View Full Version : Sleep Walking

08-01-2011, 22:53
As some of you know, I'm not exactly the worlds best sleeper!

Lately I think I have been sleepwalking a fair bit. I'll wake up downstairs holding something (a blanket/pot/book/spoon...) and not have a clue why I'm down there. I've also woken up and found my whole tool box emptied and all my tools perfectly lined up on the floor.

Normally I just ignore it, and get on with my day albeit a little sleepy. But two incidents have scared me lately!

The first is after watching paranormal activity. What a STUPID thing for me to watch! Hahaha!

A few days after watching it, I woke up in the middle of the night sat on the floor in the hall way.... right under the loft hatch. At the time I was so disorientated I just got up and went to bed. It wasn't until I woke up in the morning my mind was like:

Me: "Yaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn sleepy sleepy me oooh I'm tired, why am I tired, Oh yeh I was.. WHAT THE FREAKING HELL WAS I DOING UNDER THE LOFT HATCH!?!?!?!?!!!!!"


The other freaky deaky sleep walking incident happened last night.

I woke up with a start as I just had a vivid dream about a friend being in a car accident. It was horrible. I checked the time on my phone and it was 7am. I then had a message appear on my screen saying "message delivered" as I had text the same friend before I went to sleep and with his phone off it had only just gone through. I was like "ahh they've just turned their phone on. Bit coincidental I've woken up at the same time! I will send them a message to make sure they're okay". It was then I realised the heating was on and I figured I would go switch it off and get an hours more kip eye as I was hot.

Downstairs... I'm stood at the boiler and I'm trying to figure out why the monkeys it's on because it's turned off at 7am but set to turn on at 5am. I never have the heating on at 5am... and it was 7am anyway?! Whaaaaaaaat?!

I check my clocks and then get a phonecall from my friend saying how come I'm awake and he was going to text so not to wake me and it was early. I said I was having issues with my boiler and was all confused and that I had seen him in a car crash and yeh. I ask him the time and he said it was 5am.

Really!??! REALLY?! Check the internet and it's 5am. All my clocks have been reset (all in perfect sync) to 7am - two hours forward. That's my oven, microwave, watch, wall clock and phone - all changed. And then somehow in my sleep I have set my boiler to come on at 5am... which was when I woke from my dream about my friend in the car crash... which was the time my friend was going to work which was a call in job. I didn't know he was at work today let alone at 5am.

How the MONKEYS did I manage to change those times? I have no idea how to set the microwave clock. None. The oven clock is easy but the microwave?! No no no idea.

I decided to wake myself up proper and made a cup of tea... went to sit down in the lounge and THEN discover this:



So. I can change clock times... yet I write like a monkey with the pen shoved up it's arse. How'ds that figure?

I've decided to try and set the motion detector up on my webcam and see whether I can catch me sleep walking. I have woken a few times in the lounge so hoping it works!

I'm also hoping nothing freaky happens! Ahahaha! Sometimes I hate having an over active imagination and living on my own! Boo!

Sooo watch this space people. Lets see whether I can catch myself on camera!

semi-pro waster
08-01-2011, 22:56
That's pretty amazing, there's a certain amount of talent to resetting all clocks to the same time - many people can't manage that when fully awake.

08-01-2011, 23:00
This explains a lot. I've seen shattered, you were clearly sleep walking when they thought you were awake ;D

08-01-2011, 23:01

08-01-2011, 23:04
Heh I know SPW - I can't do it now! It's so strange. I don't get it!

Feek - that was my theory! I don't recall half of it!

Roberta - takes one to know one ;)

Annnd my logitech doesn't have motion detection. RUBBISH! I wonder if I could record a whole night... that might just ruin my computer though!

Hmmm. Half tempted to sell a few things and get motion detection. It's really intrigued me now.

08-01-2011, 23:55
thats quite awesome actually, I love it :)

Joe 90
09-01-2011, 02:35
thats pretty crazy.

I think I was sleep walking on Christmas eve after a few (but not too many) beers. Mum found me at 3am in the bathroom stood between the toilet & bath (both are next to each other so we're talking about a gap no greater than 12") and I was supposedly trying to walk towards the bath.
I have no memory of this happening so assume I was asleep, and at no point awoke. I assume as much as theres no logical reason to have been there, trying to walk through the bath! Must of thought I was elsewhere & had a ver different floor plan in my head!

Anyone used Sleep Talk on iPhone? My mrs talks in her sleep so this records it all! Well worth an investment (59p or something) for some possible amusement ;D

10-01-2011, 01:04
Hehehe Joe! That is funny! Good thing you didn't wee in a drawer or anything like that!

I didn't sleep walk last night (to my knowledge) but woke every 30mins. Yaaaaaaaaawny yawny.

Hoping this all stops soon. Seems to calm down when someones with me but that's probably cos they tell me to get back into bed as soon as I leave it. Or pin me to the bed! I need to hire myself a man of the night.

Wait a minute...

.... that's just wrong!

10-01-2011, 11:41
Setup webcam in bedroom (bear with me a minute) and one in the kitchen / lounge.

Record all night at reasonably low resolution and save to HDD, review all and post findings to the internets so when the attic hatch demon finally comes down we can see what's really going on.

Put talcum powder along the floor near your door frame so we can see where you go walking!

11-01-2011, 08:29
That note reads like something off the film "Memento".

How's your short term memory?

11-01-2011, 08:30
That note reads like something off the film "Memento".

How's your short term memory?


11-01-2011, 10:57
Hahahaha ;D

Haven't been able to set up the camera as it will choke my poota. Was half tempted to live stream it but then thought better incase I decide I'm too hot and strip off. THAT. Would not be good.

Am knackered today. Went to sleep around 2am. I feel like I've been awake all night. I woke around 5am though and was in bed - good sign. Looked at time again around 6am and then nodded off til my alarm at 7am.


Early night tonight.

11-01-2011, 14:21
Anyone used Sleep Talk on iPhone? My mrs talks in her sleep so this records it all! Well worth an investment (59p or something) for some possible amusement ;D

Lol wish I had done this with Rob - he does it all the time!

BB x

14-01-2011, 01:48
A photo I stumbled across today... I apparently have a thing about spoons in my sleep. I did this when I was renting a room with two mega awesome chappies up here prior to getting my house. One of my house mates saw me laying out all the spoons one at a time on the stairs and locked himself in his room proper scared!


