View Full Version : Miranda

07-12-2010, 20:45
Does anyone else not find this programme even remotely funny? Why is it so popular and why is it on all the time? Someone explain the popularity, I'm sure I must be missing something :confused:

07-12-2010, 20:53
Its hilarious Jonny! :D

Probably might have something to do with you (as a man) not bei.g able to empathise with Mirandas 'character'.

Did u never have someone like her at school? I did :)

BB x

07-12-2010, 22:08
You are not alone Jonny... Tried watching it a couple of times, but like most modern 'comedy' shows, it turns out to be utter crap.

08-12-2010, 03:28
It's the only 'comedy' show that's made me laugh out loud recently. It's stilted at times, and it's obviously over-staged and her reactions are very over the top, but the funny bits are absolutely genius. Proper laugh out loud funny things that I suspect most women can identify with. It's a bit like the Young Ones/Bottom I reckon. Most men I know bang on about how brilliant that was, but I, and most of the women who I know, thought it was over-rated ****e & didn't even get a mere giggle out of us!

Not sure about it being on all the time - it's on once a week and this is the 2nd series, started about 3 weeks ago, so has about 3 weeks left.

08-12-2010, 11:49
Oh damnit! Am I missing the 2nd series!!! Fingers crossed its on iplayer!!!

BB x

09-12-2010, 14:11
don't like it, Aitch thinks it's OK, it's a girl thing


14-12-2010, 14:46
It's grown on me and I quite like it now.

Reminds me of old comedies like Hi De Hi a bit. It's got that silly, bordering on farcial style to it and of course the end credits are just like comedies like that.

14-12-2010, 14:49
Does anyone else not find this programme even remotely funny? Why is it so popular and why is it on all the time? Someone explain the popularity, I'm sure I must be missing something :confused:

Never even heard of it :/

semi-pro waster
14-12-2010, 15:52
I've watched parts of it a couple of times and I've not found it even vaguely funny, ok so I'd watch it as a comedy show in preference to The Office but that's not saying much as the list of things I'd not do in preference to watching The Office is a very short list.

However in fairness to Miranda, an ex-flatmate was convinced I had no sense of humour - principally because we could never agree on what made a funny TV series.

14-12-2010, 23:19
Today's is not that funny!

BB x

15-12-2010, 10:46
haven't watched any of this series, just catching up on the first one.