View Full Version : Movember

semi-pro waster
16-10-2010, 18:21
You may or may not be aware that Movember is rapidly approaching but this time round I've been talked into taking part, I say talked but it was more of a slightly hungover "do you fancy doing Movember this year?" - "yeah, alright". Oddly enough the mate who suggested it seems to have dropped off the face of the Earth but I'm still hopeful he'll pull through and join me on this voyage into beardy-weirdiness. Anyway, pointless backstory aside forget the silly name as it's a good cause, prostate cancer is a disease that affects huge numbers of men across the UK and World with any money raised from Movember going to Prostate Cancer UK (http://www.prostate-cancer.org.uk/). If you'd like to donate, take part or even just to have a laugh at my doubtless feeble attempts to grow facial hair then my page is here (http://uk.movember.com/mospace/580770/) and from there you can do all those things.

A picture of what I'll look like at the start of the month, barring any horrendous disfiguring/improving accidents is below so viewers of a sensitive disposition are advised to look away now.


16-10-2010, 18:51
With two members of our family fighting this at the moment I'll sponsor you. Am sponsoring someone already but is such a good cause.

semi-pro waster
17-10-2010, 14:08
Danke schön. All the best to your family, I hope they make a full recovery.

17-10-2010, 17:52
I shall be throwing a few quid towards this worthy cause. My Grandad was diagnosed with prostate cancer earlier this year.

17-10-2010, 21:29
I'll try and throw you a few quid when I get paid SPW :)

semi-pro waster
18-10-2010, 19:43
Thanks for the support and it's great if the charity gets some more donations. Incidentally I've now heard from my mate again and he's onboard for growing some chin fluff.

semi-pro waster
01-11-2010, 20:00
Update time, it's the 1st of Movember and it's on like Donkey Kong. I've had my last shave for a month this morning so it'll be hello to itchy face in a week or so. I'll try and remember to update every week or so to give everyone a bit of a laugh.


02-11-2010, 08:04
I'd give this a go but I'm at a wedding next week and it wouldn't be fair to turn up like an unshaven tramp. Maybe I'll join in for the last three weeks :D

02-11-2010, 08:20
Noooooo !!!!!!!

semi-pro waster
08-11-2010, 20:46
That's the first week down and a decidedly unimpressive set of whiskers from me so far, I guess I'm just trusting the follicles to ramp up their effort as it gets towards crunch time. It's a bit irritating and itchy though, I suspect I was right to do it this way as I can't imagine myself wanting to experiment with facial hair again. As promised the picture for laughs.


08-11-2010, 21:45
Shave the rest of it, it'll help with the growth of the 'tasche.

08-11-2010, 23:16
**** me - you've actually got some bristles! I can't believe it!

semi-pro waster
09-11-2010, 00:02
Shave the rest of it, it'll help with the growth of the 'tasche.

The hair has only got one outlet to concentrate its energies on? Or is it like shaving "down there" and it makes what's left look more impressive? Although I reckon that'll just make my nose look even bigger and it doesn't need any help.

I have just formulated a theory though - cameras don't add 10 pounds to me, they make it look like I've got 1/3 less chin hair than I actually do. Anyone buy that? :D

09-11-2010, 09:37
Don't go out in the wind ;)

11-11-2010, 22:30
Don't go out in the wind ;)

Or near cats.

semi-pro waster
11-11-2010, 23:51
Don't go out in the wind ;)

How do you know I avoid going out in strong winds? I didn't realise that it was that clear how skinny I was in the picture... ;D

Or near cats.

Ok, I must have missed something so I'm curious about this - why not cats? Oddly enough cats seem quite taken with me, chin fluff or not, I've lost count of the number of times walking home after a night out cats have come up to befriend me. Even the Pigmo Pebbles cat quite likes me. :)

14-11-2010, 22:03
Your mo appears to be quite whispy and could be licked away by a cat. My Mo would be much bushier only I had orders from the SO to shave it or she would divorce me :(

14-11-2010, 23:37
i had to go to a wedding yesterday, sadly i wasn't allowed to keep mine for that. damn women.

Joe 90
14-11-2010, 23:56
i had to go to a wedding yesterday, sadly i wasn't allowed to keep mine for that. damn women.

its all about the women that love the facial hair.

i couldn't bring myself to shave but a few weeks ago i did rep the following for a stag do....


15-11-2010, 06:36
its all about the women that love the facial hair.

I am a huge fan of the unshaven look. However, there are lines which cannot be crossed. Moustache = NO! :p

15-11-2010, 08:02
I am a huge fan of the unshaven look. However, there are lines which cannot be crossed. Moustache = NO! :p

Agreed, us girls have delicate skin, and if you should get lucky enough for a snog, then us girls get sore faces!

15-11-2010, 08:25
I've seen SPW's mo in the flesh. Facial hair suits him! :)

15-11-2010, 09:27
I'll do this next year. I wonder just how annoying a 4 week beard will be, a 2 week beard a couple of years ago was driving me mad!

15-11-2010, 09:44
Agreed, us girls have delicate skin, and if you should get lucky enough for a snog, then us girls get sore faces!