My other house mate saw me talking to the below too... and when he tried to pick it all up apparently I went all panicky and told him to put him back with no such explanation.



Needless to say they got used to my habits and walking about and talking in my sleep. They heard me rattling about in the cupboards in the kitchen once and left me to it and when I woke up I was hugging my wok! Doh :/

14-01-2011, 09:41
*x-files music*

18-01-2011, 12:43
I've lost all my underwear.


Woke up the other morning and my top drawer was open with all my knickers gone and all my socks unrolled (I roll them into balls) and there's one of each sock left... but their matching pair... it's gone.

I've no bloody idea where they are. Have the heating on trying to dry washing I put on last night so I have *some* underwear for tomorrow (thank god I had left a load in the wash basket).

I've check:

Boxes, drawers, suitcase, under bed, washing machine, bin(s), attic, all the drawers/cupboards in the kitchen (fridge, freezer, dishwasher), the whole of the lounge (including sofa/guitar case), under loose floor board, under bath, toilet cisterns, out side (incase I threw them out the window) and. Well. Everywhere.

I can't find them :(

Either I'm bloody good at hiding things, I've burnt them or I have underwear gnomes. I feel like Tweek in South Park.



18-01-2011, 12:50
Looks like the webcam is becoming more of a necessity, merely for evidential purposes!

18-01-2011, 13:21
I've lost all my underwear.


Woke up the other morning and my top drawer was open with all my knickers gone and all my socks unrolled (I roll them into balls) and there's one of each sock left... but their matching pair... it's gone.

I've no bloody idea where they are. Have the heating on trying to dry washing I put on last night so I have *some* underwear for tomorrow (thank god I had left a load in the wash basket).

I've check:

Boxes, drawers, suitcase, under bed, washing machine, bin(s), attic, all the drawers/cupboards in the kitchen (fridge, freezer, dishwasher), the whole of the lounge (including sofa/guitar case), under loose floor board, under bath, toilet cisterns, out side (incase I threw them out the window) and. Well. Everywhere.

I can't find them :(

Either I'm bloody good at hiding things, I've burnt them or I have underwear gnomes. I feel like Tweek in South Park.



God damn it must be weird being you! :p

18-01-2011, 15:13
I wonder why your neighbour drove past with a shed load of pants on his aerial! ;D

18-01-2011, 18:00
You will forever be known as Knickerless.

18-01-2011, 22:47
Underpants Update:

No show.


To top it all off? I just opened a tin of tuna and all the juice went flying all up my top. So I now smell of fish and have no pants.

Thank lordy I don't live with anyone or have to impress anyone!!

18-01-2011, 22:51
WTF have you done with your pants?? My money is on flushing them all down the bog, one by one :D

18-01-2011, 23:06
I wish I knew.


I would say that flushing them is a possibility but there are bras missing too and they'd need plunging down the loo!

This is stupid. It's really really stupid.

18-01-2011, 23:07
Have you shoved them up the chimney? :D

18-01-2011, 23:08
All blocked in. :(

18-01-2011, 23:11
Havent been to your house for a while so can't think of any obvious hidey holes. We could make a game out of it though? :D

18-01-2011, 23:21
Tradesman has stolen them.

I propose a game of PANT-CLUEDO!

18-01-2011, 23:47

Tradespeople did not nick my undies! NO! NO NO NO NO NO!


Just had another look around. Still can't find them :(

Mawee, wanna come on a treasure hunt!? :D

18-01-2011, 23:53
Yes! Shall I bring sustinence to keep us going? :p

18-01-2011, 23:59
Is it wrong that I'm laughing? :(

You don't have one of these sinks you can chuck food into and it chops it up do you?

19-01-2011, 00:06
I hope your 'treasure hunt' doesn't find any 'Golden Nuggets' or 'Chocolate Dubloons'! ;D

19-01-2011, 00:13
Hehehe no Psymonkee :( I don't! Fiddlebums.

Mawee - Port will suffice. I have vodka. Happy days!

Jingobums - Have you been pooing around my house?!?!?!?

Meh. Bedtime. At work tomorrow so no pants hunting til the evening of Wednesday.

19-01-2011, 01:27
Oven? Fridge Freezer?!

BB x

19-01-2011, 08:54
I don't suppose you woke up feeling rather full?

19-01-2011, 10:11
Did you check your wheelie bins (if you have them)?

19-01-2011, 19:04
Mawee - Port will suffice. I have vodka. Happy days!

I meant food you dingbat! ;D

19-01-2011, 19:14
Underwear Update:

Still not found :(

Oven? Fridge Freezer?!

BB x

Check Check Check! Nup!

I don't suppose you woke up feeling rather full?

Ahahahaha! PANTS BREATH ME! Hehehe!

Did you check your wheelie bins (if you have them)?

Yup! Although if I have ever ventured outside I normally have tale tale signs of muddy feet and foot prints. None of that.

I meant food you dingbat! ;D

Ports.... not.... food?


19-01-2011, 19:17
Ports.... not.... food?


You can drink port if you want. I meant if I am coming round for pants hunt I could bring food to keep us going as well. Are we on the same page yet blondie? :p

19-01-2011, 19:22
You can drink port if you want. I meant if I am coming round for pants hunt I could bring food to keep us going as well. Are we on the same page yet blondie? :p

God knows how she expects you to get home if you have port and no food! Hmmmm....

19-01-2011, 19:25
I forsee little discovery and much stumbling intoxication!

19-01-2011, 19:26
Port + cheese? :D

19-01-2011, 19:34
Om nom cheese nom PORT!


Mawee - name a evening and we shall bake and om nom and drinkies and discover pants! I have two double beddos... though the one I'm in is warmer ;) Hehehe!

19-01-2011, 19:35
Port + cheese? :D
But no pants.

19-01-2011, 19:36
But no pants.

That's a good thing..

Cheesey pants = NO!

19-01-2011, 19:41
Texting you now! :D

19-01-2011, 19:45
But no pants.

That's a good thing..

Oh it sure is....! ;D

19-01-2011, 20:49
Yup! Although if I have ever ventured outside I normally have tale tale signs of muddy feet and foot prints. None of that.

So not outside then..... ok, checked the toilet cistern? lol

Princess Griff
19-01-2011, 21:56
Hehe this thread made me giggle!

