View Full Version : Wii or Kinect or Move?

14-12-2010, 20:12
If you had the choice which one? Wii, Kinect or Move?

I had a Wii on launch day, sold it after never using it for 2yrs. I think thats mainly because its more of a social console and I didn't have people to come round and play on it with. Now I have a gf who likes, at least, the boxing game :)

Kinect, impressive stuff. But theres nothing really out for it right now.

Move... just don't hear anyone talking about it.

14-12-2010, 20:53
I use the Wii pretty much daily now. Spent a while on the shelf but got dusted off when I got some fitness & yoga 'games'. Also love the Just Dance series. And it comes out whenever anyone comes over for a weekend/after dinner etc. Still a lot of fun to be had with multiplayer Mario Kart or Lego Star Wars etc.

I love the Kinect usability, but as you say, there's not a lot out for it at the moment.

14-12-2010, 22:52
Can there be a choice for 'Not bother and spend the money on some decent normal games'? I want to pick that one :p

14-12-2010, 22:54
I've got like a year backlog of decent games to finish :p

14-12-2010, 23:13
If you have to pick now I'd say get a kinect :)

14-12-2010, 23:15
Really? Even though it's basically just one game, which is basically just Wii sports?

14-12-2010, 23:53
yes because not having to hold a controller to me makes a big difference. You already have a 360 so I'd have thought it would be cheaper to buy the kinect that buy another wii

14-12-2010, 23:58
Do you have to stand up for all the kinect games? Xbox is in the bedroom.

Still not sure that Kinect for one game is worth it over a Wii and all the best of Nintendo. Hmmm.

15-12-2010, 00:15
You need a lot of space for it supposedly, a couple of people at work were moaning that their lounges were only just big enough to not be bashing into things

15-12-2010, 01:06
I've got like a year backlog of decent games to finish :p

I still have Final Fantasy 8 on the PS1 still to play !

15-12-2010, 10:40
You need a lot of space for it supposedly, a couple of people at work were moaning that their lounges were only just big enough to not be bashing into things

For 2 player stuff some people might struggle but single player I'm sure you'll be fine :) We've managed it in ours even if we have to put the kinect on the corner of the tv cabinet and angle it into the room

15-12-2010, 10:44
Really? Even though it's basically just one game, which is basically just Wii sports?

You know there is more than one game though, right? You mean just one game you'd be interested in?

I still say Wii for your purposes.

15-12-2010, 10:51
Yeah I know there's more. Not getting great reviews though.

I'm thinking Wii too. Kinect is brilliant but until there's a game I want to rush out and play on I can't see me buying it. Whereas the Wii has some games I'd like to play and will be connected to a SDTV with space to play it.

Just don't let me near a Kinect ;)

Joe 90
15-12-2010, 20:33
out of the 3 I'd have to say Kinect simply because of the potential I've seen with all the hacks.

Its just a shame about all the space you need for it.

I can't really use any of them though - my TV & consoles are right at the end of my bed so can't really jump around on the bed playing any of these things!! :(

15-12-2010, 20:36
Don't get me wrong, in a year or two, Kinect will wipe the floor with the competition. But for right now, it's not there yet & it'll take a while before it gets there.

15-12-2010, 21:02
What are these hacks you speak of Mark?

15-12-2010, 21:13
Kinect is brilliant and I've previously had a Wii.

Kinect Adventures that comes with it, Kinect Sports (bowling, table tennis, football, track & field and beach volleyball), Dance Central, Yourshape Fitness and Kinectimals are the cream of the crop.

My wife my 2 daughters and I can't speak highly enough about it. For casual family games it's the bees knees.

Now the Wii has some great games, really great games like Super Mario Galaxy but Kinect is the new casual master, imo.

Joe 90
15-12-2010, 21:57
What are these hacks you speak of Mark?