100% agree with this. Sore faces =fail.

15-11-2010, 09:48
Stubble meanwhile looks seriously HOT on some men though. :o

15-11-2010, 12:57
Stubble > clean shaven.

15-11-2010, 12:58
Clean shaven >stubble

15-11-2010, 13:04

15-11-2010, 13:08
Clean shaven >stubble

If you're talking aesthetics - then you're wrong, if you're talking about how it feels between your legs, I wouldn't know :p If you're talking about stubble rash on the face, again I wouldn't know (other than it does get itchy sometimes) but I can imagine it being less pleasant - however, a lot of women get used to it and like it!

Clearly everyone's different though ;)

However, stubble is manly, and cool. FACT.

Von Smallhausen
15-11-2010, 13:12
Create instant stubble by smearing goldern syrup on your lower face and emptying the contents of a teabag over it.

15-11-2010, 13:39
Create instant stubble by smearing goldern syrup on your lower face and emptying the contents of a teabag over it.
Von Smallhausen, recycling Viz top tips since 1811. ;)

Von Smallhausen
15-11-2010, 13:42
It's a bloody good one though faysh. :D

What is this Viz you speak of ? ;)

15-11-2010, 14:02
If you're talking aesthetics - then you're wrong, if you're talking about how it feels between your legs, I wouldn't know :p If you're talking about stubble rash on the face, again I wouldn't know (other than it does get itchy sometimes) but I can imagine it being less pleasant - however, a lot of women get used to it and like it!

Clearly everyone's different though ;)

However, stubble is manly, and cool. FACT.

Lol you and your filthy mind. Tut tut! :p. Stubble doesn't suit Paul. It just makes him look scruffy! Not a good look :p

15-11-2010, 14:12
Paul != men. I know he's your one and only, but I'm afraid that's the fact of the matter! ;)

And for once I wasn't being dirty!! :o

15-11-2010, 14:27
And for once I wasn't being dirty!! :o

Course you weren't! :p
You forget we know you too well ;)

15-11-2010, 15:54
If I wanted to be dirty I would have gone into the details ;) You assumed I meant something naughty! ;)

15-11-2010, 17:41
Paul != men. I know he's you're one and only, but I'm afraid that's the fact of the matter! ;)

which imposter wrote this? Will wouldn't use such incorrect grammar! (and don't blame the iphone)

semi-pro waster
15-11-2010, 19:45
Your mo appears to be quite whispy and could be licked away by a cat. My Mo would be much bushier only I had orders from the SO to shave it or she would divorce me :(

Ah, I'd never have guess that was where you were going with that but fair point.

I'm pleased as this thread's getting legs, unlike my beard which is just hovering around "well he's clearly not shaved for a few days" territory. That's week 2 down and seems a lot less itchy than it was a few days ago or maybe I've just got used to it.


//edit I am however rather impressed by the camera on my phone at the moment, not because the picture quality is great (it isn't) but for the fact that my eyes aren't red - almost every other camera seems to leave me with red eyes.

15-11-2010, 20:14
which imposter wrote this? Will wouldn't use such incorrect grammar! (and don't blame the iphone)


I blame a month of 2hrs sleep a night :'( :( :( :(

16-11-2010, 13:52
less bed & more sleep methinks ;)

16-11-2010, 13:59
*fingers crossed*

Soooo tired - I've actually got bags developing under my eyes! :(

16-11-2010, 16:35
However, stubble is manly, and cool. FACT.:(

16-11-2010, 19:01
You big hairy man beast SPW!

Have you shaved Frenchy's chest and stuck it on?

semi-pro waster
17-11-2010, 20:23

It's ok, we can't all be hairy like Will so I just pretend that the hair on his chin is migrating from higher up, it's the effect of gravity. ;)

You big hairy man beast SPW!

Have you shaved Frenchy's chest and stuck it on?

:p I know I can't grow decent facial hair yet, maybe when I'm a real grown up I'll be able to do it. I haven't touched Will's chest hair, in fact I haven't touched any of his hair before you ask that next question.

18-11-2010, 20:10
Damn it!!!!!!


semi-pro waster
22-11-2010, 19:55
Week 3 is downed, the chin fluff is here to the end of this week and then it's down to a moustache or as close an approximation as I can get. I need a haircut anyway so I might just use the clippers all the way. Looking forward to this weekend, the mate who is taking part in this with me will be down here for the odd beverage or two - it's bound to get messy as he wants to prove that I'm now "ruined and a soft Southern shandy drinking poof" - I believe that is the exact quote. :D


22-11-2010, 21:23
PLEASE tell me you're going to have a handlebar! :D

22-11-2010, 21:31
That would be epic! :D

semi-pro waster
22-11-2010, 22:02
I'll try that, sure. I'm not sure the hair is quite thick enough around the side of my lips to really pull it off effectively but why not. At least doing it that way I can always shave to a smaller moustache as I go - I want as many silly facial hair styles as possible out of this in case I don't do it again.

23-11-2010, 12:34
Dude trim it to the Tasche now!! We're into the final week and you're more Movembeard than MOvember!