19-01-2011, 22:03
Have you checked... inside the mattress? I once managed to hide a crappy digital watch inside my brother's, set to go off every day at 3am. :D

Took me a while to get into his flat, but best day off work ever.

I'm joking, we were kids. Honest.

19-01-2011, 23:15
Oh it sure is....! ;D

Ahahaha! WHoops!

Well I did do burlesque dancing tonight! ;)

Vol - checked already! Was strangely... one of the first places I did check!

Mawee - Texted back atcha!

PG - Giggle pots. Please can I borrow some pants?

Belmit - Checked around it... changed bed clothes... nada :( lol at watch though! Hiiiiiiiiiiigh fiiiiiive! :D

Meh. Am so so tired. Really think I'm going to have to go to docs as am just having really poop nights sleep. However have just consumed a cider and eyes are heeeaavvvy. Veeeeery heavy. *fingers crossed will zonk and not move tonight*

Princess Griff
19-01-2011, 23:17
Haha I have plenty of pants! I think Jingo has a few pairs too...! Although I wouldn't recommend borrowing his! Eewwww boy pants! :p

20-01-2011, 02:31
If you need to sleep I find a Cosmopolitan knocks me out ;D

semi-pro waster
20-01-2011, 08:09
If you need to sleep I find a Cosmopolitan knocks me out ;D

The magazine or the drink? I'm figuring either/or is an option here. :p

20-01-2011, 09:48
My boy pants are both comfy and stylish! :p

20-01-2011, 10:04
Where the hell can you put a pile of pants and socks and not be able to find them again?? As Holmes said "once you have removed the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, must be the truth" and with that in mind, my only logical conclusion is that you sold them all as a "buy it now" on eBay and someone came round and collected them that very night!

20-01-2011, 13:30
I hope you didn't mind my limmerick on Facebook this morning :o

20-01-2011, 13:30
I hope you didn't mind my limmerick on Facebook this morning :o

20-01-2011, 14:09
I loved it willhelm!

Still no pants. I'm getting Dolls on the case tomorrow evening with Cosmopolitan Cocktails.

I'm going play "Musical Pants" and every time I stop the music, if Dolls hasn't found a pair of pants I'm going to make her down a shot of vodka.


So far this week... I don't think I've moved from my bed at night. Good news :)

20-01-2011, 14:41
Ok now I have the rest of my office looking at me wondering why I can't stop laughing.

This is going to end badly.

Very badly ;D

20-01-2011, 14:50

"I'm laughing because my friend has slept walked and hidden all her underwear and she can't find them so I am going round her tomorrow to get sloshed and help her discover her undies"

Sounds like an everyday kinda thing to me! ;)

25-01-2011, 21:57
My Pa! He found the underwear!

They were all stuffed in various cereal boxes! Despite checking the cupboard I didn't look in the cereal boxes and I haven't looked there for ages because I decant all my cereals into jars and they're still going!


YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Pants and bras back me! :D

25-01-2011, 22:33
Brilliant! ;D

25-01-2011, 22:41
Are you telling me during your sleep you emptied your pants and bras and stuffed them into cereal boxes???

I would be scared to live with you, will have to lock my room if you were my housemate lol I could wake up with no underwear for work the next day! ;D

26-01-2011, 09:47
My Pa! He found the underwear!

They were all stuffed in various cereal boxes! Despite checking the cupboard I didn't look in the cereal boxes and I haven't looked there for ages because I decant all my cereals into jars and they're still going!


YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Pants and bras back me! :D

Yes, of course, stuffing your underwear into cereal boxes was going to be my next suggestion.

lmfao, don't get this wrong, I mean it in the nicest possible way.... you're a WIERDO!:p;D

26-01-2011, 10:10
Are you telling me during your sleep you emptied your pants and bras and stuffed them into cereal boxes???

Well. I guess so... that'd be the only reasonable explanation :)

My house mates became used to me :) I swear they'd make up a lot of stuff to freak me out though about what I did!

Vol: Chaaaaaaaaaaarming! ;) Hehehe.

Nothing particularly unusual been happening lately. I woke up and on my pillow next to me was two oranges the other day. I think that's about it (which I'm aware of).

Happy days :)

26-01-2011, 11:35
I was just talking to someone at work about sleepwalking and he commented on how he wasn't sure if it was dangerous to try and wake someone who's sleepwalking or whether that was just a myth. I then speculated on what would happen if you just punched them in the face and whether, if you happened to knock them unconscious, they'd fall into an Inception like state - a dream within a dream - and just start walking around like a zombie.

I should probably get back to work.

26-01-2011, 12:00
I've heard that waking sleepwalkers can often get quite aggressive, very confused or just wake up unaware: heart attacks are as much a risk as someone dying from a traumatic dream!

That said, if anyone is going to be a zombie, it would ironically be Clare.

*reaches for katana*

26-01-2011, 19:32
Hooray for dads! :D

26-01-2011, 21:39
I was just talking to someone at work about sleepwalking and he commented on how he wasn't sure if it was dangerous to try and wake someone who's sleepwalking or whether that was just a myth. I then speculated on what would happen if you just punched them in the face and whether, if you happened to knock them unconscious, they'd fall into an Inception like state - a dream within a dream - and just start walking around like a zombie.

I should probably get back to work.

/does not want to be the trial lady!! ;D

I've heard that waking sleepwalkers can often get quite aggressive, very confused or just wake up unaware: heart attacks are as much a risk as someone dying from a traumatic dream!

That said, if anyone is going to be a zombie, it would ironically be Clare.

*reaches for katana*

Apparently I get a bit miffed if people move things I have set up. A simple "Go to bed, it's bed time" works with me!

This is a bad thing actually... what if someone thinks I'm a zombie?!?! How can I get out of that one! I don't want LP's thrown at my head!!

Hooray for dads! :D

/off topic/

I was trying to use my drill to plonk in some screws in some woodo today and I got the giggles because no matter what I did it just wouldn't work the screw just whizzed round and round...

... he calmly came over... took the drill from me... and switched it off "reverse"... handed it back


I am so glad he was over here today ;D

/off topic/


semi-pro waster
26-01-2011, 22:14
Well. I guess so... that'd be the only reasonable explanation :)

Reasonable? I'd agree it's the only explanation but reasonable suggests to me that it's something less than slightly unusual to put your bra and knickers into cereal boxes. :p

Still I'm glad you found them or at least your dad did. It's always going to be a source of slight disappointment to me that I'll never quite be as good at practical DIY type tasks as my dad is, I can usually do that sort of stuff if I think about it but I rarely have the need or the tools to make it worth my while.

