View Full Version : How would you make a photo slideshow in OS X?

Joe 90
05-11-2010, 00:03

I need to create a photo slideshow to show on Saturday night. I've tried to use iDVD to simply drag all images into and setup the menus etc, but when I've tested it the images just look terrible. I want to maintain a decent level of quality if possible.

Obviously a DVD isn't high res so this is probably going to mean I'll need to create something that can run under Windows as a HD movie type clip or something so it can do my images justice.
If all else fails I guess it'll be a folder of jpgs running on the default slideshow!

05-11-2010, 01:58
iPhoto - File - Export - Slideshow :)

Joe 90
06-11-2010, 13:31
that worked perfectly! Thanks! Got a nice 500mb movie, now just need to stick it on a few CDs with a copy of VLC \o/

06-11-2010, 14:27