View Full Version : can i find contact details for who owns a property?

07-02-2011, 17:42
my GF lives in a flat, and it's rented through a letting agent.

we wish to leave as it's in a pretty bad state of disrepair and needs alot of plumbing work done to make it liveable year round, something which they're not willing to do until summer.

the letting agent in question seems to be a slimy sort and wants us to find someone else to move in, or pay rent until such time as they find someone.

i'm certain the owners aren't aware of the state the place is as it's been their request (apparently) that we stay/pay until someone else is found.

he's not willing to give out such details, or arange a meeting with the owners, is there any way to circumvent him to find these details?

07-02-2011, 17:47
bleugh looks like it's a property company anyway so they won't really care.

feel free to ignore this.

07-02-2011, 18:49
How long has she been there?
What is the state of her contract?

Chances are you'll be able to get out of the contract easily enough.

07-02-2011, 19:20
Try the Land Registry
I think it costs a few Pounds, but will tell you the title holder of the property
https://www.landregistry.gov.uk/www/wps/portal/!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gfN1MTQwt381BD_2A3A0 8LT2cL49AwIwN_Y6B8JG55dyNKdBsYEqPbAAdwNCCgOxzkV_xu xycPch1IHo_9wal5-n4e-bmp-gW5oaERBpkB6Y6KigCC11pb/dl2/d1/L0lDU0NTSUpKZ2tLQ2xFS0NsRUEhL29Kb1FBQUlRSkFBTVl4aW xNUVp3WEJNNUpVbE1rQSEhL1lCSkp3NDU0NTAtNUY0a3N0eWow c3J5bndBISEvN19MRjU0MThHN1VIQjZGMEk0RjdTQjRHMzBDMi 9Fa19fXzEzL3NwZl9BY3Rpb25OYW1lL3NwZl9BY3Rpb25MaXN0 ZW5lci9zcGZfc3RydXRzQWN0aW9uLyEyZmluaXQuZG8!#7_LF5 418G7UHB6F0I4F7SB4G30C2

07-02-2011, 22:21
Don't forget that you can report them to environmental health! I have done it in the past with a shoddy landlord as a student. With a notice from them and a few words with CAB you might be able to get out of the contract (unliveable etc)

07-02-2011, 23:41
How long has she been there?
What is the state of her contract?

Chances are you'll be able to get out of the contract easily enough.

3 years, and 6 months through a 4th 12 month lease.

we've been without a bathroom due to pipes being frozen over christmas, and they've still not resolved the issue which caused it. they've not really got a leg to stand on, but i don't think the owners are aware of the issues as i don't think the letting agent has passed it on.

08-02-2011, 00:18
3 years, and 6 months through a 4th 12 month lease.

we've been without a bathroom due to pipes being frozen over christmas, and they've still not resolved the issue which caused it. they've not really got a leg to stand on, but i don't think the owners are aware of the issues as i don't think the letting agent has passed it on.

If you're 6 months in, you're probably able to get out with 2 months notice. In the last 4 years I've not had a contract without a "6 month breakout" clause.

If you know you don't have one then fair enough, if you're not sure then check the contract.

Oh, and what Zirax said too! That is a VERY good idea, and possibly a lot quicker than 2 months notice.

08-02-2011, 00:21
Since the Landlord is under a duty of care to repair sanitary ware (i.e. the bathroom), they don't have a leg to stand on...


Go back to the agent and mention this to them, and that you'd be within your rights to take it further. That might give them the kick they need. This will probably also help with playing the 'Zirax card' :)