26-01-2011, 22:57
Poor mostachio'd Pappa - he had to go without his weetabix! :(

26-01-2011, 22:58
Reasonable? I'd agree it's the only explanation but reasonable suggests to me that it's something less than slightly unusual to put your bra and knickers into cereal boxes. :p

Still I'm glad you found them or at least your dad did. It's always going to be a source of slight disappointment to me that I'll never quite be as good at practical DIY type tasks as my dad is, I can usually do that sort of stuff if I think about it but I rarely have the need or the tools to make it worth my while.

Well. I think Sleepy Pheebs is a bit like Drunken Pheebs so I can only presume my line of thought when shunting the pants in to the boxes went:

"Hmm. I like pants. And I like Cereals. LETS COMBINE THEM AND MAKE THEM AWESOME!"


DIY... other than magiiiiique.... is probably my main hobby ;D I own more tools than I do clothes and shoes! Haha! Just think tiredness got to me today! Which reminds me... must update my House of Doomy thread..

27-01-2011, 09:48
lol, I can imagine the look on your dads face...

"I'm just going to get myself a nice bowl of...umm... knickers...?"

29-01-2011, 19:32
I was reading an urbex forum the other day and found a post that reminded me of you! It was in a 'weird things you have found whilst urbexing' thread, and these people had been investigating a house when they found a thong pinned to a door, with a letter attached. The letter was from a girl who had also been investigating the house when, according to her, she had felt really horny and had to take all her clothes off. She then went into a trance like state and left the house naked, realising what had happened only when she was halfway down the road.

She had gone back to the house to write the letter, and left her pants there. :D

The strange thing was that she was called Clare..... :)

29-01-2011, 19:45
Man this thread is brilliant, it would be hilarious and fun living with you,

30-01-2011, 09:08
I was reading an urbex forum the other day and found a post that reminded me of you! It was in a 'weird things you have found whilst urbexing' thread, and these people had been investigating a house when they found a thong pinned to a door, with a letter attached. The letter was from a girl who had also been investigating the house when, according to her, she had felt really horny and had to take all her clothes off. She then went into a trance like state and left the house naked, realising what had happened only when she was halfway down the road.

She had gone back to the house to write the letter, and left her pants there. :D

The strange thing was that she was called Clare..... :)

It wasn't me it wasn't me!

Honest gov!!

Even I think I doth protest too much! ;D

That is weird! Weird but funny!

No sleep walking sagas lately, although I haven't been sleeping. So this is probably why!! I say that and I think I got 4 hours last night. Aymayzing. I feel alive again! Tea in hand, biscuit in the other.

31-01-2011, 03:10
Awwww, I love your little sleep walking stories Pheebs!!!!!

p.s. Do you live in Bristol or Exeter btw? I could easily go for a drink one night (Friday) after work....won't get there til like 8 or something I bet from Birmingham mind.

p.p.s. I'll bring you a sample of Hugo Boss :p

31-01-2011, 13:53
Awwww, I love your little sleep walking stories Pheebs!!!!!

p.s. Do you live in Bristol or Exeter btw? I could easily go for a drink one night (Friday) after work....won't get there til like 8 or something I bet from Birmingham mind.

p.p.s. I'll bring you a sample of Hugo Boss :p

I'm in Weston Super Mare... but am always up in Bristol :) If you fancy a drinkles one friday eve let me know and I shall come say boo!

NO HUGO BOSS! It is bannaged!

Had paralysis last night. That sucked. I can deal with sleep walking but I hate paralysis. Stayed awake 4am onwards as I didn't want it to happen again. *yaaaaaaaawn*

I'm going to start a sleep diary as this is just silly. I reckon it's to do with stress levels. We shall see!

01-02-2011, 14:13
Had paralysis last night. That sucked.

You mean when you're kind of awake, but can't move?

I used to get that a lot, nearly every night at one stage, but I found that after a while I could concentrate on it and break out of it. I also found out that I wasn't actually awake after all. The more used to it I got, the more I realised little things were wrong, like thinking that I could see the room but then realising, once awake, that my memories of what I was "seeing" didn't quite tally with what I could see now I was awake, or thinking I could see poeple or hear stuff and so on, that weren't there when I woke.

Initially I never noticed and thought I had been awake and paralysed, but later on I began to realise that I was actually still asleep, just in a more "mentally aware" state. Basically dreaming that I was awake.

Once I realised that, and got used to the fact that I could "break out" if I really wanted to, it became less of an issue and I found myself waking to paralysis and just thinking "Meh...." and going back to sleep.

Now I very rarely get it. I cannot remember the last time I had it, actually. My problem now is having really lucid dreams, and then waking so suddenly that I can't differenciate between what I remember of the dream and what I remember as reality. Quite often I have woken convinced that (for example) I am a teenager, and this strange woman lying next to me in this strange bed, in this strange room, is some kind of dream and I'm panicking and trying desperately to wake up... except I can't as I'm already awake. Seriously, many times I have woken and had absolutely no idea who my wife is, as if I've never seen her before.

Other times I'm just dropping off, and I'm suddenly convinced that I haven't done my usual "nightly ritual". Sort of "Oh, I always do... ummm... something.... and I haven't done it tonight... what was it I do??" and I wrack my brains trying to remember what I do, when, in reality, I don't do anything special.... but I'm convinced I do.

The feelings are so strong that sometimes they can last hours, until I either overcome them and regain my perception, or I fall back asleep. When I awake in the morning, I'm always fine. It only happens at night.

Scares me silly :(

01-02-2011, 18:56
Aww that does sound horrible!!! Boo :( Do you get it frequently? Sounds really petrifying!

I've often been led there trying to do crosswords in my head when falling asleep... when I don't have the answers or clues. Bit weird. But it really irritates me and I keep trying to think of the answers but... I don't know what to!

O_o deep and meaningful! Hahahaha!

