 16:27
It did clear briefly but has got dark again now and I've got a headache so probably not a wise idea to go. Sorry if that means I wasted anyone's time.

I do plan on there being a next time. There's two in the area that I know about next year.

semi-pro waster
12-09-2010, 02:05
Mark, you've not wasted anyones time at all, look at it as getting ideas for next time then. Shame you couldn't make it for this one but as you say there are more in the next year so if you can see what they're like. :)

12-09-2010, 10:03
Plus, with the suggestions about what to try you can keep an eye out for if they turn up in your local supermarket and you can try them then, in the comfort of your own home (where no one gets offended if you don't like it and pour it down the drain) :)

12-09-2010, 13:25
It's Newbury Show next week. I'll try harder to make that and take the list with me, just in case (though I also plan on picking up some wine if that's available again).