View Full Version : Places to eat and/or things to do in Brighton

04-01-2011, 00:06
It's been a few years since i been to Brighton so i am a little out of touch of what's hip in the area. I know it moves on fast from my time down there.

I'm going there for a couple of nights next Wednesday/Thursday with Laura, currently looking to stay at Sea Spray (http://www.seaspraybrighton.co.uk/), looks decent since it comes with breakfast for the same price at one of the chain hotels. But if someone got any suggestions I'd love to know :) would love to stay at Hotel Una but that's Full and more than i can afford!

Also, where can i find out things to do? I know it'll be midweek so I don't hope for something big, plus it'll be cold so the pier will be a short hit and run affair.

Lastly, any recommendation for places to eat would be great. :)

04-01-2011, 00:18

I only had 90 minutes so by the time I'd walked the pier and surrounding promenade, and grabbed the obligatory fish and chips (land end of the pier), it was time to go.

04-01-2011, 01:08

04-01-2011, 01:50
Bills Depot is good for nosh... gets v busy tho!

Will spk to bro & post more :)

BB x

04-01-2011, 01:59

I only had 90 minutes so by the time I'd walked the pier and surrounding promenade, and grabbed the obligatory fish and chips (land end of the pier), it was time to go.

Hmmm, thanks, just looked and it seems there is nothing on! (short of going to the Funky Buddha Lounge), I think a trip to the Odeon might be in Order.

Bills Depot is good for nosh... gets v busy tho!

Will spk to bro & post more :)

BB x

Do you still live there? :)

04-01-2011, 09:08
I dont no, but my bro does (Gaijin) :)

There's a tea shop you could try for afternoon tea-its quite kitsch & v gay tho! Saw it on tv & the rules are strict on there, but may be worth checking out:http://www.theteacosy.co.uk

Otherwise off the top of my head, The North Laine & South Lanes are still there. Dont forget a stroll on the promenade (on the beach) to visit the old amusement arcade (if its still there!).

BB x

04-01-2011, 20:26
That tea place looks utterly adorable, awesome!

Except we are both coffee drinkers :o

04-01-2011, 20:54
Oh Man!

:numpty: lol... will rack my brains!

BB x