Paralysis... I do have my eyes open. I've been told I do and then suddenly I sit bolt upright and gasp for breath. It's weird. I used to be able to see whoever I was with moving and I would be blinking like crazy hoping they'd notice and wake me. I properly hallucinate though. I see dead people appear at my doorway and then have rapid blurred head movements and appear at the end of my bed... keeps happening until they're right against my face where I can feel their breath and sometimes the putrid smell of decaying flesh. I hear noises too... normally slow thudding footsteps coming up my stairs and down my hallway... and all the time I'm like "ARGH ARGH WAKE UP WAKE UP BREATHE MOVE TWITCH DO ANYTHING Suuuuuuuummmmmmmmmon some energy and SCREAM" and all I can do is make little muffled noises. I can feel tears running down my cheek too I'm so distressed over it.

It sucks.

What made it worse the other night was my bedroom door reaches a point where it automatically swings open. I had obviously not closed it properly and throughout the night it had been blown slightly open by an open window and when I "woke" I heard the footsteps and then the door just swung open for real and then the dead person appeared at the door. Normally the door just disappears. So it moving freaked me...

...Freaked me out entirely.

Thus no sleeping after as I sometimes fall straight back into it. I have to get up and move around and splash my face with ice cold water!

Luckily all was well last night :D YAY!

01-02-2011, 19:47
And tales like the above are what creeped me out when you said you HAD NOT watched Paranormal Activity :(

01-02-2011, 22:18
Aww that does sound horrible!!! Boo :( Do you get it frequently? Sounds really petrifying!

I've often been led there trying to do crosswords in my head when falling asleep... when I don't have the answers or clues. Bit weird. But it really irritates me and I keep trying to think of the answers but... I don't know what to!

O_o deep and meaningful! Hahahaha!

Paralysis... I do have my eyes open. I've been told I do and then suddenly I sit bolt upright and gasp for breath. It's weird. I used to be able to see whoever I was with moving and I would be blinking like crazy hoping they'd notice and wake me. I properly hallucinate though. I see dead people appear at my doorway and then have rapid blurred head movements and appear at the end of my bed... keeps happening until they're right against my face where I can feel their breath and sometimes the putrid smell of decaying flesh. I hear noises too... normally slow thudding footsteps coming up my stairs and down my hallway... and all the time I'm like "ARGH ARGH WAKE UP WAKE UP BREATHE MOVE TWITCH DO ANYTHING Suuuuuuuummmmmmmmmon some energy and SCREAM" and all I can do is make little muffled noises. I can feel tears running down my cheek too I'm so distressed over it.

It sucks.

What made it worse the other night was my bedroom door reaches a point where it automatically swings open. I had obviously not closed it properly and throughout the night it had been blown slightly open by an open window and when I "woke" I heard the footsteps and then the door just swung open for real and then the dead person appeared at the door. Normally the door just disappears. So it moving freaked me...

...Freaked me out entirely.

Thus no sleeping after as I sometimes fall straight back into it. I have to get up and move around and splash my face with ice cold water!

Luckily all was well last night :D YAY!

I was getting it a couple of times a week at one stage, but I rarely get it bad now... only when I'm stressed or particularly tired.

I know what you mean about the crossword clue thing. If I read a book before bed I often get "caught up" in the book and have the same thoughts going over and over about it, like I'm actually in the book.... hard to explain, but I think it's similar to what you mean.

Yeah, I didn't say you had your eyes closed, just that you're actually still asleep, despite what your body seems to be doing. It's like being "physically" awake, but "mentally" asleep. You are sort of awake, but your brain is still sleeping. That's why you see dead people in your room, coming to get you... it's a cyclic dream reaction to the fear of the paralysis effect. You get the paralysis, get scared, and you start to "halucinate" the dream images of scary stuff. This makes you more scared, which increases the scaryness of the images, which makes you more scared and so on...

I rarely used to see people, mine were usually accompanied by a rushing noise, a blinding white light and a certain amount of pain. Not strictly painful, but more "take your breath away" pain, like a head rush from standing up too quick but magnified considerably.

I know it's really hard, but the best thing to do is to try and relax, chill out and accept it... it usually doesn't last long and the more relaxed you can get, the less wierd **** goes on and the less time you are paralysed for... at least that was what it was like for me...

01-02-2011, 22:55
Heh yeh I went through a lot of sleep analysis when I was younger and it was all explained to me that my body is still asleep but my brain is partially awake and hallucinating! So weird! I know I should be relaxing but I'm not rational when it's happening :) In a way there have been times when I've been wondering who I will see dead. Normally it's people I know which isn't so great!

Jingo - I know it proper freaked me! First time I have had paralysis and heard footsteps since watching the movie and all I could think of was "NOT THE ATTIC NoOoOOOT THE ATTIC!"



01-02-2011, 23:43
I used to get loads of sleep paralysis, scary as hell the first few times, seen everything from room totally full of snake to a flaming satan. Not pleasent.

02-02-2011, 00:03
What did Satan look like?

p.s. Flaming as in FEEL MY WRATH?!!! RARRRRRRRRRRRGH! *flexes evil trident in tattooed muscle arm of doom*



02-02-2011, 00:11
Your standard red muscular horns on head, with flames all over boady.

02-02-2011, 00:35


02-02-2011, 09:47
Heh yeh I went through a lot of sleep analysis when I was younger and it was all explained to me that my body is still asleep but my brain is partially awake and hallucinating! So weird! I know I should be relaxing but I'm not rational when it's happening :)

I know what you mean. I think I benefited because when I used to get it I was also into the idea of lucid dreaming, so I was teaching myself to remember my dreams when I woke up. I think it helped me "analyse" my dreams while dreaming them, so I could recognise the fact and take control. Then when I got paralysis, I could see it for what it was.

It helped in other areas as well, to a degree, as I began to suffer panic attacks a few years ago, for no apparent reason, just stress and stuff, but being able to almost take a step back from my thoughts and think about those thoughts while they were happening helped me deal with the anxiety. I was quite quickly able to notice the early signs and then while my body began to freak out I could sit back and say "Hmmm.... interesting.... now why am I feeling this..." lol.

On the other hand, it's not a great habit in normal life. I now analyse and replay almost everything that I do which makes people think I'm a perfectionist. I'm not really, just that I have a habit of looking at everything and thinking of ways I could could do, or could have done, it better...

02-02-2011, 19:03
Your standard red muscular horns on head, with flames all over boady.

Hahahaha! When I read that I thought "horns" as in "Honky honk" and was like "eh?!"

