View Full Version : All time favourite films...

15-11-2010, 09:51
I was flicking through the telly papers yesterday and noticed "The Three Musketeers" was on and it brought loads of memories back. I absolutely love that film (and Four Musketeers is fantastic too). I'm not talking about the Charlie Sheen and Keifer Sutherland version, I'm talking about Frank Finlay, Oliver Reed, Richard Chamberlain, Michael York and a whole host of other stars...

So, I think my all time favourite film is probably "The Three Musketeers (1973)".

What's yours?

15-11-2010, 10:47
2001: A Space Odessy - Awesome visual treat. And they "do" sounds in space correctly.

Leon - Jean Reno at his best as the cleaner. Perfect.

15-11-2010, 11:51
The Bodygaurd :o Prob makes me a raving homo but what they hey :p

Ace Ventura - Alllllllllllrrrrrrriiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhttttttyyyy yyyyy Cracks me up every single time. :D

Gran Turino - This is more than a film it's a work of art. :cool:

I could go on if my head memory actually worked. :p

15-11-2010, 12:16
Lethal Weapon 3 (well the first 3 really), the Die Hard films and Rocky Horror Picture Show

15-11-2010, 12:38
These are my favourites:

Back to the Future
Life Is Beautiful
Die Hard
Grosse Pointe Blank
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Groundhog Day

Back to the Future is probably the film I've seen the most, and my all-time favourite. In fact it was on again last night and I watched it then too!

Von Smallhausen
15-11-2010, 13:10
High Plains Drifter.
The Outlaw Josey Wales.
The Good The Bad And The Ugly.
Blackhawk Down.
Leon, if only for the opening 10 minutes. The knife to the throat, the phonecall and the melting away into the darkness is cinema legend.

I would say Alien tips it for me. It is just flawless.

15-11-2010, 13:27
Blues Brothers

15-11-2010, 14:18
Too many to choose from...

Star Wars Trilogy (the original ones)
Lethal Weapon 1-3
Groundhog day
Hot shots 1&2 :o (It's puerile I know - but I love it!)
Taxi (original French version)
La Haine
Wall-e (absolutely loved it)
Hunt for the red october

These are films I could watch and rewatch without any difficulty.

15-11-2010, 15:49
Heat. I have been known to watch it 3 times over. Michael Mann can do no wrong in my eyes, and I see Heat as being the best of the best.

Oh, and anything from Will's list.

15-11-2010, 15:53
Oh good shout - Heat is epic!

15-11-2010, 17:36
*gets sledgehammer and postbag ready for anyone who mentions Bourne*

15-11-2010, 18:58
Dirty Dancing
Pretty Woman

*goes to pack her bags to leave the country*

16-11-2010, 00:33
Lots... but these are the top 5

True Romance
Usual Suspects
Point Break

16-11-2010, 02:01
Oh dear.... These are the most watched according to my mediaserver.

Godfather Trilogy *in Epic form - over 9 hours long*
Kevin Smith's View Askewniverse
Black Snake Moan
Grosse Point Blank
Star Wars Trilogy
Groundhog Day
Blade Runner
Alien Trilogy *yes - including the Alien 3 extended edition*
Monty Pythons Life Of Brian and Holy Grail
Reservoir Dogs
Blazing Saddles
Usual Suspects
Blues Brothers
Great Escape
Die Hard
Empire Records
The General
The Kid
The Great Dictator
Evil Dead Trilogy
Lethal Weapon series

They've all been watched at least 5 times in the last 12-18months

16-11-2010, 11:11
The Shawshank Redemption
American History X
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
The Bourne Trilogy
Hot Fuzz
LOTR Trilogy
Star Wars Trilogy

16-11-2010, 14:26
I would say Alien tips it for me. It is just flawless.

I know, right. Every time I watch it I find something new to appreciate. And I've seen it a lot of times. It's a total Ridley masterclass in the art of directing.

But I still can't split it from Usual Suspects and Hero (Jet Li).

Two more movies where the same applies. Brilliant directing and just seem to get better each time I watch them.

Michael Mann can do no wrong in my eyes
Miami Vice? :p

16-11-2010, 15:13
*gets sledgehammer and postbag ready for anyone who mentions Bourne*

The Bourne Trilogy

Oooooh this should be fun! :D

16-11-2010, 15:21
Miami Vice? :p
Underrated. :D

21-11-2010, 18:11
In no order:
Shawshank redemption
Die Hard
Grand Turino
The Usual suspects
Inside Man
American History X
Dazed & Confused
Boat that Rocked
Reservoir Dogs
Full metal Jacket
LAw Abiding citizen
Falling Down

semi-pro waster
21-11-2010, 19:30
Taxi (original French version)

I just pretend there isn't a remake, how do you replace a cool streetwise French dude with Queen Latifah? Actually don't answer the question - it'll just interfere with me pretending it doesn't exist.

Probably my favourite film ever is:
The Replacements (I know it's stupid, it stars Keanu "gets out-acted by a bit of 2 by 4" Reeves but I don't care, it's great fun)
But closely following would be:
Casablanca (Bogart, Lorre, Bergman, Henreid all on superlative form - you can't go wrong)
12 Angry Men (Henry Fonda is superb but all the actors play their part brilliantly - you'd never imagine a film that is essentially set in one room could be so gripping)
Pulp Fiction (what a soundtrack, I really do need to rewatch this soon)
Spirited Away (there's just something about this film that is great and I'm not even a huge fan of animated films)

There's a whole host of other films that I would watch in preference to other better films but those five are always enjoyable. If I got stuck on a desert island with those choices and some way to watch them I don't think I'd be too disappointed.

22-11-2010, 19:35
Leon of course is on my list.

Full Metal Jacket
We were soldiers
Sleeping with the enemy
Dying young

I never realised until now that I am actually a fan of Julia Roberts. Blimey, you learn something new everyday.

22-11-2010, 19:38
Hmmmm. To narrow it down.

Pulp Fiction
Nightmare before Christmas
Kill Bill (vol 2 more than one, but both as a whole movie)
True Romance
Die Hard
Silence of the Lambs
Inglourious Basterds
The Departed
Shawshank Redemption
How to Train your Dragon :D
Shrek 2
Monsters Inc
Back to the Future
Empire Strikes Back
Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan
Muriel's Wedding
The Castle

They're off the top of my noggin.

22-11-2010, 19:40
What about Bourne Tracy :p

22-11-2010, 19:42
:lipsrsealed: shaddap