There have been loads, they usually come up in the tech section of my Google Reader, engadget I rekon. Just do a Google/YouTube search on it, basically it's people hook up kinect to PCs to do all sorts of cool things that show the potential of the hardware (especially when you consider these people dont have an SDK!)

15-12-2010, 23:28
Ah well. I was thinking about having a Wii, still find that funny, but I should really get through my other games. Another day maybe.

15-12-2010, 23:32
you can always come and play on the kinect if you want to try one out.

15-12-2010, 23:34
Thanks :) it'll only sell it to me even more. I'll get one as soon as the games are there.

15-12-2010, 23:48
Kinect, looks the most useful and full. If games aren't using it know, it won't take long for that to change.

15-12-2010, 23:56
Funny thing is I notice no-ones really stood up for Move.

16-12-2010, 08:08
Funny thing is I notice no-ones really stood up for Move.

I don't think anyone owns a move ;D

16-12-2010, 10:04
guy in work has the Move and was banging on about how he wasn't getting a Kinect as there was no need. He tried one last weekend & bought one the next day! Great fun :)

If you use the fitness games as an example, it's a pain having to hold the wiimote in the right position, and to be honest, you could be in any position as long as the wiimote is right. With Kinect, if you hold a position, it brings up these little bars to show if you need to extend your right arm, move your leg etc. Very clever.

16-12-2010, 10:29
Kinect, looks the most useful and full. If games aren't using it know, it won't take long for that to change.

I'm just hoping they're sensible with it - Forza 4 for example is going to support Kinect but I really hope they're sensible about it and don't ruin a great driving series for the sake of supporting a gimmick.

16-12-2010, 11:33
Hopefully everything but the racing is enhanced for Kinect, like being able to move the car around in 3D Minority Report style.

16-12-2010, 13:59
One of the main problems Move has, it lacks strong game support imo. There's no 'killer' app out there for people to rave about.

When I bought Kinect, it was because I was considering buying Move and changed my mind. This was partly down to determining which product would garner me the most work (Kinect did quite easily, I was overwhelmed by how much and I ended up delegating some of it) but also because no games really stood out for me. I quite fancied playing Heavy Rain with Move support but having already played it, it wasn't a big selling point.

As is always the case with these sort of things, I'd say it depends on what games appeal to you. The Wii is offering some great titles at the moment. Donkey Kong Country Returns is one of my GOTYs and is a fantastic return to form. The two Super Mario Galaxys are brilliant, Kirby's Epic Yarn comes out in a couple of months, Sonic Colours is a surprise return to form for Sonic (although the DS one is better), you can buy the likes of Little King's Story and Boom Blox very cheaply too and they're great.

The potential of Kinect is fantastic though. I'm thoroughly impressed by it. The motion tracking is exceptional. The 'killer' app is probably Dance Central for most people but I prefer Kinectimals. That might deserve a laugh :p But it really is excellent fun and there's more depth to it than I expected. Certainly an excellent casual game for those who have no rhythm (me :D). Kinect Sports is meant to be great too.
Just make sure you avoid Sonic Free Riders and Joyride ;)

Space wise - I can stand about 6ft from the sensor and it's ok. Not ideal, 8ft would be better but I haven't had any problems with it - it's just not ideal for now.

16-12-2010, 21:46
Move looks ridiculous, that's the problem and lacks kinetics ability.
while wii has the partial system, which works and doesn't look totally stupid.

Move is in no ones land.

17-12-2010, 14:21
I haven't used any of these thingymejigsjumpyaroundwhataretheycalleds but that add with the Pets for the Kinect made me come over all warm, soft & Gay. :o

18-12-2010, 17:06
Kinect certainly looks like it has lots of potential, but on a personal level the Xbox just hasn't done 'it' for me (evidenced by the fact it's spent most of the last year in its bag). Might even sell it and get a Wii with some of the deals that are going on right now.

03-01-2011, 14:36
^^ I did this. £99. If I don't like it I can sell if for not much less. :)