*brain malfunction*


Vol - I recall most of my dreams fairly easily because I have such a disruptive sleep pattern :) I can control my dreams to some degree but never paralyses. :)

Over analysis sounds not fun! I used to do that when I went to the theatre from my theatre studies days but now I've learned to switch off! Happy days!

08-02-2011, 01:22
Its not the dead woman who used to own the house before you creeping into your mind while you sleep is it? *runs*

08-02-2011, 10:46

Scientists believe they have discovered the genetic code that makes some people sleepwalk.

By studying four generations of a family of sleepwalkers they traced the fault to a section of chromosome 20.

08-02-2011, 16:22
AH - HA!

I am faulty!!

I would say I'd take me back but there's something not quite right about being returned up ones Mothers foof.

I think I shall live on with my deficiency!

PS No real big sleep walking sagas. I did wake up the other morning with my guitar in my bedroom mind. Lets hope I wasn't playing it during the night ;)

10-02-2011, 18:22
Ugh. So much for not walking.

Fell asleep pretty quickly last night (cat nap vid would be an accurate recording of me nodding off).

Woke though at about 1am thinking "hmm. I've forgotten something... meh"

Woke again at 2am "No no you have fogotten something?! What is it?!... meh"

Woke at 4am.... all my washing from the washing machine is led out across the entirity of my bedroom. All wet. Undies, socks, pillowcases, trousers. Everything.

Well at least sleeping Pheebs remembered what she'd forgotten. It's a shame sleeping Pheebs forgets how to deal with these things in a normal manner.

If I combine Sleeping Pheebs with Awake Pheebs I may become a normal-operating person. You never know.


I need a cape.

18-02-2011, 17:21
Never mind a cape, you need a psychiatrist, a straight-jacket and some duct tape ;D

21-02-2011, 22:04
I have a straight jacket and duct tape!!

A rubber ducky is as close to a quack I can get at the moment!

Been away at the Blackpool Magic Convention this week and I slept walked the few hours I was sleeping. Woke up with my suitcase emptied and everything folded on the spare bed in size order.


22-02-2011, 00:36
Never mind a cape, you need a psychiatrist, a straight-jacket and some duct tape ;D


09-03-2011, 20:24
Two weeks and no incident until last night.

Went to bed late, was very hot. Woke up wearing only my washing up gloves and upon going downstairs all my tins were emptied out on to the kitchen floor (no pattern just plonked everywhere)

Man. I am tired today. So tired.

09-03-2011, 21:42

Apparently I was talking in my sleep the other night, very unusual for me. I was saying the hippo needed fuel...

09-03-2011, 23:14
Serious Pheebs, I think you need to see a sleep therapist.

10-03-2011, 00:34
Me too. Wouldn't want you putting yourself in danger while you're not 'in control'.

10-03-2011, 16:11
Saw one donkeys ago, they just advised a change in my diet and prep for sleep. It worked to an extent. They told my folks that unfortunately I have an "over active" brain and there's not really a cure for that as such. It just occurs with me when I'm:

a) Hot
b) Drunk
c) Ill
d) Worried/stressed/anxious
e) Have too much energy

Have cut out all caffeine really now (I have possibly one or two cups of tea a week all before 12noon and have bought decaffinated for when my other runs out... what kind of shoddy builder do I make not drinking tea all day!) I don't eat anything of high energy in the evening - my lunch times tend to be a bigger meal (which makes sense as this is when I'm starving anyway from 4-5hours worth of walking in the morning and then a load of DIY in the afternoon), I have a bath before bed, make sure my window is open and make sure I won't be over heated during the night. No heavy reading (only crosswords or factual) for up to an hour before bed and no films for up to an hour before bed.

1 hour before = relax and wind down.

It's what I've been doing the past couple of weeks thus I think my reduced sleep walking. The other night I woke up BAKING... so I'm presuming that's why I slept walked!

Never have harmed myself (well other than slicing my feet up in a camp site once). Only ever wake up very very tired and with things moved about :)

It would seem when I have someone with me I am less likely to walk. I don't know why this is... as I thought it would be the opposite as I am more likely to get hotter! But then equally I don't sleep as well if someones with me... it's a very light sleep so maybe I don't reach the stage of sleepwalkies so often?

Who knows!

If it happens once every few weeks I'm not going to complain! If it starts getting regular again I will go see the doc!

11-03-2011, 10:44
Was a tad worried to come down this morning to find text messages, 2 missed calls and a VM message from Ms Peebles this morning! VM sounds VERY confused, just saying my name over & over and "I'm very tired and very confused".

Very interesting text too!

11-03-2011, 17:13

I vaguely recall calling you. Annnd according to my phone I did at 00:03

I've no idea why though. None. Barely remember it. Sowwwwwwy if I woke or worried you :) xx

11-03-2011, 19:10
Don't worry, was in bed apeep! x

21-03-2011, 00:07
Drink + Over heating in a room of 6 girlies = Cunning-sleep-walking-Pheebs-who-wants-to-go-to-the-zoo.

Pics to come (very similar to spoons actually)

Yet again, apologies ladies for my jibber jabber and night time trek! Glad Mei didn't think it was me talking last night when Vix apparently was - I would have been bopped on the nose!

21-03-2011, 09:53
Yet again, apologies ladies for my jibber jabber and night time trek! Glad Mei didn't think it was me talking last night when Vix apparently was - I would have been bopped on the nose!

Yup!!! And if the walking ever happens again I WILL be rugby tackling you to the ground :p


BB x

21-03-2011, 10:03
Note to anyone who ever has to share a room with Pheebs. When it becomes too much (after two hours in this case) just shout very loudly
"PHEEBS, SHUT UP AND GO TO SLEEP!" Because it works.

21-03-2011, 21:38
So, a recording of that, and a motion sensor. Problem solved! :)

22-03-2011, 09:19
I did some good talking last night. Phil told me this morning. Something about rabbits, fur and superchargers. He remembered so hope he posts here later.

22-03-2011, 14:37
I'm amazed she didn't sleepwalk the 12ft to Anfield stadium and find herself curled up on the pitch ;)

25-03-2011, 05:10

In other news there is further evidence to suggest that sleepwalkers are replaying the day's learning :)

Quite how that ties in to replacing cereal in boxes with your underwear I'm not sure...