23-11-2010, 15:52
Going to look great when you're done :D

24-11-2010, 13:54
You _have_ to end up with a toothbrush style, a la Hitler!

25-11-2010, 10:04
I can't grow a hitler as my philtrum grows no hair! Having to stick with the good old fashioned 'sexual deviant tash'... only a few more days until the best shave of my life! :D

semi-pro waster
25-11-2010, 17:52
Dude trim it to the Tasche now!! We're into the final week and you're more Movembeard than MOvember!

Ok, I've had the afternoon off work so got round to just making it a 'tashe a little earlier than intended. Happy now? :p

Shaving off three and a bit weeks worth of beard growth stings though, even with a new razor.


You _have_ to end up with a toothbrush style, a la Hitler!

That's for the last day, I'm not sure if it'll work for me though as I don't have much hair on my philtrum either.

25-11-2010, 19:08
Dude - that looks ****ing awesome! :eek: Seriously! ****in' A! :cool:

25-11-2010, 19:49
Hubba hubba :D

Joe 90
25-11-2010, 19:50
brilliant :D

25-11-2010, 20:19
Hahahaha I LOVE it :D

25-11-2010, 22:56
Looks great :)

Is it my imagination or is it a bit, erm, ginger? I suppose it comes with the territory, being from north of the border :D

semi-pro waster
25-11-2010, 23:08
Thanks folks, I'm not convinced that I'd want to keep it but it hasn't turned out quite as bad as I feared and it is for a good cause. And yes, it's rather more ginger than I'd like considering how dark my hair and eyebrows are, the risk of being Scottish I suppose.

26-11-2010, 08:30
Absolutely wicked :D

26-11-2010, 10:16
That's better! :D MOVEMBER STRONG! :D

26-11-2010, 10:59
Donation made :)

26-11-2010, 22:47
All men have bits of ginger in their beard... unless you're old then it's just grey :p

26-11-2010, 22:56
All men have bits of ginger in their beard... unless you're old then it's just grey :p

Not true, I've never shown any traces of ginger in mine.. I accept that there are big chunks of distinguished grey now but that which isn't grey is black.

26-11-2010, 23:07
Leon's is ginger! HA!

26-11-2010, 23:09

semi-pro waster
26-11-2010, 23:18
Donation made :)

Thank you very much, the donation is greatly appreciated. With the money donated by family and friends offline that puts my total to a little over £100 at the moment which is a nice little chunk to be sending off to Prostate Cancer UK. :)

26-11-2010, 23:19
Leon's is ginger! HA!

What about his bea. . . . Oh no wait, that was last weekend ;)

29-11-2010, 23:14


Grayscale hides the blondey lip garnish! :p

Yes I know I look like I'm heading to a barmitzvah/school disco/generally have a boyish face but I'm marketing it as a 'youthful charm'... :confused: ;D

MoBros & MoSistas unite!

30-11-2010, 08:02
Grayscale hides the blondey lip garnish! :p
Your FB pics don't :p

I seriously have to do this next year :D

30-11-2010, 19:32
Hahahaha join us Desmond... succumb to the itchy, disgusting side...

01-12-2010, 23:16
Looks brilliant Dan.
Chris is rocking a weeks worth of facial hair because 'It's cold'. In June at his brothers birthday it was declared that they must all rock the handlebar...

01-12-2010, 23:22
Good effort guys. Well done x

And Paula...*touches Chris & makes sizzling noise*

02-12-2010, 10:15
When I saw Paula post I had a very scary thought for a second... glad to see it was boys being pictured!

02-12-2010, 14:07

02-12-2010, 14:28
And what about the tache?

02-12-2010, 20:57
Also smooth :p...

you sicken me#

semi-pro waster
02-12-2010, 21:55
Bit delayed but been getting home from work at stupid o'clock every day this week and not had the inclination to update properly. Final pictures of my ugly mug for a good long while since you're probably as sick of it as I am and as promised the attempt at the toothbrush was made, didn't go very well as expected. I'm fairly pleased with the total raised for Movember though, thank you again to those who donated. :)


02-12-2010, 23:45
An excellent job indeed. Well done!! Glad you didn't keep it though ;)

03-12-2010, 08:32
Fantastic! :D :D :D

03-12-2010, 09:56
I seem to have unintentionally and belatedly got into the spirit of Movember. I've not shaved for a week as I was in Norway for a few days and wanted some face fuzz to keep me warm in the -20 temperatures. It's still well and truely into the 'itchy as hell' stage but it'll be coming off in the morning.

03-12-2010, 11:16
Slightly after the fact, but finally remembered to donate. Well done Dan and thankyou for raising money for this cause x

03-12-2010, 20:47
How very dare you Will, I would have a mighty fine 'tache.

04-12-2010, 11:21
Not on your face though eh? :evil:

Sowwy :o

semi-pro waster
04-12-2010, 12:41
Slightly after the fact, but finally remembered to donate. Well done Dan and thankyou for raising money for this cause x

Thank you very much for the kind donation, that's me just nudging over £150 total. Still enjoying the ability to shave again. :)