View Full Version : Linksys router problem

09-10-2006, 18:47
ive had this problem pop up a few times with this router

any body got any ideas ?

09-10-2006, 19:02
Usually that means that your ADSL has dropped (or is about to) and it is resyncing with the exchange but hasn't established your downstream SNR yet.

09-10-2006, 19:05
the trouble is it doesnt clear and i have to hard reboot the router to get a new connection

09-10-2006, 19:07
Can you get the connection up again by doing anything in the web management or does it have to be a power cycle? What ADSL are you on - Max?

Firmware updates are usually a good thing to try. The strange thing there is that the router reports the DSL status as up? What do the router logs show?

09-10-2006, 20:23
has to be a hard reboot other wise it just sites with the DSL light flashing

yes im on Max

ive cleared the logs so the next time it happens i will post the log

10-10-2006, 18:45
I have exactly the same thing dude, with the same router. Though it's very rare, I'm not on Max, and I'm moving ISP's anyway (to Sky, so getting a new router). Not really looked to far into it on those grounds, sorry.