View Full Version : Sony Ericsson W880i?

18-09-2010, 18:09
It's a long shot but does anyone have an SE W880i that they've upgraded from and aren't using any more.

LMF has destroyed my old one and is now phoneless.

18-09-2010, 18:35
:shocked:I hate to think all the abuse mine got over the years without suffering for it. The think is built like a tank, I swear!

18-09-2010, 21:53
Yeah, so I thought.

18-09-2010, 22:38
I like the older SE phones, they truely were bricks in more ways than one. I have an old T62, one of the first colour screen ones and it's survived completely intact over the years.

18-09-2010, 22:56
I don't I'm afraid but another one to rave about the wonders of SE phones :)

I've got a w810i that's been going strong for the past 4 years without a problem. Dropped many times on concrete and been fine :)
Mum's got a k800i about the same age and it's still working too.

19-09-2010, 07:43
Whilst I'm stunned that she's managed to knacker it, there'll be a replacement handset in the post for her tomorrow :)