View Full Version : Dads PC broken

10-10-2010, 14:09
Quick copy/paste job but here's what my dad posted elsewhere:

Got a BSOD yesterday and the machine would not restart and appeared dead. This morning we reset the BIOS and a tiny bit of life came back - when the power is first applied the graphics card fan and CPU fan move slightly and a the grahics card light lit briefly. Otherwise it is dead. I had assumed the power supply was dead but there seems to be some power to the board as shown by the above.

Could this be a dead motherboard and what else could I check to find out? I would be grateful for any help on this.

Had little useful feedback but I loaned him my PSU:

OK done some testing with my son (^^^) and we think the motherboard has gone.

Connected his PSU to my motherboard and switched on only for the case fans to barely twitch. On attempting to power up again the fans won't spin until the power cable is removed and re-inserted.

Exactly the same happened with my old PSU.

Is this definitely the motherboard that has failed?

Anyone want to chip in and confirm the failure? :)

10-10-2010, 16:31
Could be a dead mobo, or could be that it's shorting out against the case.

Has he moved, kicked, or otherwise disturbed the computer recently?

10-10-2010, 21:45
Nope, sits undisturbed under the desk (away from feet) until it needs hoovering etc :)

11-10-2010, 06:02
Has he checked that the motherboard power connectors are firmly in place? If they are, I would suspect the motherboard but, not having access to it, it's impossible to say for sure.

I had exactly the same a while back on one of my machines - fans jiggled a bit on power up but nothing else but I can't for the life of me remember whether it was the motherboard or the PSU :o If you've already eliminated the PSU, the motherboard is the next likely candidate.

11-10-2010, 09:23
Yeah first thing we checked :)

Run my PSU on it and still the same.

Cheers though, new mobo time it looks like :(