View Full Version : Nya - For fans of melodic female fronted metal (and my sister :p)

19-01-2011, 19:05
Hi All,

Been a while - and seems wrong to make a return with some pimpage but nevertheless here I am and here is some pimpage..

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs931.snc4/74414_447090036630_51879361630_5898553_3874517_n.j pg


It's my little sisters new band, she auditioned among many hairy blokes and they picked her out to join them :D

A few of you went to see her old band Pandora play at the Camden Underworld (and other venues), you'll notice these guys are slightly different :p

They've played a few gigs here and there, but have mainly been concentrating on getting the EP recorded, mastered and now advertised.

I don't expect it to be to everyones tastes, but be nice to hear what you think :D



19-01-2011, 19:58
I shall have a listen! I'm not normally a huge fan of female fronted metal but will definitely check them out.

19-01-2011, 20:59
I like :)

13-04-2011, 20:09
Just a little bump for this - they've finally got their act together and have a big upcoming gig and also their EP for sale on iTunes!

This isn't a "please please please buy this album" akin to the arbitrarily vote for this person posts. But if you like and want to buy, here it is :p

Excuse the other song on there by a random person called "nya king" :p

Also, they're playing the Camden Underworld on Friday 03rd June for the bargain price of £6!

If for any reason you want to come along, let me know :p

/shameless pimping.

13-04-2011, 21:38
I'm in London that day anyway, would be rude to not go. Where can I buy a ticket?

13-04-2011, 22:21
You'll have to get one from me on the night, have put one aside for you :p
Be great to see you there, it's been a while!

If you buy them any other way than through the band then they won't get any money from it :(

14-04-2011, 08:15
I shall see you there then!

24-05-2011, 22:07
They're playing at the Hobbit again this friday if i remember rightly, for any local peoples

27-07-2011, 19:45
Guess what....

They have a music video now :D


Our very own MB won himself a free EP for playing the video on the biggest screen :D

31-08-2011, 21:06
They're playing at The Miller pub, London Bridge on saturday night if anyone is interested :)


£4 entry :)

31-08-2011, 21:50
Just watched that video, and although its not exactly what i'd normally listen to, it's very done, my only criticism is it's a little "generic" i don't really know how to describe that properly, but it's maybe too repetitive and falls into the background of other similar bands? I mean that in the nicest way possible though, i've not got my own music video, and they're doing what they do pretty damn good :)

01-11-2012, 22:05
They've released a new video for their upcoming EP, out on the 5th November (available in the usual digital places as far as I know and also from here http://nyaofficial.bigcartel.com/product/nya-driving-the-nails-in-ep)


Anyone familiar with her old band, Pandora, may recognise the general structure of the lyrics.

A rather commercial song, and I'm not sure whether it was mixed this way for the video but the other excerpts from the EP I've heard are quite a bit beefier :)

02-11-2012, 19:15
Good stuff, but it's somewhat missing a hook, especially for a fairly commercially oriented song.

03-11-2012, 11:45
Good stuff, but it's somewhat missing a hook, especially for a fairly commercially oriented song.

Its better than a lot of stuff I've heard recently!

Paul is onto something though. Break up the song a little with a hard riff section and then drop everything except her voice.... then slam it hard with the return. I know what I mean anyway ;D

One thing I have noticed is she sings the entire song at roughly the same pitch. Getting some more dynamic range in there, as in dropping down low at points would be cracking. I'm thinking of Evanescence for example.

04-11-2012, 00:33
She spans a couple of octaves mate...