View Full Version : Spanish drug dealer wanted (anyone going to Spain?)

13-09-2010, 09:52
It's a long shot but is anyone going to Spain, or does anyone have any contacts in Spain?

I need a box of Espidifen which is a 600mg dose of soluble Ibuprofen. It tastes awful but it works well and I don't think it's available in the UK.

13-09-2010, 12:55
Silly question, can you get it in Italy? Mum's going to Milan tomorrow.

Friend came back from Spain this morning, believe it or not, just a smidgeon too late.

13-09-2010, 16:19
I don't know about Italy, I just know that they are available in Spain.

13-09-2010, 16:28
well she's a medical rep, so if anyone can get it, she can :)

I'll find out what I can for you and send her armed with the request.

13-09-2010, 17:55
My mom is going to Spain on Saturday, will ask her to have a look for you. :)

13-09-2010, 23:01
Mum was on her way back, got my dates mixed up. Sorry x

17-09-2010, 11:46
How many packs do you want if she can get some?

17-09-2010, 13:22
The packs I've had in the past have 40 doses and last me a couple of years, so just one x 40 please if she can get any.

18-09-2010, 22:19
Can't you buy it online. Many pharmacies that operate abroad and will oat drugs out, to get around uk pharmacy laws.

19-09-2010, 15:28
There are a lot online, but I guess it's a bit of a worry whether they're completely legit or not. How would you check?

20-09-2010, 07:24
I don't think there's any official way.

22-09-2010, 10:53
Sounds like the neobrufen we get sent over every so often from relatives over there. Don't speak to them much anymore though, so can't help you :(

26-09-2010, 22:23
I have got the drugs for you. Don't know how much they were at the minute as I am waiting for the receipt from my mom. If you send me an email with the address it is going to then I will post them and give you bank details :)

03-10-2010, 12:06
Fantastic, thank you :) Text and PM have been sent last week.