25-03-2011, 08:11
Or why she thought she was in an orphanage last Friday night

Or why she came back to bed with a bunch of leaflets for Knowlsey Zoo

Or why she spent two hours laughing, and saying "this is a funny funny house"


Oh and Pheebs, if you see this, hurry up and post the pics, or i'm telling the rest of the story. ;)

25-03-2011, 14:25
Or why she came back to bed with a bunch of leaflets for Knowlsey Zoo

It's not a Zoo it's a Safari Park. I can send you some leaflets if you'd like more info, I found hundreds of them in my bag when I got home :p

25-03-2011, 15:34
I canny find my camera :(

25-03-2011, 15:35
You probably drowned it in the hot tub! :p

25-03-2011, 15:39
There was a hot tub at the hotel!?!?!?!?!

25-03-2011, 15:59
There was a hot tub at the hotel!?!?!?!?!

No you plank, your bubbles thread was after last weekend, or did you take the pics at another time? :p

25-03-2011, 16:02
oooh no that was on my phone!! LOL! I don't take a camera with me to the bubble baths! Ahahahahahaha!

Oooh good grief!


Starting to bug me now where my camera is... turfing everything about trying to find it!!!

25-03-2011, 16:12
Yer Dads car? If I wasn't on a train to Laaaandan I'd come help looky.

25-03-2011, 19:05
I did some good talking last night. Phil told me this morning. Something about rabbits, fur and superchargers. He remembered so hope he posts here later.

Only just seen this post,

There was "I'm gonna get that rabbit" and there was another 1 liner which I can't remember now, but the best one was what seemed to be one side of a conversation you were having with someone:

"I thought I heard a whine"

I kind of wake up and go "wha?" followed a couple of seconds later with

"This is a turbo, it doesn't have a supercharger"

I've now realised heats going on and then we get...

"I'll put some fur in it"

at which point I burst out laughing which obviously disrupts vix enough that she was quiet for the rest of the night.

25-03-2011, 20:34
Ahahaha love it! Vix you're a nut :D

Yer Dads car? If I wasn't on a train to Laaaandan I'd come help looky.

You find all my schtoof!

CALLL MEEEEEEEEE! ANd I will sing with theee!

25-03-2011, 23:06
Sometime in the middle of the night a few weeks ago I told Kari off for always bringing glass mugs into the bedroom. When she challenged me on it I rolled over and went to sleep.

Strangest of all, we don't even have any glass mugs.

26-03-2011, 00:58
CALLL MEEEEEEEEE! ANd I will sing with theee!

Did you sing, I couldn't hear you my end for obvious reasons. :D

26-03-2011, 09:16
Garp - hehe! Funny as! :D

Mawee - I heard noise but couldn't quite make out what was going on! Boo! But it made me giggle :D Fankooo!!

31-03-2011, 22:02
I found my camera!! Yay!!!!

As requested...



... this was at a guest house... whoops...

01-04-2011, 00:02
I am confused? You put those there when you were sleep walking?

01-04-2011, 06:59
I am confused? You put those there when you were sleep walking?

Yes, yes she did. After 2 hours of sleep talking, sitting up and down in a bed I was sharing with her (meaning the covers kept getting ripped off me) and laughing a lot.

She told us girlies that if she got out of bed, we should tell her to get back in the bed, so she got up, and I duly told her to get back in the bed.

"I'm going to the loo" she says

"Are you awake?" I ask

"Yes" she replies. So I think well shes a grown up, and let her get on with it.

She comes back to bed some time later, with a bunch of leaflets, and proceeds to snuggle up close to me with them in her hand, thus annoying me. I snatch them off her, and throw them on the floor, to which she replies

"They're mine!"

I say "No they're mine!" (getting slightly annoyed now if you can't tell)

She says "Shall I go and get you some more?"

I shout "No Pheebs! Now shut up and go to sleep!"

To which she did. It was when we got up in the morning we found said leaflets as shown in the picture. :D

01-04-2011, 09:13
I think she's working too hard!

01-04-2011, 09:17
Wait, so she listens and follow commands during sleep walking?

Fun to be had! :D lol

01-04-2011, 16:47
What can I say I'm a highly organised person awake and asleep...

... :|

Really cannot apologise enough for keeping people awake that eve. I was butt knackered too in the morning! But then I'm used to that!

Mondo... dangerous days! Some people at a sleep over asked me what my name was when I was sleep walking (embarrassingly in my underwear :/) and I responded fine. It was when they asked me what day it was... and they fully expected me to chirp "Saturday"... but freaked out as I paused.... and then responded..... "It's DEATH DAY!"


I don't think anyones actually tested how responsive I am as such. I dunno. If they have they've not told me about it!......


01-04-2011, 18:17
You answered Marie immediately when she said 'Pheebs, get back into bed'. You said 'I'm awake, I'm just going to the toilet'. She said 'are you sure?' and you went 'yeah, yeah I'm fine, I'm awake' and giggled like she was silly for questioning it and then you wandered off!

01-04-2011, 18:36
I might just tie her down & gag her.

Failing that, Ill be knocking on other people's doors!
(after listening out for snoring first!)

BB x

02-04-2011, 01:11
I might just tie her down & gag her.



Kitten - That just massively surprises me. I can't comprehend why I would say that?! Unless I did go to the toilet? Maybe I did?! Odd.

Am tired now, last night I had barely an hours sleep (cramps... lady gumph) and just got in from a 56th Birthday. Am hoping desperately I will zonk and no walkies.

*crosses fingers*

02-04-2011, 06:18
You would have passed the loo to go downstairs...so you must have done i think. I was thinking ... Is she really awake or is she just saying that? You sounded so lucid though, I believed you totally & went back to sleep!

24-04-2011, 20:38
Well... good and bad news!

Good News: I've not really slept walked that much lately (to my knowledge)!!

Bad News: That's because I haven't been sleeping hardly a wink.

Best nights sleep I've had this week was when I slept outside on a pillow made bed under the stars! Was mega! Other than that, I've been getting 2... maybe 3 hours sleep in general with perhaps a little less than an hour of dozing. It's catching me up a bit and I feel like a zombie sometimes during the day. I was so so tired last week I needed to go shopping but decided against it as was too scared of driving.

Have got me some nytol herbal tablets... which don't make me feel sleepy at all! Get this though - warning on side of the packet: "These tablets may make you feel sleepy". AHahahaha! Amazing! :D I do, however, think they're stopping me from walking when I do go to sleep! I didn't have any last night, had a "full" night sleep (6hours... was heaven) but then when I went to get dressed discovered a custard tin in my knicker drawer, a tin of tomatoes in my sock draw and my paprika spice in my bra section.


