View Full Version : For Sale Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro USM

10-12-2010, 22:26
OK this is going to be offered for sale here first and if no one is interested it will go on Ebay. These are selling on Ebay with the accessories I have for upwards of £310 + P&P but if any of you guys want it I will let it go for £300inc which is what I bought it for.

The lens includes the genuine Canon hood which isn't included when you buy new and a Kenko filter which according to the original owner was fitted from new.

This is the non L, USM version, there are quite a few non USM ones floating about and they focus a lot slower than this one.

Here is a link to the original thread


I've used the lens about 3 times since I bought it and it's going because as much as I like sharp primes I haven't taken to macro photography and I'd rather like a 10-22mm or a 5D instead. Also my FIL has the L version which I could borrow if I needed to do some macro work :)

http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/3584/img3772ga.th.jpg (http://img17.imageshack.us/i/img3772ga.jpg/)


http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/3858/img4238a.th.jpg (http://img526.imageshack.us/i/img4238a.jpg/)


http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/5711/img4255qi.th.jpg (http://img213.imageshack.us/i/img4255qi.jpg/)


http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/161/img42553.th.jpg (http://img138.imageshack.us/i/img42553.jpg/)


Let me know


10-12-2010, 23:07
Temptation, thy name is MB!

10-12-2010, 23:22
Yeah, sorry about that, at least it isn't the 17-55mm f2.8 IS or the 24-105 f4 IS both at twice the price ;)

I might let the 50mm f1.8 go though, that would be a lot cheaper :)


11-12-2010, 14:00
Got one of them :p

13-12-2010, 12:56
Come on, look at the detail and DoF on this!



13-12-2010, 17:02
Actually, that's stunning, I'm going to keep this for a while :D


13-12-2010, 17:15
Actually, that's stunning, I'm going to keep this for a while :D


13-12-2010, 17:53

Can't say I blame you, either.

13-12-2010, 19:31
:D Just keep it until I can afford it :p (i.e. not Christmas!)

13-12-2010, 21:07
I haven't had the time to do any macro stuff at all, I'll try again over the spring if I get the chance but I've being doing more portrait and landscape stuff recently (understandably) :)


13-12-2010, 21:36
I think if you have it and you can afford to keep it, you should do so - you might be thankful for it if things get tighter & you can't afford to stump up for one in the future (that's my current mindset anyway!). Lenses are pretty good investments at the moment. I'm loving your Amelie pics at the moment, and I look forward to seeing you experiment a bit more with your macro stuff :)

26-12-2010, 23:53
Go on, you know you want to sell it really! :D

27-12-2010, 13:34
Do you want it Toby?

I'm not using it and can always borrow the FILs 100mm 2.8L IS

So if its something you are after I'll happily let it go :)

Also having bought a 580exII on impulse it'll top up my bank account :D


27-12-2010, 14:54
I'm really in two minds at the moment. Often thought about getting a decent macro lens but not sure how much I'd actually use it.

Let me have a think :)

EDIT: I'm gonna leave it I think. Many thanks for the offer but it's the 7D next so I need to put the money towards that first.