View Full Version : Bloody leaflets

23-11-2010, 10:22
Just got this one through the letterbox. Normally these just go straight in the recycling bin but, as I was crumpling this one up, something caught my eye.

http://r1wuga.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pQ06l2ib280s7Og9yqDQYudsdYAiVxqTqmhYAH3jf6RgPKhp Q0XMoIx0WyykUAuw7qU32rWEYm_cRwI_70rgY6KrJAU5NPbOV/Leaflet.jpg?psid=1

Do you honestly think I'm goping to donate my unwanted clothing to an organisation who can't abbreviate Friday properly? I think not :p

23-11-2010, 10:35
It's a terrible leaflet by all accounts. Who just has ladies and gents lying around?! It's a scam anyway:

23-11-2010, 10:37
It's a scam anyway:

Most of them are. I didn't even bother checking up on them - I just assumed it was.

23-11-2010, 11:51
I sometimes cannot open my front door for the swathes of paper left through my letter box. It's such a waste :(

23-11-2010, 13:00
We get hundreds of these every month. And about 15 takeaway leaflets and estate agents trying to value our house every week. Bugger off!

23-11-2010, 13:05
It's just a scam. It's not a 'Lithuanian scam' just because a Lithuanian is running the company. Mirror being deliberately misleading should be exposed by their own scam :angry:

23-11-2010, 15:53
Leaflets are great, more people should have them.

24-11-2010, 00:47
Since you like them so much, can we send them all to you? :p

I need to clear out some old (but still usable) clothes. Was thinking of using one of the through-the-door bags, but guess I'll have to try something else and go back to using the bags in the bin (waste not, want not :)).

24-11-2010, 11:24
Yep, fire away. I'll just send them a quote for cheaper printing meaning they can send out more ;D