View Full Version : More aerospace videos: crosswind landings

14-10-2010, 17:58
This first airliner crosswind landing compilation is older than the internet itself. I was really chuffed to find it again despite the quality not being great. I never thought to look for more...


There are some mental approaches and landing aborts in this next one that had me on the edge of my seat almost covering my eyes:


Then this one of Concorde aborting a landing reminds you how loud that thing was compared to other aircraft:


Pretty good steep ascent it does there as well :cool:

14-10-2010, 18:36
Plane drifting :D Wow that second video is ace - the 747 going into what I think is the old Kai Tak - scaaaary!

14-10-2010, 18:53
Some of those are hilariously scary! Makes you realise the **** landing gear really is built to take as well! Amazing flying as well :)

15-10-2010, 07:24
Wicked, I'd love to be on some of those :D

15-10-2010, 10:59
I've been on a rough landing before, loads of people screamed ;D

It's amazing the punishment the landing gear can take.

15-10-2010, 11:37
It's all good stuff! :D

15-10-2010, 21:36
Myself and a friend took a 744 into Kai Tak a good few years ago when we had a session at Cranebank House. We got down but I wouldn't have liked to be a passenger on that flight and that was under dead calm conditions.