View Full Version : Transferring ratings from iPod to iTunes

28-01-2011, 13:22
Hello all!

I've been adding to ratings to my music on my iPod so I can identify which tracks I want to keep on and which to discard. I'd quite like to transfer the ratings back to iTunes so they are the same as they are on the iPod.

This will let me transfer only my favourites from iTunes next time, when I want to change what's on the iPod.

Anyone got any idea how I might go about this? Can't seem to find an option in iTunes. 'Sync' and 'Copy to Play Order' doesn't seem to do it.

My Google skills have failed me this time :(

Edit: am using a pc by the way :)

28-01-2011, 13:35
I thought it was automatic, I rate songs occasionally on my iPod and I'm pretty sure the ratings appear in iTunes. I've not turned anything on to do that, it's just always done it.

I'll check once I get home to confirm it.

28-01-2011, 13:46
Only had mine a week or so & am on Bobby basic operating methods only. ;D
At the mo i am 5 starring tunes i like as then they fall into the mostly played playlist, I am Nub. :o

28-01-2011, 20:57
Yes, I rated a song on the iPod, synchronised and the rating transferred over. I didn't need to do anything.

JSB - Smart Playlists in iTunes are fantastic, one of the best features.

08-02-2011, 13:28
:( Mine doesn't seem to transfer the ratings.

I have a dodge lined up though, which involves taking everything back off the ipod. Just deciding when I'm going to be brave enough to do it ;D

08-02-2011, 22:36
At a guess, if you tell iTunes not to automatically sync music, it doesn't sync the ratings either. Dodge may be required.