View Full Version : Wiper blades

02-12-2010, 09:50
So... Mine are humped.
Is it worth just going to halfords and getting "GENERIC WINDCREEN WIPER BRAND Z" or am I better ordering something awesome aff that internets?

02-12-2010, 10:54
Spend a bit of money I say. Worth every penny.

02-12-2010, 12:56
Post of no use, but

So... Mine are humped.

is the expression of awesomness!

02-12-2010, 12:58
It's not often i buy new blades but when i do i get those double rubber bladed jobbys as you get a better sweep on both forward & backward strokes.

02-12-2010, 14:43
What's this I'm hearing about 'flat' blades?

08-12-2010, 10:30
flat blades are the sort that have a single connection to the blade, and the blade itself has a concave sprung metal back, so when you lift the wiper arm away from the screen, the wiper bends into a sort of bow shape. Usually standard fit on modern cars, the wifes A150 has them, for example.

I think the idea is that old blades were pushed towards the screen by the spring load of the wiper arm, and used a series of hinges to try and keep contact across the sweep. flat blades use the curved shape of the blade itself to push against the screen. This has two benefits... it doesn't tend to lift as much as high speed, as there is less drag from the various arms and hinges. Also, in cold weather the old style wipers can often freeze into a set shape, and not retain contact witht he screen during the sweep, but because the flat ones are inherently sprung to press against the glass, this doesn't happen (at least, not as much)

You can get them to fit earlier cars, I think.

09-12-2010, 02:44
I get mine here: http://wiperblades.co.uk/

Always very good - managed to get the flat style blades (as above) all round for ~£20 delivered :)

Joe 90
09-12-2010, 20:19
when should you change the blades?

Mine seem to do a decent job, they just annoy me when its not that wet and they squeak!

09-12-2010, 21:47
I change them if the rubber feels pitted on the rare occasion I check them or if they consistently leave lines all over the screen :)