If it all continues will speak to pharmacist and see if there's anything stronger to take. Failing that, doc time! Boo hiss!

24-04-2011, 20:55
I've had problems sleeping for as long as I can remember but it's been getting worse for the last 6 months so I finally gave in and had a chat with my GP. He prescribed me some sleeping pills which is something I was really against but since then I've been sleeping much, much better.

The odd thing is that I haven't taken a single tablet - they're all still in the bottle.

25-04-2011, 10:46
Placebo effect: you know that you have something that will put you to sleep so takes away the pressure of helplessly lying awake knowing you CAN'T SLEEP. It's the same as when you're awake upset at 4am. If you've got someone you can ring for a chat, you rarely, if ever will do. It just helps to know you can :)

25-04-2011, 11:04
Placebo effect, that's the phrase I was trying to think of last night!

Yes, agreed entirely.

25-04-2011, 11:25
In Ben Goldacre's Bad Science he talks a lot about the placebo effect and how studies have shown that just talking to GPs makes symptoms fade - simple reassurance from someone who at least appears to know what they're talking about works wonders.

25-04-2011, 13:06
Anxiety heightens everything and develops a feeling of loss of control which affects the ability to cope. Remove that, or at least dampen it somewhat and control comes back & ability to cope increases. Simple, really. Most things come down to control in the end.

25-04-2011, 13:07
Well... good and bad news!

Good News: I've not really slept walked that much lately (to my knowledge)!!

Bad News: That's because I haven't been sleeping hardly a wink.

Best nights sleep I've had this week was when I slept outside on a pillow made bed under the stars! Was mega! Other than that, I've been getting 2... maybe 3 hours sleep in general with perhaps a little less than an hour of dozing. It's catching me up a bit and I feel like a zombie sometimes during the day. I was so so tired last week I needed to go shopping but decided against it as was too scared of driving.

Have got me some nytol herbal tablets... which don't make me feel sleepy at all! Get this though - warning on side of the packet: "These tablets may make you feel sleepy". AHahahaha! Amazing! :D I do, however, think they're stopping me from walking when I do go to sleep! I didn't have any last night, had a "full" night sleep (6hours... was heaven) but then when I went to get dressed discovered a custard tin in my knicker drawer, a tin of tomatoes in my sock draw and my paprika spice in my bra section.


If it all continues will speak to pharmacist and see if there's anything stronger to take. Failing that, doc time! Boo hiss!

You need to make a meal from those ingredients now! :D

I took nytol at one point in my life when I couldn't sleep, they don't make me sleepy but they did help me sleep through. What really worked for me was when I got some tamazepan from the doctor....he gave me 5, I remember after 3 days I was so zoned out I never bothered taking the other 2!

25-04-2011, 19:32
I had tamazepan before and I fleeeeeeeeeeeeew out my window and around the sky before coming back to rest on my soooooooft soooooft fluffy bed.

Made me go a bit loopy ;)

See now I was hoping the tablets might have a placebo affect... ultimate fail! 5hours last night, no signs of walkies... doing good!

25-04-2011, 19:43
I found the same really - nytol didn't make me any more sleepy, but it stopped me waking up incessantly which I always do. Helped my Nana too when she was having trouble sleeping.

25-04-2011, 20:22
Nytol users, would you say it makes you less tired during the day? That is my main issue.

25-04-2011, 20:47
Yes - but that might be because of less interrupted sleep. Is harder to wake/get up though (for me) but once up am fine.

25-04-2011, 22:40
I think for me... when I have slept on nytol... I haven't walked. It's been a full all the way through light switch wham bam thank you mam knock out. So... in theory less tired and as kitten says this is probably due to a less disruptive night sleep...

... but I've still been getting a maximum of 5hours sleep. Normally 2-3hours.

Try it hun. Don't have on an empty tummy. Mine went absolutely bonkers the other night on an empty belly. It sounded like I had a whole zoo full of lions in it. Not good!

26-04-2011, 08:08
Made me go a bit loopy ;)

Ah, that explains a lot ;):p

26-04-2011, 12:58
I have Bromazepan (which is a benzodiazepine based drug) - used mainly for anxiety but has the effect of relaxing you for sleep. However, take too much and you're groggy. They are addictive though and one of the choice drugs used for overdoses :(. I use it to stop my bouts of insomnia to try and regulate my body back into a sleep pattern. *touches wood* the last 2 months my sleep has been pretty good. :)

I also quite like taking rhodiola rosea - though it is a "stimulant" to a certain degree and in certain doses can make you erm slightly erm... "excited" shall we say - however, it's a fantastic natural plant/herb that helps reduce anxiety and stress. The 2 things that cause me the most problems in my life. Which is ridiculous because I'm fairly relaxed, but it builds up in me and I start worry about everything!

I don't like taking artifical drugs etc... but, sometimes it helps. However, I will go herbal route first as it's not addictive and if it works for the Asian medical world - it works for me! :)

26-04-2011, 20:21
Thanks for input on druggies! Will be giving myself another week or so to see how I cope then I will put up the white flag and take my zombiefied self to the doctors.

See. This is one of my main concerns. Should there be a zombie invasion, I could *easily* be mistaken for a zombie and would be taken out by some ruthless zombie slayers.

Can't let this be happening!!!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawny yawn yawn. YAWN. bleh. Never mindo :D

26-04-2011, 20:23
Nytol users, would you say it makes you less tired during the day? That is my main issue.

In my case, no. When I took it I still had the usual troubles getting to sleep but did sleep right through. The next morning though was a real struggle, I felt like I hadn't slept and that feeling carried on the entire day.

26-04-2011, 22:45
I can have groggy mornings without pills (excluding the antihistamines which for all their 'non-drowsy' claims don't account for people who are groggy to start with ;D). However, I found herbal Nytol had very little effect at all and regular Nytol didn't help me fall asleep and didn't do me any favours next day either. They did at least help me sleep longer once I'd got there though.

28-04-2011, 14:11
I took night nurse once as a bad cough was keeping me awake ALL night - I woke up at 1500hrs the next day and couldn't function like a human being until about 1800!

When you don't take anything down to vitamins or paracetamol - they don't half hit you hard! ;D